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What You Need to Know About Weebly and SEO
There are many things that come into play when you're using Weebly and SEO in your endeavors. SEO is not as simple as simply writing a few Meta tags and hoping for the best. SEO is a growing area and requires a lot more forethought and care to ensure that you get the most for your hard work. If you haven't been on top of SEO lately, it may be time to change that now.

The first thing to know about SEO is that keywords play a large part in how your site is ranked. You will want to find ways to make sure that the Weebly template tag for your page titles and permalinks is set to match the actual keywords that are being searched for. This way, when someone searches, they will find your page more easily and will have a better chance of being converted to a sales or lead form. This can all be automated with the use of a weebly plugin such as wp-ebs. Other than that, the rest of the Weebly working has to be in place.

The next step is to think about what other content on your site might be keyword enriched. Often, articles can be keyword enriched by including the city, state, and country that the writer lives in, as well as what products or services they sell. Another great thing to do is use the title and meta description of each page as a place to put keywords that the search engine will rank highly for. This means that you won't have to waste a ton of time trying to figure out how to rank for every keyword in existence.

A good example of this is the way WordPress automatically ranks all of its pages. When users search for a particular word or phrase, they will see which pages are ranked high, and which pages they should click on. In this way, using a great WordPress plugin such as WP Pompeat is very beneficial when optimizing your Weebly site.

Once you have your keywords loaded into the WordPress database, you can use the Search All WordPress Plugins to instantly display any keyword in the html code of your website. For instance, if you have a blog that has a large number of pictures, you could use a Search All WordPress Plugin to quickly search for any picture matching a search term. Of course, search results will be different depending on the search engine that is used. However, using a quality plugin such as WP Enterprise Search will ensure that your search results are very relevant to users. Remember, search engines are constantly changing their algorithms and it can take many months for them to make the changes. So, make sure that you are always updating your code.

Another useful Weebly SEO plugin is the one that allows you to find out the exact position that each keyword is placed in a page. For example, if you search for "weight loss" in Google, and you are on page eight, the keyword is likely to be found at the very bottom of the page, right next to the phrase "How To Gain Weight." If you were to search for "How To Gain Weight" at the top of the page (which is highly unlikely), the keyword would be found at the very top, and in most cases, it would not appear at all. Thus, being able to find out exactly where a keyword is placed is very beneficial, especially if you want to target that keyword on different pages of your website.

Yet another great Weebly SEO plugin is called Search All You Can, and it works extremely well. Basically, this plugin goes out and scours the entire internet looking for articles, blogs, and anything else about the exact subject that you want to rank for. It then takes those articles and puts them all in one place, allowing you to view everything in one window. This means that you can focus on one thing, such as an article or blog post, and the rest of your site will not slow down. This plugin also has the ability to search within specific topic categories, so if you wanted to rank for "acne treatment," for example, you simply had to go into the "acne treatment" category and search for it.

If you don't have any luck with either of these plugins, or simply don't want to deal with the hassles of digging through internet search results, you should consider using a third party site that specializes in SEO and keyword finding. There are quite a few of these sites available, and one of my favorite is called Keyword Elite. Not only does it allow you to find the exact keyword phrases that you're looking for, but it also provides a ranking system based on your keywords. This means that you can start off with the least effective keywords and work your way up. Also, you will get daily updates on how your site is doing and what the competition is doing, giving you hints on how to improve your website. The best part is, it all gets filtered through a site that only allows you to view the most effective sites.
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