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What To Do When You Have No Ideas On How To Build Backlinks
How to improve existing content to create a backlinking magnet
Everybody experiences it. The next piece of useful, engaging content we want to create deserves dozens if not hundreds of backlinks, but we're out of ideas. The Internet is not limited, and it is possible to return to the well more than once. If you have a favorite article you think could be improved, or if or you want to revamp something you made years ago, there are many ways to create engaging content, even if you're not starting from scratch.

This is how one professional boosted his content to increase search traffic by 110% in just 14 days.

Find Link-Worthy Content

First things first: You need to ensure the article is the most useful, engaging, visually appealing, and downright awesome piece of content you have seen in quite some time. The piece doesn't have to be your work because we won't share it as is.

When you have found that, you need to confirm that previous audiences were obsessed with the same kind of content. Ahrefs has a role to play in this situation. Using it is the easiest way to find content from a number of different sites. Simply enter your favorite industry website and find content on that site widely linked to by at least 25 other sites. That's enough to convince you whatever you have to show is something others will want to see. The question is, how do you take it to the next level?

Juice It Up
There are a number of ways to transform existing content into a beast that will attract links left and right:

Using this method works great for stats pages, but you should also use it if a post is over a couple years old. It is likely that it could use an update to make sure it has the most current and accurate information.
It's Time to Beef It Up: If it's a list (as most linkbait is these days), see if you can make it longer and more useful. Almost always, you can find more if you look hard enough. Your content could stand out if you added another 10, 15 or 30 items.
Why not begin by prettying up the page or presentation, if you thought it could do with some work? Enhance the presentation with a new layout or presentation of the content; add some pictures as long as they don't become extraneous. Compared to the original, the final product may attract many more eyes.
Adding explanations to items that are often omitted is surefire way to boost the value of content. Identify each item in the list with a concise, useful description that differentiates it from the others and explains why it is in the location it is.
Go Get Em
Now that you're done crafting an article that's light years better than its predecessors, it's time to let the world know about it. Thanks to Ahrefs, outreach isn't as tedious as you might think.

Your next step is to export all those links you found to top-linked content into a spreadsheet, and then, by whittling it down, remove forums, article directories and other pages that can cause your domain authority to decrease.

To send these emails, create a template you can use, then modify it appropriately for each of them.

Fire away!

Even if only 10% of your recipients are willing to link to your content, that's an outstanding success.

Just a 11% positive response rate increased search traffic 110% for this pro, so who knows what you can accomplish? There is a technique for building backlinks called the skyscraper, which has been adopted by websites around the world. You might be one of them! Here's to hoping that's you!

Building Backlinks without The Hussle
Most small business owners do not have time to implement that entire process to build a strong backlink profile. Social Cali white-hat link building at play a role in that. It's our responsibility to do all the dirty work; you only need to see the results.

Let's work together; we're ready to enhance your back links, increase your organic search engine rankings, and bring thousands of qualified visitors to your site; we'll handle everything else.

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Regards; Team

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