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A Patient's Guide to Trigeminal Neuropathies

Trigeminal Neuropathies is a group of pains that occur in various parts of the face such lower face, jaw, and the nose. Some time patient feels searing pain in the area of the lips, nose, and even the eyes. Trigeminal Neuropathies can also be known by the name of Trigeminal neuralgia. This is an facial nerve condition. Certain medical professionals refer to it as the tic douloureaux syndrome because it's one of the most painful conditions that can be found in human beings. Trigeminal Neuralgia is entirely non-nociceptive due to the damage or irritation of the nerve.

In the context in medical research, trigeminal Neurology is the pain that occurs along the course of a nerve. The reason for this is irritation or injury to the nerve. The condition that causes pain can be caused by the trigeminal nervous system and is also the longest and broadest-reaching nerve in the brain. This article we're providing you with a comprehensive user's manual for Trigeminal Neuralgia in which you will be able to learn about its causes, symptoms, and treatments.

Trigeminal Symptoms and Trigeminal Neuralgia

Blood vessel pressing is among of the main reasons for Trigeminal Neuralgia. Blood vessel pressing places pressure on the root of the Trigeminal nerve which causes Trigeminal Neuralgia. The blood vessel pressing causes the the Trigeminal nerve to send pain signals to the central nervous system. Because of these pain signals the patient experiences painful, stinging pains across various facial areas. The tumor could also cause pressing of the nerve.

Other potential causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia could be:

Demyelination of the nerve can result in Trigeminal Neuralgia because it can cause damage to the conductivity and activity capacity of the nerve. If the nerve is demyelinated is very much severe, it is known by the name of Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

A massive clot or a tumor which can cause pressure on the root of the trigeminal nerve is another reason for Trigeminal Neuralgia. However, this is extremely uncommon.

Damaging of the trigeminal nerve external to the body in the form of an injury, surgical procedure or an infection.

Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Certain people who suffer of Trigeminal Neuralgia have reported that this pain is short-lived but extremely stinging. The patient feels this pain that is pulsing across the damaged nerve. If not treated in the beginning the condition can develop into chronic pain. Trigeminal Neuralgia is more prevalent in women than men according to researches. The main symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia are:

A short, alternating period of pain can last for just a few seconds or even minutes.

Electric shocks that cause severe episodes similar to pain.

A sudden increase in pain is caused by contact with the area that is affected on the facial area. Acute pain in the face when trying to chew food, brushing the teeth, or speaking.

The pain of spasms.

Numbness in the face before the starting of pain.

When it comes to Trigeminal Neuralgia, the patient feels pain in three types of regions based on the branching of the Trigeminal nerve.

Ophthalmic Area:In this type of area of pain, it is usually affects the forehead, eyes and nose.

Mandibular Area: Pain affects the regions of the mouth, lips, teeth (lower), and gums.

Maxillary Pain affects the eyelids, nose slide cheeks, and upper teeth.

The diagnosis of trigeminal Neuralgia

A thorough doctor's checkup is essential for the identification of trigeminal Neuralgia. In most cases, an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan is very helpful in this regard as it can eliminate all other conditions with similar symptoms such as a tooth decay or tumor. But, MRI is not able to pinpoint the precise cause behind Trigeminal nerve irritation.

Management of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Two different types of treatments are typically used to treat Trigeminal Neuralgia, Prescribed medication and surgery.

Prescribed Medicines:

There are a few medications in the market to treat Trigeminal Neuralgia but they become less effective with time because of an increase in the body's tolerance. These medications can have a variety of undesirable negative side effects as well. Health officials and doctors generally use three medications to treat Trigeminal Neuralgia: Anticonvulsants, Antispasticity agents and alcohol injections.

* Anticonvulsants:

Painkillers that are commonly used do not relieve Trigeminal Neuralgia pain and for this reason, doctors use prescribed anticonvulsant medicines. The primary purpose of anticonvulsants is the protection of the patient from seizures but they are also able to hinder nerve signals to prevent pain. Anticonvulsants block pain signal transmission by calming the nerve impulse.

The most common Anticonvulsants that can be utilized in the treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia are:

Valproic Acid





It is sometimes the case that Anticonvulsants cannot work continuously in the same way and decrease in effectiveness over time. In this kind of case the doctor will alter the anticonvulsant, and prescribe a new one.

There are certain adverse reactions that are associated with anticonvulsants for example:




Suicidal thoughts

Vision problem

* Antispasticity drugs

Antispasticity drugs are relaxing agents. Their primary function is to calm down the nerve impulse, as well as provide ease pain. Baclofen is the best example of these drugs. Doctors prescribe Baclofen as a stand-alone drug or in conjunction along with anticonvulsants. Drowsiness and confusion are a few side effects of Antispasticity agents.

* Alcohol Injection

Alcohol injections are injected into the parts of the face suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia for removing numbness from the affected areas. The use of alcohol injections is particularly on areas that are painful to the face.


Surgery is another treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia. The primary purpose behind Surgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia includes:

To stop or remove any artery or vein that is pressing on the Trigeminal nerve.

The conductivity or damage in the Trigeminal nerve, preventing it to send pain signals that are uncontrolled to the brain.

The damage to the Trigeminal nerve by surgery could result in permanent or temporary numbness to the face. Patients may experience relief for a short time after surgery, however symptoms could return in the course of several months or even years.

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