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Something positive words: I got to kind of keep my parents about me because I don't really get balls turn right: [, Music, ], what's up everybody, my name's CJ Faison, first and foremost, welcome to my channel. If you are new here, do me a big favor hit that subscribe button drop a like on this video if you're really diggin it tonight, I'm here at the Pokemon force not going to take much of your time, but I'm alone. Unfortunately, and if you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you kind of know, the updates sunny is out of town for a few days and what that means is I got ta go and got to keep on making and creating. This is gon na be a long night. I got to keep on making and creating content. I really hope that was way off in the distance, but tonight I am here at the Pocomoke forest and what I'm doing I have got a brand new tent and I've got a brand new sleeping bag right here. So what this means is, basically, we are going to spend the night in the forest and when I say we I mean me and you watching the video at home. If you all saw a previous video of mine, this area behind me looks really familiar. This is actually the side of the Pocomoke forest and it's very very dense, dense, dense woods around here tonight. I am writing the rest by going camping on my own, but there are so many different wives tales about this place and I definitely want to keep you all in the loop on all of these wives tales that are here and urban legends. I guess I should say about the Pocomoke forest now, the first one is the hook. Man supposedly he killed somebody with a hook and he got a hook on his hand. That sounds pretty hokey to me. Keep hearing gunshots so without any further ado, I'm gon na. Let you all know one thing here and I actually I'm not really sure if I feel safe leaving my truck, but it is what it is. So this cemetery right here was one that myself [ Music, ], [, Music, ] hello. This one right here is actually one that sunny Holly Eric and I we all came to - and this is actually where I first thought sunny got possessed - was in this within this general vicinity right here. But what I'm gon na do is this is I'm gon na? Take you all on a really really wild and crazy adventure tonight we're gon na break out the spirit box. We'Re gon na bring the dowsing rods out. outsideinaspen are gon na use the EMF meter to see if we can find anything true or false about the pokemon forest and again, probably one of the dummer things that I've ever done was decide to house it. Bird I like I said this is gon na, be a really really long night, so hopefully that you all enjoy this. I got to save my batteries. All I brought three batteries and, as you can see, it is around 5:30 at night. So what I'm gon na do I'm gon na put the camera down. I'M gon na walk down that trail right down through there, and I want to go deep enough into the forest to where I don't have to worry about someone like easily finding me, because my truck is gon na, be a dead giveaway. I want to be far enough into the woods in a random spot, so then that way again no one can mess with me. They will know that my trucks here, but are they're, really gon na, come searching through the woods for me, probably not unless they're psycho crazy killer. I don't know, but anyway guys girls, let's get going party everybody. I have officially set up tent for the night or camp. I guess I should say, and it was actually a little bit more difficult than I thought it was gon na be. It took me a little bit to find my spot here here in the forest, because again I wanted to go to somewhere like super remote. So, as you can see, there's a nice little area around me, but you know other than that. I want to show you all what I've got. I'Ve got my sleeping bag and I've got my backpack on right here. I always come with all this extra stuff that you don't need for some weird reason and it's a little bit later into the night. I walked for probably about 40 min or so, and I'm gon na show you kind of that kind of the way I came from. I ran across something pretty interesting and I was like alright, I'm gon na go back and play the spirit box by this thing and, like I told you, the woods are really really dense through here. I'M trying cut oh yeah, you can see all my footsteps through here, but what I want you want to do is I want you to pay very, very close attention in the background of this video. If you see anything, if you hear anything comment below, let me know I had another hoodie in my bag. How to put that on. I had to put this beanie on here. I just shaved my head, so unfortunately, it's gon na eat like crazy, but hey. It'S all part of it again like who else has taken you all on some crazy explorations like this, like, of course, you know we can all hit abandoned places and stuff like that, how about really risking it going out in the wild trying to get lost going Camping someone call it stupid, I call it fun. I hope you all call it fun for everyone watching on the couch here. So if you haven't already hit up my social medias, let me know that you watch this video and you let me try and find this other spot for y'all, because I'm gon na play the spirit box there. So I'm also gon na add in the video right here next, some of the wise tales and legends about the Pocomoke forest roll it. I wanted to actually break my phone out, because I want to tell you what concerns me more than anything. It'S the hook. Man now this story here about the Pocomoke forest hook. Man is definitely one of the creepiest ones of all time, because this is dealing with an actual human being. Now there are lots of things that they call elementals out here in the Pocomoke force, which are spirits, demons things along those lines on that reside. Here, there's been a lot of weird history with the Pokemon, for she can look at look it up online spoke afoot. It is Pocomoke Forest Maryland check that out. So here's the story of the hook, man, a young man and lady - were parking and the confines of the Pocomoke forest. The radio was playing and all the sudden special bulletin came on. It seems that an inmate had escaped from the Cambridge State Hospital. He was last seen headed towards a Pocomoke force from the Salisbury Area. He could be recognized at about six feet: tall weighing 165 pounds with jet-black hair and a beard that was also black his hand. His right hand had been cut off and in its place, was a hook. His problem was, he killed people who disturbed a Pocomoke forest and about that's [, __ ] great. In about a half hour, the young lady broke away from the young man's embrace scared to death. She insisted that he take her home right now, because she had heard a noise when the young man and the young lady got out of the car. They heard a clanging noise, they looked in the gutter beside the car and there lay a hook to this day. The crazy man with a hook has been seen many times. Oh man, I met chills but has never been caught. This is a story that is well known and believed by many people, and Who am I to say this is just a story: [, Music, ], okay. So now I got a lot. My biggest fear right now is hook bin. It'S not a ghost. This is nuts all right, so the woods are tough break his head, there's something over here by the tree. What is it what in the world is that? What is that I might having a spooky ass birthday party out here? Well strange. I only called it because it's like a little reflective and that's what caught my attention sound, like hmm, go check this out. Where was the freaking thing Lex, I have a trouble find him. I guess an animal walking all right. This was actually the spot right here. Um, I don't know how true this is, but they say when trees are bent sideways. It'S like some type of Native American symbol. Well, I mean not to be stupid or anything, but I kept seeing these trees as I'm coming up the hill. It actually goes downhill that way and I kept seeing them they're like bent over. I like see that one's kind of like girl inside view there, so what I'm gon na do. Next, I'm gon na break out the spirit box, see if we can get anything see if we get anything on camera and then ah then, when y'all probably break out the dowsing rods and then the EMF meter and we'll see if this is true, if Pocomoke horse Is truly haunted or not, I'm gon na use the app it's called necro phonic and it's definitely a different app. I will give it that I actually when it comes to apps. I don't know if I technically believe, but this app here, I truly feel like it is actually reading. You know the radio frequencies, because there has been some different advertisements that I've heard that I'm like the name or like the voice. I can. I can understand that it's definitely reading the frequency. It'S normal, like your phone, can pick up a mm FM. It'S a smart phone clearly, so I'm gon na try this app out here in the Pokemon Force and see if we can come up with anything, so pay close attention and we're gon na ask it some questions and hopefully get some answers. Is there anyone here with me? Are there multiple spirits here turn around? Did you just tell me to turn around listen to me, yep? No. Are there any spirits with me right now how many spirits are present right now? Is there any spirits that would like to communicate? Are there any spirits that would like to communicate with me? Are there any spirits here with me right now, [, Music ]? All I'm gon na keep on walking a little bit further and see what we can find and I got ta kind of keep my bearings about me because I don't really get lost and where did my gloves just go? Okay, so that was a complete and utter fail, so we're gon na keep on walking and trekking through these woods. I hate that the spirit box is so freaking loud Jesus trying to figure out oh [, __ ], that was my [ __ ] wife. I got ta be able to make my way. That'S the way everything be able to make my way somewhere. That'S my flight, that's maybe a laughter, so I'm actually thinking this might be a lot to write here. This is television. Did I have a standoff? I have my light off ever since my first saw flash towards my way. Oh Oh, Oh [, __ ]. I know that you all can't see me right now, but I've finally been sitting here for at least at least 25 - maybe 30 minutes where that person is they are not the hunter, because I don't know not this late at night at least I could just don't Hear the person I wish, I could see my camera, I got ta make my way back to attend. I really do look debating whether if this was a good idea, I've been pressed up on this tree this tree for a little bit. Now I'm trying to remain calm and be rational and think that maybe that just a hunter, but I still don't know what a hunter would be doing out here. This Stanley at night there's thirst, I'm sorry, but unless you're spotlighting gear you're not running out here, but I'm debating on whether or not to pack up my tent and leave or just leave or stay the night I mean I don't know what the odds of that. Actually be enough hook, man is again that's an old, legendary Waqas tale, but that person was really really skinny like tall and skinny does really strange, looking I'm sure, y'all [ __ ] in here. However, this is talking. Please just check my phone it's about 1:30 now and I just want to stay in the same place. I don't want to be able to move, but I mean I want to be able to move, but I'm too scared to move away from this area because it's open and if I get into a closed area where I got run through some briar patches, it ain't Gon na happen like something could actually get me at that point. I keep hearing things over here and back behind me right over here by the camera should say what oh, I think I did. Actually I don't think I did yeah I did yeah. I think I said that up here's what I'm gon na do I'm gon na get in the tent. I got to get warm. I'M froze right now get in the damn tent. Okay, I've done this thing. I think I've ever done. Actually, I'm unvoluntary spent the night on the east side of the Pocomoke forest, and that was about. I was about two years ago now they did that and put us. It was the dumbest thing I think I've ever done, but this is voluntary, camping. Okay, I can't see how that means. I can't see you, I don't think. Ok, let's break out the spirit box will not be able to say that you know I die. Here'S one thing that I will say. I think that the most important think the east side of the forest has definitely got some haunted history about it. I didn't have my jacket put on correctly, I'm real quick, it's a good time for a a merch promo, real, quick shop motivated calm. You can get this hoodie right here and this beanie and it will be on sale put in promo code Pocomoke and the check out it's gon na give you a special mount off. So definitely go. Do that right now, I'm putting this back on and again, I don't recommend doing anything that I'm doing in this video besides by the merch. Is there any? Is there any spirits present tonight? Are there any spirits present here tonight? Are there any spirits that would like to communicate with me? Are there any spirits, evil, [ Applause, ], [ Applause ]? So I have to personally do this for myself, I chickened out of so many situations and there's so many explainable things. That literally, could have been a tree branch earlier that fell out and hit the tent there's so many different options in it, and I don't want to freak myself out. I truly want to do this for me. It'S why I'm staying here if I actually felt in danger, I would not be staying here so um. I got thinking about it and I'm thinking to myself, I'm like okay. That was probably a hunter looking for its deer that it may have killed earlier in the night or in the day, because I know you know some deer hunters actually will spend hours looking for a deer, so why you would want to do that. I don't know but whatever so I'm gon na go roll on sleep. If I hear anything weird, I'm definitely going to have my knife out, but if I don't I'm probably asleep like a sound baby and yeah, I will see you all in the morning. Anything weird or strange happens, and I will put a clip up right after this all right. It'S just a little bit later in the night and my battery has already died. So, but I don't even know if there's anything on the on the footage. But I heard something just a little earlier and you know I'm gon na sound like a. I don't know like you know, like antlers, like crying together almost sound like two deer like fighting with each other. So I don't know I put a fresh battery and a new memory card in there. I'M gon na set it over here. Let your Bob bask in your glory and watch me freeze for the rest of the night. Oh, I know I don't have much battery left on my camera, but I finally made it back out to the trail. I thought I'd never get out of this freakin place, hopefully no way. That'S my truck [ Music ] [, Music, ], [, Music, ]. You, you
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