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Everyone is still adjusting in the new normal. Some others are still affected because of what happened last 2020.
People are still confused, sad, afraid and worried. So, I ask myself “How some other people cope this situation
while others not?” Sometimes it’s positive and others take it negative as pandemic goes it's hard to go outside and
take some risk due to health and most of establishments leads to having a failed thru their business and shut it
down. While others take the opportunity for granted have a grudge and courage to take a risk to open their own
Now let’s talk about the mental health because it’s every important to take care of ourselves. When pandemic
happened to be honest it has very big impact to our mental health since we can’t go outside, we can’t meet our
family or even our friends. You just stay at home with limited physical activities with routine everyday so we got
drained, but there’s a lot of time to try new things and to explore more in the current situation without any
hesitation that anybody would suffer with the assumption of being adequate. The World Health Organization
advises 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week, or a
combination of the two. Even without sophisticated equipment or a large amount of room, these recommendations
can be carried out at home. Physical activity and relaxation techniques can help you stay calm and safeguard your
health during this difficult period. Individuals' health, well-being, and quality of life can be harmed by sedentary
behavior and inadequate levels of physical activity. Self-quarantine can add to residents' stress levels and put their
mental health at risk. For students, this month with COVID-19 has been framed with uncertainty and stress. The
pandemic has had a major impact on daily living, which was already challenging in many nations. The impact of
shuttered schools and children kept at home with little or no access to learning has been catastrophic for schools,
students, and parents. The crisis and its aftermath have exposed flaws in educational systems while also providing
opportunity to reform school education into a more resilient and stronger paradigm. This isn't the first epidemic to
hit countries and schools, and it won't be the last. Climate change, technological shocks, and globalization have all
increased the likelihood of such disasters. Policymakers' top-down approach, reactive adjustments to teacher
preparation and in-service training, and interim improvised arrangements by under-resourced principals and
teachers are not the answers. All parties must be involved in the development of strategies that can be implemented
both in the short and long term. In order to make informed policy to prepare for the new normal in school
education, a discourse across all levels of education is essential.
In the new normal, everyone is still adjusting. Others, on the other hand, who take the opportunity for granted have
a grudge and lack the confidence to take a chance and start their own business. Let's talk about mental health now,
because it's critical that we look after ourselves. This isn't the first time a disease has struck a country or a school,
and it won't be the last.
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Regards; Team

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