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Tui Na Bodywork – Is this an Oriental Massage that you would like to have?
Tui Na, also known as Na Chi is an ancient Chinese philosophy discipline which was developed through the theories and practices of Taoism the classical China school of thought. It is founded on the fundamentals of Yin (or Yang) which are two of the most fundamental elements of classic Chinese philosophy. According to this belief they are interdependent and cannot be existed without the other. They are believed to operate in a way that is synergistic, each supporting and feeding each one. This is how they can improve the health of one another.

A little background knowledge about both Tui Na (acupuncture) may help you to better understand the connection. Tui Na is essentially a form of alternative medicine similar to Acupuncture. It is component of the traditional Chinese medicine and is usually employed in conjunction with moxibustion or acupuncture, herbalism or fire cupping as well as tai chi and any other Chinese internal arts. Through years of study the two methods have demonstrated their immense potential for treatment and prevention for many different kinds of diseases.

For chronic conditions such as cancer, arthritis or digestive problems Acupuncture is an effective treatment. Acupuncturists use tiny needles that apply pressure to specific parts of the body. They believe that the energy points are linked to specific conditions and help to treat, cure or alleviate the problem. The Chinese Moxibustion technique, also known as the Tai Chi Chuan or Moxa is a channel for vital energy that helps help in the healing process. Through this method acupuncturists can target certain areas of the body which are in need of treatment which reduces pain and promoting overall well-being.

Massage therapy is a different form of traditional Chinese medicine. There is usually both a dry and wet method of applying pressure typically with fingers. It is crucial to find the ideal balance between them, which can be achieved using an array of motions. Shiatsu, Thai massage and Qigong are some of the most sought-after massage treatments. These massages help reduce pain and improve general health. They can also assist in combat illness, treat irregularities, boost blood circulation and serve many other functions. As part of Chinese bodywork, Tui Na massage is often used, just like the moxibustions and Acupuncture.

Other therapies used in traditional Chinese medicine could be Qi gong, or "energy exercise" that utilizes the body's energy in order to heal. Tui Na is a form of Qi Gong that incorporates movement and uses finger pressure to stimulate healing. This kind of bodywork is also very helpful to those who experience Qi Gong symptoms, such as fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. The techniques of massage are usually combined with other types of treatments to assist the client in getting rid of these symptoms.

Some types of Tui Na massage are physical in the sense that they are physical in. Certain practitioners, such as many of the most famous names in traditional Chinese medicine, employ the benefits of acupuncture and moxibustion to aid their clients overcome illnesses. Although acupuncture and moxibustion are both types of Chinese massage, they differ slightly in the way that energy is manipulated. Moxabustion is a form of massage that heats the air surrounding a patient by using a flame, whereas acupuncture uses small needles to inject into the skin in precise places.

The two Tui Na as well as Chinese medicine have many similarities. Both are based in the study and treatment of the human body. Both use different massage techniques and traditional remedies to help patients. When it comes to making use of Tui Na for healing purposes it should be done in conjunction with other traditional practices of medicine particularly when confronting issues that cannot be resolved with modern methods.

TCM is not an alternative to traditional medicine. It can benefit both the body and the mind, however, it shouldn't be considered a substitute for traditional medicine. TCM should be considered as an addition to your care with your chiropractor or physician. If you are experiencing any health issues, seek the help of a certified practitioner who is experienced in traditional Chinese medicine as well as Tui Na massage.
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