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An effective app development process flow spans over six key phases. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at each one in-depth.
Regardless of the size and scope of one's project, following this development process can make your enterprise mobile app development initiative successful.
1. Strategy
The first phase of the mobile app development process is defining the strategy for evolving your idean into a successful app. You may include a more significant section of this in your overall enterprise mobility strategy. As one app’s objectives may differ from another, there's still an app-specific impact to the mobility technique to address during the development process.
In this phase, you'll:
• Identify the app users
• Research the competition
• Establish the app’s goals and objectives
• Select a mobile platform for the app
On average mobile -apps cost $150,000 $200,000 and can take anywhere from four to six months to develop. Your strategy helps focus your vision on a clear picture of one's app idea. With this in mind, it is possible to go deeper into the next phase of the cellular applicationlication development process.
2. Analysis and Planning
At this stage, your app idea starts taking shape and turns into an actual project. Analysis and planning begin with defining use cases and capturing detailed functional requirements.
After you have identified the requirements for your app, prepare a product roadmap. This includes prioritizing the mobile app requirements and grouping them into delivery milestones. If time, resources or costs certainly are a concern, then define your minimum-viable-item (MVP)and prioritize this for the original launch.
Part of the planning phase includes identifying the skills needed for your app development initiative. For example, iOS and Android mobile platforms use different development technology stacks. If your targets are to build a mobile app for both iOS and Android cellular platforms then, your mobile development team will include iOS developers and Android designers.

Have you selected the name of one's app yet? Mobile app titles are like names of domain and have to be unique within each app store. Research each app store ensuring your app’s name isn’t already used!

3. UI / UX Design
The purpose of an app’s design would be to deliver seamless and effortless user experiences with a polished look.
The success of a mobile app is determined based on how well users are adopting and benefiting from all its features. The goal for cellular app UI / UX design is creating excellent user experiences making your app interactive, intuitive, and user-friendly. While polished UI designs will help with early adoption, your app will need to have intuitive user experiences to help keep app consumers’ engaged.
Information Architecture & Workflows
The first step of your mobile app design process would be to determine the data your mobile app will display to the users, the info it will collect, user interactions with the finished product, and an individual journeys within the app.
For companies, enterprise mobile solutions have users with different roles and privileges, in fact it is essential to incorporate these rules as part of your app’s information architecture. Workflow diagrams help identify every possible interaction an user has with the app and the app’s navigation structure.
Mobile app designers often start app design with sketches on paper. Wireframes will be the digital form of sketches. Wireframes are conceptual layouts, also referred to as low-fidelity mockups-they give visual structure to your app’s functional requirements.
With wireframes, the focus is more on aesthetics and user experience, not on color schemes and styles. Creating wireframes is really a quick and cost-effective approach for designing app layouts and iterating through them in the design review process. While creating wireframes you should think about device specific design. So whether your app can be used on iPhone, iPad, or Android phone and tablets; it offers intuitive and device specific user encounters.
Style Guide
Style guides are “living documents” where an app’s design standards from your company’s branding rules right down to the navigation icons, are usually documented.
Style guides include:
• What font family will your app’s text use?
• What will the color scheme be?
• How will your company brand be reflected in the app design?
Style guides contribute to an app’s design strategy. Establishing a method guide early on as part of one's mobile app development process improves the productivity of your mobile app developers. Simultaneously, carrying out a style guide will help keep your app’s appear and feel consistent. As part of your app style, you should think about app design manuallines from Apple for iOS app and from Google for Android apps.
Mockups, or high-fidelity designs, will be the final renderings of your app’s visual design. Mockups are manufactured by applying your style guide on to the app wireframes. As your app’s design begins to lastize, expect further modifications to its infor evenmation architecture, workflow, and aesthetics. Adobe Photoshop may be the most popular tool for creating high-fidelity mockups.
While mockups display your mobile app’s functionality using static designs, these can turn into click-thru prototypes with tools like Invision and Figma . Prototypes are highly useful for simulating an individual experience and the app’s workflows expected from the finished product. While prototype development could be time-consuming, the efforts are usually really worth it, as they offer early-stage testing of one's app’s design and functionality. Often, prototypes help identify modifications to the app’s proposed functionality.
Some companies prefer even doing prototypes at a wireframing stage, especially when an app’s functional requirements are not well thought out. Or, there exists a have to review the app’s proposed functionality with a focus group.

4. App Development
Planning remains an integral part of this phase in the mobile app development process. Before actual development/programming efforts start, you will need to:
• define the technical architecture,
• pick a technology stack, and
• define the development milestones.
A typical mobile app project is made up of three integral parts: back-end/server technology, API(s) and the cellular app front-end.
Back-End/Server Technology
This part includes database and server-side objects necessary for supporting functions of your mobile app. If you are using an existing back-end platform, then modifications could be needed for supporting the required mobile functionality.
An Application Programming Interface (API) is a method of communication between the app and a back-end server/database.
Mobile App Front-End
The front-end is the native mobile app an end-user will use. Generally, mobile apps consist of interactive user experiences that use an API and a back-end for managing data. In some instances, when an app needs to allow users to work without internet access, the app may utilize local information storage.
You can utilize almost any web programming language and databases for the back-end. For native mobile apps, you have to choose a technology stack required by each mobile OS platform. iOS apps can be developed using Objective-C or Swift program writing language. Android apps are primarily built using Java or Kotlin.
There is more than one programming language and technology stack for building mobile apps -the key is deciding on a technology stack that is suitable for your mobile app.
Mobile technologies advance much faster with new versions of mobile platforms. Furthermore, new mobile devices are released every few months. With platforms and devices rapidly changing, agility is essential for building cellular apps within timelines and budgets. If time-to-market is really a priority, use an agile development approach. This process supports frequent software usually releases with completed functionality. Defining development milestones within the agile development plan supports developing your mobile application in iteration.
As each development milestone completes, it is passed on to the app testing team for validation.
. Testing
Performing thorough quality assurance (QA) testing through the mobile app development process makes applicationlications stable, usable, and secure. To make Mobile App Development Company in New York of your app, you first need to prepare test cases that address all areas of app testing.
Similar to how use cases drive the process of mobile app development, test cases drive mobile app testing. Test cases are for performing test steps, recording testing results for software usually quality evaluation, and tracking fixes for retesting. A best practice approach is involving your QA team in the Analysis and Design stages. The familiarity with your app’s functional requirements and objectives can help produce accurate test cases.

Your app should undergo the following testing methods, to deliver a quality mobility solution.
User Experience Testing
A critical step in mobile app testing is to ensure that the final implementation matches the user experience created by the app design team. Visuals, workflow, and interactivity of one's app are what will give your end users first-hand impression of your app. Make sure that your app employs consistent fonts, style treatments, color scheme, padding between data, icon design, and navigation. Making certain your app matches the initial design guidelines will have a primary impact on its user adoption!
Functional Testing
The accuracy of your mobile app functionality is critical to its success. It’s difficult to predict every end user’s behavior and usage scenario.
The functionality of your app should be tested by as many users to cover as numerous potential testing conditions as possible. You may be surprised to catch bugs when two different users test exactly the same feature but get varied outcomes. For example, both users can complete the same form, however they both might enter different data-which could result in discovering a defect.
The purpose of functional testing would be to ensure that users can use your app’s features and functionality without the issues. It could be broken down further into system testing (the app working all together), and unit testing (individual functions of the app operating correctly).
If you are building an app for iOS and Android mobile platforms, then your functional testing should include a feature comparison between both versions of one's mobile app.
Performance Testing
There are many quantitative criteria to utilize for measuring the performance of one's app.
• How well is your app responding to an individual requests?
• How fast are the app’s screens loading?
• Is your app draining the phone battery or causing memory leaks?
• Does your app leverage network bandwidth efficiently?
• Is the size of your app larger than what it should be?
Even when your app passes basic performance criteria, test the app, API, and backend for load by simulating the maximum number of concurrent users. Your app should be able to handle the strain and perform well even though usage spikes.
Security Testing
Security is of utmost concern for enterprise mobile apps. Any potential vulnerability can result in a hack. Many companies hire outside agencies to perform thorough security testing on the applications. Your QA and development teams may take a few simple measures to create your app secured.
If your app requires users to log in, these sign in sessions should be tracked on the device and the backend. User sessions ought to be terminated by the system when an user has remained idle for an extended time (typically ten mins or less on a mobile app). If your app stores user credentials on these devices to make it convenient for them to re-login, then you must ensure using a trusted service. For example, the development platform for iOS apps supply the Keychain feature that can be used for storing an user’s account details for a particular app.
Data entry forms within your mobile app should be tested to ensure there is absolutely no data leakage.
Device and Platform Testing
On average, new mobile devices enter the marketplace every 12 months with brand new hardware, firmware, and design. Mobile os's are updated every couple of months.
Multiple mobile device manufacturers like Samsung, LG, HTC, Motorola utilize the Android platform, but they customize the platform for their mobile gadgets (since Android is open source). The devices can be found in different sizes and shapes.
Compare that to Apple, which has a many more controlled environment, since they control both hardware and the OS. However, you can find multiple iPhone & iPad (Apple iOperating system) devices from the market.
This is where testing during the mobile app development process differs significantly from web app testing. You may get away by testing your online app just on the Chrome browser in a Windows environment. However your mobile app must be tested on multiple cellular devices or device simulators to ensure smooth working of one's app for several users.
The complexity of mobile app testing on all cellular devices, ongoing support costs, and headaches of mobile device management are primary reasons why companies tend to build their enterprise cellular apps for a single mobile platform (and often provide cellular devices to their users). In our experience, most companies tend to build up their enterprise mobile app first with Apple’s iOS cellular platform; only where needed they build an app for the Android platform.
Testing is imperative to an app’s future success; it encompasses a substantial portion of our overall mobile app development process. Having a comprehensive mobile testing strategy is crucial for delivering a quality mobile application.
During the testing phase, there are many ways for distributing your app development builds to the testers. The most common approach with iOS apps is utilizing the Testflight and for Android apps via email or higher The Air (OTA) installs.

6. Deployment & Support
Releasing a native mobile app requires submitting your app to the app stores, Apple App Store for iOS apps and Google Play for Android apps. However, you will need a developer account with Apple App Store and Google Play Store before launching your mobile app.
An app’s release in the app store requires preparing metadatan including:
• Your app’s title
• Description
• Category
• Keywords
• Launch icon
• App store screenshots
Once submitted in the Apple App Store, iOS apps go through a review process which may take from the few days to several weeks dependwithing on the quality of your app and how closely it follows Apple’s iOS development guidelines. If your app requires users to sign in, then you will need to provide Apple with a test user account within the release process.
There isn’t any review process with Android apps, and they become available in the app store inside a few hours of submission.
After your app becomes available in the app stores, monitor its usage through mobile analytics platforms and track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for measuring your app’s success. Frequently check crash reports, or other user reported issues.
Encourage users to supply your company with feedback and ideas for your app. Prompt support for end-customers and frequently patching the app with improvements will undoubtedly be vital to keeping users engaged. Unlike web apps where patch releases can be available to app users instantly, mobile app updates will need to feel the same submission and review process as the initial submission. Moreover, with native mobile apps, you have to continually stay on top of technology advancements and routinely update your app for new cellular devices and OS platforms.
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