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URBAN STEALTH in COLDEST place on earth // E09 // Winter car camping
[, Music, ] [, Music, ], [, Music, ], so so [, Music, ], [, Music, ], [, Music, ], oh okay! Now can you come? Do you want me to get this side or not? Just let me get this first. Is it right? Is it good yeah? I think so that's in the bag just throw them in the background, remove your treats over here some of my nuts so ideal. So it's my crib get rid of that and i'll get rid of that behind you. Okay, so um cut the deck. I think you start what do i start: yeah um, nine fifteen language, thirty-one 25, plus six, oh yeah. I thought i was counting five kicks so another two okay, i start three, thirteen! You don't get to count them together. I know that, but i'm just you're right. That'S not easy put it down. That would have been more exciting. If i could have, though i know we need to have a pair of sixes three sixes four points. Only four points eh. Why would you have a nine ten jack and a queen and a king? So i think that's five points. It should be more than that so run a five yeah one point per card. So five. I know it's not that exciting. I feel like that should be worth a lot more 15 and i've only got two points me and the viewers are disappointed in that verdict is mine. This time this shuffle was awful. Getting brutalized might as well stop here and show this as well um. You can see we're set at 2.7 hertz right now. Uh 2.7 is the low is 1.6. The high is 4.5, so we're running it quite low um. Still, my batteries are at 12.5 volts they're, underneath this bed kind of where the heater hose is so they stay. Nice and warm, i don't think, we'll - have a problem with them all night, we're at 540 meters, which is the elevation of edmonton, so it adjusts automatically the fuel mixture, no errors, which is a good thing. Um, that's just the time, and it's not right, and this is showing 25 degrees inside which is toasty warm. It is now um 11 o'clock. So, as you can tell it's been running for a few hours, it's definitely going to equalize. This isn't gon na get any colder inside of here and what's temperature outside temperature outside. Let me check that too. I think it was last 32 or 33. yeah we're still at 32, but the forecast shows it dropping sharply to 39 here in the next few hours. Uh by 3 a.m, we're gon na be at the bottom, so i really hope that wind chill picks up a little bit because i want hit minus 53 getting spanked okay, so i got um thanks to the ace two four um and well, that's it [ Music! ] number one nope, and this is mine right. I thought it was mine who dealt. I thought i did, but i can't remember now. No i dove did you yeah? Okay, then it's yours, you're, drunk, no wonder you're winning yeah right eating your way up there. Oh, this is useless. Well, i got two wait. Oh wait, yeah two! This is brutal. Look at that lead, i'm pretty sure um i dealt. No, i'm pretty sure you're cheating, i'm pretty sure, you'd want that because it was a shitty hand to have. I would only get an extra two points from that it wouldn't matter. I still dealt so i don't think so. This is brutal. Did uh. Did we videotape who dealt that one nope, so we can't use the judge she's taking forever uh or i could do this? Do i have to start the jeopardy music she's, making it long and painful she's just drawing it out for the fun of it? So he isn't even sport anymore. You should be shopping, you're, the dealer i know, but i have to show the lovely people on the other side of the camera i am getting. My ass kicked handed to me. This is, like i'm sure, she's like cheating, she's, doing some kind of magic shuffle or something here i can finish up just lucky tonight: i'm not the right kind of lucky. My hand is mine. Just so, you know, yeah there's been lots of confusion during the game and i want to make sure she doesn't try to steal my hand. Okay, my turn right, yep, nine uh: let's go with uh 15. [ Music, ] um, 25. um, 26.. 1. Two three two away from winning um. I have five six seven yep. I think that's everything. Oh eight you're right, [, Music, ] jack, queen king, so it's one two three he's gon na. Let it go yeah all right! Well, it's so close need to capture my triumphant return. Triumphant, try, um triumph, you need a new mouth just so you guys can see. Now it's like spankage time, i'm getting absolutely annihilated. Why is there 29 on that anyways? I don't know. Tell us why there's a 29 on there, someone much smarter than us will tell us in like two seconds. It probably has like zero relevance at all. Someone just made this something in china. Just thought. Oh 29, is a lucky number. Let'S do that an update we're still at 25 degrees. Nothing else has changed: 2.7 hertz, 12.5 volts still. Yeah 25 is pretty toasty and that's 25 at this level, because the temperature sensor is inside the control unit and this hand is yours this time, yeah yeah good. Let me give you some of my garbage. Oh you have to cut, please be a jack, please be a jack, please be a jack, wouldn't it be for me no! No, but i'll take that so will i can you start, and i will take 15.. Oh, that just won the game. Well, actually, not. Quite i have one more point to go: 25. 25, you say 30. and you win the game. Let'S just finish this round and see what happens: okay, two four six and that's it. Okay. I had two four six. Also, oh, wait! No! That'S not true. I had a lot okay, so just let's just go easy. Now, slow it down, take a deep breath: okay, listen so two four 6 8 and then 10 12 right so pretend i have 12 there. I need to start playing. Don'T lose that well, i'm just throwing it over where 12 would be yeah, yeah, okay and then oh, i have a run and a pair i have a really big run. Actually listen! So 12.. I'M going to finish this, like so good, okay, so 12, 13. 14. 14. Okay, now 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. 22, and is there any 15s in here so 22 points yeah, yeah, yeah! I get it! Okay, snack time is right. Oh um, do we want a bowl? We have one right there, it's flat! It'S just full of cashew salt vegans eat, cashew salsa, all the oh yeah. You said you wanted water right. You don't get crumbs in the bed, because the tomatoes were diced. You really are a dad with really bad dad. Humor, i'm not as good as alan taylor, which is a guy. You should follow on twitter by the way. Dad jokes are epic i'll link to it in the description you have paper towels or i think they are under the bed right now, homemade salsa. I don't know if i said that already, but no better kind than homemade your head is hitting that like every second, because it's not high enough for me to duck under it and it's like a string. So i don't even notice it. It'S funny that i noticed a brush in your hair. It hitting my hair annoys you more than it annoys me yeah. It does you're spilling everywhere, mm-hmm! That'S you um! What'S on your side of the blast, radius! Yeah! No mm-hmm! I saw it just happened from you. Just now i think you're smoking, something i'm not end over here. I didn't do that. I didn't do that. Probably when you like leaned over him at the kitchen table, she's got like you when she lifts her plate up, you can see the circle of her plate around food, salt, pepper, all the things she likes to sprinkle all over, not on her plate, not that that Was not me, though, with the nhl we'll go to video review? Not only do you win at crib, but you want it all it's very hard to deal with her hope, you're going to enjoy sleeping on these crumbs. What do you think i look like dave duchovny in that it didn't really. I didn't really think so until i was like watching it, and then it just hit me out of nowhere. Maybe it's like the shadow is around like the top of your head. Okay, the illusion of like his hair, maybe whatever it may be. I don't know he just looked like him in the video. If i wanted to meet one hollywood actor, it would probably be him him you and mcgregor, because i've had a man crushing him forever. Dude law, although i think evan mcgregor, is probably cooler in real life, but you never know how you meet them, um based on what them. So what makes you think that, because shows the motorbike show where you rode around the world on his motorbike, who did not mcgregor and all i know about jude law - is that he probably drives limos or something you want water. But then the other one would be bill murray, i'm not sure. There'S any celebrity that i really care about meeting, but i did meet richard simmons and didn't even know it. Oh that's right. What do you say? Do you know who i am or something like that he came up to me when i was eating dill pickle chips and he was like? Oh, my god, how do you stay so skinny and he was wearing all his like typical richard simmons stuff right, but i was like who's. This weirdo dressed like richard simmons, there's this girl beside him and she was kind of just like watching it all go down. I was kind of like awkwardly, smiling and nodding at him waiting for him for him to leave anyways, and then i think he was expecting some kind of reaction, but i wasn't giving him one just because i thought he was just some weirdo. So i wanted him to leave and and then as they were, leaving the girl turned around and was like yeah that just happened anyways we were at the shaw, no, not the shaw northlands. I was doing that home garden. Show thing, so i was on my break. Anyways then, later for one of those yeah and then later i heard that richard simmons was doing a big workout thing. Battery number three. I think that last one was uh not fully charged normally the cold, especially this cold, sucks the life out of any and every battery you have. So if you don't keep it warm somehow, but they're warm now and there's two big spill spots here that were on that side of the plate. Just to be clear, you can shake that all you want, but you're, probably gon na shake some salsa off of it. Just like you did over there, you get water. No, i didn't you want some sure. Thank you, like napoleon dynamite, all vigorous and whatnot. I did this with a bag in this bill everywhere kind of, like you kind of like that nafta, sweat coming off my face and it has to be juice from gatorade well, should we set this bed up? We probably should so any chance. You think we're going to be harassed tonight, um, it's tough, to say we're going on a night like tonight. No one will be poking around. They think no one in the right mind would be out anywhere. I saw the hope, mission bus and i saw the missile center no different one anyways. When people call the city line the three one, one line to report that someone's out on the street they go and get them one night like what? What center were they opening up for all the homeless people, the commonwealth stadium rec center? So they have like three indoor soccer fields, so i imagine they just set things up in there. What the stats are for people who die on nights like this, like homeless people, i mean it's almost always something it's interesting. That'S funny, there's still a lot of homeless. Here, even though there's extreme cold yeah get it everywhere, put that on the bed on your side. It probably is all right, that's being seen as i'm gon na smell, like salsa all night, long, all right um. I want to put on my pjs before we. How are you, okay, i'm already in my future, turn the camera off. You guys don't get to watch this sorry, just a quick note. The um edmonton parks guys just drove by, but we're in a parking lot that is often used by more than just park visitors. So it looks like they didn't even bat, an eyelash at us and just drove past drove back out again didn't even hesitate, although that might change. So we will keep you posted okay, so we doing shared blankets or separate blankets. No, it's up to you. I mean most times in the night. They end up getting separated anyway, but it depends on how cold you think it's gon na be well with that going right now, we're still at 25 degrees. So i can't see it dropping. Let'S do these ones separate and then we'll throw the gray ones over us and then whatever happens happens, blankets need a directory that will show you, which way is the long way. So knee brace for skiing go by the tank to the side. I guess oh i'm gon na put my phone right here. What do you want to do with these leave them on for a minute, [, Music, ], two peas. In a pod, it feels like it's going to be a very warm night. I just tended to crack this window. Did you turn this down as low as i can go, not as low as it can go? Um it's! It should be good where it's at it's down to 2.2 hertz or 2.1 hertz now reading 13 volts on the battery, which is higher than i would expect it to be, but the temperature outside [ Music ] minus 33, does it feel like anything or no? No. No wind at all, yet the wind isn't going to pick up until about 4 00 a.m. Between 4 and 8 a.m. It'Ll pick up quite a bit, so that's when it'll drop, so our coldest is likely going to be at five to six a.m. Yeah winds of 13 kilometers an hour that might push us over our limit, i'm hoping for that anyway, all right bedtime, uh or on our phone time on our phone time wind down time well good morning, it's seven o'clock um had a relatively good sleep, although around Three in the morning, it had gotten cold in here, because the heater was still on low and the general overall temperature dropped right now the heater is showing that interior. The van is at 13 degrees celsius. I don't know if you can see that three hertz, so it's operating at about two thirds of its capacity. The batteries are at 12.4 volts, so 7 am i've, got a full day of meetings and seminars, so we've got to roll back home and get ready for that. But in the end you can see that minus 41 was the outside temperature with a wind chill minus 48.. So overall, i think it was a successful test. Gives you a really good example of what it's like to live in the freezing cold insulate? Your van and yeah just be able to enjoy the outdoors when most people don't want to enjoy them anyways until next time, [, Music, ], you

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