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Chapter 5 : Sexual Orientation

A person's sexual orientation can be at the root of how people treat them. Although a person's sexual preference does not have a direct negative impact on our society any more than other preferences, it still remains a taboo that many look down upon. There is no way to know an exact number of homosexuals in our country because not everyone is willing to share this information.

Homosexuality has always existed. Homosexuality was very prevalent in ancient times. The male figure was highly respected (even by other men) and was seen as an instrumental part of a man's existence. Because of this deep admiration for the male body, many men would fall in love with other men. It was through the Greeks that the word "hermaphrodite" (half man and half woman) came to exist.

According to the Greeks, Hermaphrodites was bathing in a pond when he was observed by a nymph. She fell in love with him instantly and seduced him. She made such passionate love to him that their bodies merged into one making him half man and half woman. Now there is an element of each sex within us and one can prevail over the other at any time.

This, of course, is mythology; however, it reveals to us that sexual orientation was still in question during ancient times. The debate continues as to whether sexual orientation is a matter of preference or a matter of biology.

A person's sexual orientation is very often a person's master status. That is, they are known for being gay over any other status in their life. This occurs primarily because many have not opened up to the idea that same sex couples can feel very much what heterosexuals feel. Recently, we have seen a trend of same sex marriages, athletes coming out, and issues with gays in the military.

Gay seniors are more likely to live alone. In addition, they are four times less likely to have children to care for them, and remain fearful of discrimination from health care and social service workers. As a person gets older, the multiple statuses they hold tend to intersect and conspire to make social acceptance more difficult. Once a senior retires, their role in society is diminished because they do not play the same productive role as they had before. When the label of being retired intersects with issues, such as, homosexuality, age, and gender, this degree of intersectionality can play a significant role in the well-being of a person's life.

Chapter 6: Age and Aging

When we consider discrimination, classes of people, and minority groups, the older population is intuitively excluded from the social equation. But at what point is a person considered "old"? What are some of the things we do to stay young? Why is it important to stay young? The answer to these questions rests in the change of status that an old person goes through as they begin the aging process. Society has age categories for almost everything and restaurants have gone to the extent of having a "senior menu".

When people's roles in society begin to change, it becomes an indication of age. When a person retires, they automatically share the same social status as all other retired people. Regardless of money, a CEO of a company who retires is considered just as retired as a janitor who retired at the same time. In essence, our roles in society are an important part of when society begins to think of someone as being old. But if a person is still capable of working, should they be discriminated against? Does a company have a legal right to consider the potential risks of hiring someone older?

The issue of age brings with it the problem of gender as well. There tends to be a double standard to aging because society views older men and women much differently. While a man is very often judged by what he has accomplished in his life and the wealth he has obtained, a woman continues to be judged by her appearance. Anti-aging creams and fitness programs are very often targeting a strictly female population.

Biology also tends to discriminate against older populations. Health care and lifestyle become a prevalent problem. Although illness does not discriminate on the basis of age, it is not something that younger people worry about until the reach a certain age.

Sociologists examine age and the process of aging through a life course perspective. This perspective examines the entire course of human life from childhood, adolescence, and adulthood to old age. Gerontology is the specific study of aging and the elderly.

Demography is the study of changes and trends in a population, and demographers have identified several reasons for population aging. Population aging is caused by a decline in birth rates. Also, population aging can also occur because of an improving life expectancy rate. This is owed to medical and technological advancements. Finally, the process of population aging can be influenced by the characteristics of birth cohorts. Populations are aging worldwide; however, the level and pace vary considerably depending on the geographic region.

Chapter 7 Families

The family is arguably the most important agent of socialization in our lives. Contrary to many beliefs that the outside world has the most influence on us, the family continues to be the most influential agent in our lives. Families are composed of many walks of life. There are wealthy families, poor families, middle-class, extended family, and step-family. The questions for sociologists are how did society play a role in the development of these families? How does society impact these different unique families? What factors contribute to some families getting along while other become estranged? Why do some members of a family get along better with some family members and not so well with others?

The most studied social phenomena has to do with the concept of nature versus nurture? Do you have older siblings that did not go to college? If so, why did you go? Do you have any siblings currently in prison? If so, why are you not in prison? Are these questions of nature or nurture? Regardless of the answer, it still leaves a huge gap in understanding why the family remains such a mysterious social phenomenon. If the answer is nurture, it would not explain why two siblings brought up in the exact same environment grew up to be so different. If the answer is nature, it would not explain why the genetics would be so different between a pair of siblings that came from the same parents.

Another important question for sociologists is the causes for dysfunction within a family unit. What factors contribute to family conflict? What role does society play in creating these factors and is there a solution to them? Dysfunctions happen within the family unit much in the same way they take place in society as a whole. Are family conflicts a domestic problem or are they a social problem for the entire community? This chapter will assist readers in answering these questions and developing a strong understanding of how families play a role in our lives and how sociology can answer some of the more important questions.

The proportion of nuclear families is decreasing, and these families are being replaced with family structures that include single-parent, blended, adoptive, foster, grandparent, and same-sex partner households. The increasing diversity of American families requires that we broaden our research and policy agendas beyond traditional family forms. Perhaps one solution to this "problem" of families is to appreciate and embrace other family forms.

According to an interactionist, through social interaction, we create and maintain our definition of family. As we do this, it effects our larger social definition of what everyone's family should be like and the kind of family that we create for ourselves.

Chapter 7 Families

The family is arguably the most important agent of socialization in our lives. Contrary to many beliefs that the outside world has the most influence on us, the family continues to be the most influential agent in our lives. Families are composed of many walks of life. There are wealthy families, poor families, middle-class, extended family, and step-family. The questions for sociologists are how did society play a role in the development of these families? How does society impact these different unique families? What factors contribute to some families getting along while other become estranged? Why do some members of a family get along better with some family members and not so well with others?

The most studied social phenomena has to do with the concept of nature versus nurture? Do you have older siblings that did not go to college? If so, why did you go? Do you have any siblings currently in prison? If so, why are you not in prison? Are these questions of nature or nurture? Regardless of the answer, it still leaves a huge gap in understanding why the family remains such a mysterious social phenomenon. If the answer is nurture, it would not explain why two siblings brought up in the exact same environment grew up to be so different. If the answer is nature, it would not explain why the genetics would be so different between a pair of siblings that came from the same parents.

Another important question for sociologists is the causes for dysfunction within a family unit. What factors contribute to family conflict? What role does society play in creating these factors and is there a solution to them? Dysfunctions happen within the family unit much in the same way they take place in society as a whole. Are family conflicts a domestic problem or are they a social problem for the entire community? This chapter will assist readers in answering these questions and developing a strong understanding of how families play a role in our lives and how sociology can answer some of the more important questions.

The proportion of nuclear families is decreasing, and these families are being replaced with family structures that include single-parent, blended, adoptive, foster, grandparent, and same-sex partner households. The increasing diversity of American families requires that we broaden our research and policy agendas beyond traditional family forms. Perhaps one solution to this "problem" of families is to appreciate and embrace other family forms.

According to an interactionist, through social interaction, we create and maintain our definition of family. As we do this, it effects our larger social definition of what everyone's family should be like and the kind of family that we create for ourselves.

Chapter 8: Education

The importance of our education experiences a significant shift throughout the course of our lives. Think about your attitude or the importance you placed on your education in middle school. How does your attitude then differ from high school? How does your attitude and approach to high school differ from your attitude about your college courses now?

Yes, our maturity levels may have something to do with this; however, there may also be an intuitive monetary motivation behind why our attitudes change. We don't think of high school as a step towards a good paying job even if we need it to go to college. Most of you have plans and personal goals at this stage in your life. But have you ever given thought to why you are going into the field that you are going into? Was your decision process guided by what your current financial situation or degree availability was? How close to your genuine direction are you really headed? Was there something else you had preferred to do under different circumstances? Finally, did your earlier education environment have anything to do with you not going in the direction you truly wanted to pursue?

Over the course of the years, schools have focused more on standardized testing than they have on traditional educational approaches. The education system has become a business more than institutions of learning. Some students have found it very difficult to keep up with these forms of education and have fallen behind. In turn, we see an increase of violence in our schools, drop outs, and emphasis on vocational training more than traditional education.

As you go through this chapter in the text, consider how much of this relates to your own personal experience. The institution of education has a set of manifest functions and latent functions. Manifest functions are intended goals or consequences of the activities within an institution. Educator's primary goal is to educate. Other manifest functions include personal development, proper socialization, and employment. Latent functions may be less obvious.

Conflict theorists do not see education as an equalizer; rather, they see education as a divider, dividing the haves from the have-nots in our society. From this perspective, conflict theorists focus on the social and economic inequalities inherent in our educational system and how the system perpetuates these inequalities. Inequalities are based, not just on social class but also on gender relations in schools.

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