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Common Concepts in Drug Education

The following are the usual words you will encounter in studying substance use and abuse:
• Drugs are any substances or chemicals which when taken into the body either though
nasal, oral, transdermal or intravenous way have psychological, emotional and behavioral
effects on a person.
• Drugs of abuse are drugs commonly abused by users. In the Philippines the three
drugs of abuse are shabu, marijuana and inhalants.
• Drug dependence is a cluster of physiological, behavioral and cognitive phenomena of
variable intensity in which the use of a drug takes on a high priority thereby creating a strong
desire to take the substance
• Drug Misuse – is the use of the substance incoherent or inconsistent with the prescribe
dosage or frequency of use
• Drug abuse is the use of a substance for non-medical purposes. Abuse lead to organ
damages like brain damage and liver damages, addiction and trouble behavioral pattern.
• Drug Tolerance – Is the condition of the body to adapt to the effects of substance to
experience the same physiological and mental effect experience when taking the smaller
According to the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) (the government agency mandated to
formulate policies on illegal drugs in the Philippines), there are 1.8 million current drug users
in the Philippines, and 4.8 million Filipinos report having used illegal drugs at least once in their
lives.(March 9, 2019)
ANN Glob Health 2019; 85(1): 26.
Published online 2019 Mar 5. doi: 10.5334/aogh.28
This module gives the different risks and protective factors in substance use, abuse
and drug dependence. Risk factors are those that contribute to drug abuse. Protective factors
prevent drug use. You will be asked to discuss in depth these risk factors and protective
You will also be asked to analyze different situations where you might encounter
these factors necessary to combat and reduce the illegal distribution, manufacture and sale
of drugs of abuse

Risk and Protective Factors for Drug Use, Misuse, Abuse and Dependence
The use, misuse and abuse of drugs are the results of various factors surrounding a
person. These factors either increase or decrease the possibility of a person to use drugs.
Risk factors are those influences which increase the chances of using, misusing and
abusing drugs. Protective factors, on the other hand, are those influences which decrease the
chances of using, misusing and abusing drugs. According to studies, protective factors
counterbalance negative effects of risk factors. It is important to understand that it does not
necessarily mean that several risk factors present make a person highly susceptible to drug
use, misuse and abuse. Protective factors even if few in number may be enough to work
against the risk factors, more so if there are several of these protective influences. These
factors are composed of influences in different domains of life.
Drug use-Proper use of drugs
Drug misuse- Improper use of drugs
Drug abuse – Excessive use of drugs for
personal satisfaction
Operations conducted by different law
enforcing agencies like the Philippine
National Police (PNP), National Bureau of
Investigation (NBI), Philippine Drug
Enforcement Agency (PDEA), Bureau of
Customs and other law enforcers have
helped arrest local and international drug syndicate members, traffickers, and destroy secret
laboratories and warehouses.
• Strict implementation of policies under the “Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002” like the
compulsory drug test for application of driver’s license, entrance to military service, application
for firearms licensing, and others are also implemented.
• Actualization of the Dangerous Drugs Board’s programs and projects in partnership with
other agencies like the Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD) and other local government units (LGU) and non-government
organizations (NGO) were also done.

Psychoactive Drug

A psychoactive drug or psychotropic substance is a chemical substance that
acts primarily upon the central nervous system where it alters brain function, resulting in
temporary changes in perception, mood, consciousness and behavior.
These drugs may be used recreationally to:
✓ purposefully alter one's consciousness (such as coffee, alcohol or cannabis)
✓ as entheogens for spiritual purposes (such as the mescaline-containing peyote cactus
or psilocybin-containing mushrooms)
✓ and also as medication (such as the use of narcotics in controlling pain, stimulants

to treat narcolepsy and attention disorders, as well as anti-depressants and anti-
psychotics for treating neurological and psychiatric illnesses).

Many of these substances (especially the stimulants and depressants) can be habit-forming,
causing chemical dependency and may lead to substance abuse. Conversely, others (namely
the psychedelics) can, in certain circumstances, help to treat and even cure such addictions.

Classification of Drugs of Abuse

The Dangerous Drugs Board listed three major drugs of abuse in the Philippines. These
are methamphetamine hydrochloride or “shabu”, cannabis sativa or “marijuana” and inhalants
better known as “solvents”. These drugs of abuse are included in the six classifications of drug.

The six classifications of drugs are the following

1. Gateway drugs
Gateway drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol are legal drugs that a non-drug user might try,
which can lead him/her to more dangerous drugs such as marijuana and shabu. Teenagers
who engage in early smoking and early drinking have a higher chance of using and
experimenting with dangerous drugs of abuse.
2. Depressant drugs
Depressant drugs slow down a person’s central nervous system (CNS). The Central nervous
system includes the brain, spinal cord and nerves. Doctors commonly prescribe depressant
drugs to help certain persons to be less angry, less stressed or tensed
3. Stimulant drugs
Stimulant drugs speed up a person's central nervous system. Stimulant drugs have the
opposite effect of depressants. Stimulants make a person’s energy high. Negative effects of
stimulants include depression and tiredness. Stimulants include amphetamines which include
shabu, caffeine, nicotine and cocain.
4. Narcotics
Narcotics are drugs which relieve pain and induce sleepiness. In medicine, these drugs
are administered in moderation to patients with mental disorders and those in severe pain like
cancer. Narcotic drugs include cocaine, heroin and marijuana. These drugs are illicit and
dangerous if taken.
5. Hallucinogens
Hallucinogens are drugs which distorts reality and facts. It affects all senses and makes
a user see, hear and feel things that don’t exist in the time being. The name hallucinogen came
from the word hallucination which is to perceive illusions.
6. Inhalants
Inhalants are found in ordinary household chemical products and anesthetics. It is readily
available and accessible to young children. Inhalant intoxication is similar to the signs and
symptoms of alcohol intoxication. One difference is the foul smell of chemicals sniffed, inhaled
or huffed by the user. Continuous use and abuse leads to delusions, brain damage, liver
damage, coma and death. Examples of household products used as inhalants are acetone,
rugby or solvent, ordinary and spray paint, cleaning fluids and air conditioner fluid (Freon).
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