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Prenatal Massage - An Overview
Shiatsu massage is a different kind of Japanese bodywork that involves manipulating the Meridian channels as well as other points on the energy pathways to treat various complaints and ailments. Shiatsu also derives from an ancient Japanese massage technique known as ichiju-kyujitsu. In the early days, when Chinese women started to massage drunken men to relieve their discomfort, the first Shiatsu treatments were invented. This practice caught on in Japan and the West throughout the years. There are many forms of Shiatsu therapy all over the world in the present.

In Japanese Shiatsu is "finger pressure". When Japanese practitioners are performing this type of massage, they will look at the body from the viewpoint. They are able to identify blockages in the energy flow. They believe that all illness stems from blockages in energy flow within the human body. Therefore, by removing these blockages to energy and restoring the body's energy, it can restore its health. Shiatsu massage is considered an alternative medicine.

Shiatsu is good to treat chronic pain. It can help treat headaches, migraines, PMS as well as arthritis and other ailments. Each person is different and so is the duration of treatment. Certain people receive massage once per week, and others have the massage several times a month.

Shiatsu is ideal for those who want to unwind and let their tensions go. There are two types of Shiatsu massage which are Swedish and deep tissue. Swedish massage uses smooth movements and long, flowing strokes. Deep tissue massage can be more painful, and uses the firm, hard, and fast strokes.

Acupressure, which is a Japanese massage therapy that uses tapping and light pressure to stimulate the meridians points. The acupressure therapist usually starts at the feet before moving towards the head. Acupressure can be a good choice to ease tension. When properly applied the acupressure can provide an effect of therapeutic. An excellent way to contrast an acupressure and shiatsu is to think of Acupressure without needles.

Shiatsu massage requires some equipment. You'll need a table or chair. The most commonly used equipment is the massage table and chair. The table lets you put your feet in the stirrups while having the therapist apply gentle pressure over your body. Certain therapists use chairs that have pneumatic pressure systems. The equipment used isn't important.

Shiatsu massage is pleasant and relaxing. Shiatsu therapists can be used to ease tension and pain. Many people use shiatsu therapists to treat mild to moderate types of pain and illness. Therapists who practice shiatsu help maintain energy flow and promote healing for their clients.

Shiatsu stone massage uses smooth, heated stones to "set" or "heel" the muscles. This technique helps to relieve tension in the muscles and help bring back the body's natural balance. It is also used to improve mobility and balance. Shiatsu stone massage doesn't require any training in massage therapy. It is easy to learn and can be completed within 90 minutes.

Shiatsu massage could be an intense or gentle massage. It may help restore the whole body through paying attention to the muscles, tendons, as well as ligaments. If done vigorously it assists in loosening muscles that are tight, stretch them and lengthen joints. The massage therapist begins with a series kneading movements to loosen muscles and improve lymphatic flow. As the session progresses, the massage professional will increase the amount of pressure and frequency of massage.

Shiatsu massage is a great option to treat cramps, varicose and sore throats, as well for headaches. It can also be used to reduce stress and anxiety increase circulation, alleviate depression and anxiety, as well as to relieve aches and pains. The therapist will apply gentle pressure to various parts of the body by using smooth, heated stones. A skilled Shiatsu massage therapist will determine what parts of the body require more attention and which regions are appropriate for full body massage.

Shiatsu massage utilizes the technique to balance different energy points throughout the body. Every person has seven body spots (acupoints) that connect to specific meridians. Two energy channels are located across the spine for each meridians. Shiatsu uses gentle, precise and precise movements to link meridians. The manipulation and connection of energy channels enhances the flow of vital energy or qi throughout the body.

Shiatsu is gentle because it uses very light pressure. Unlike most types of massages, a Shiatsu session is not dependent on the use of weights, massage balls or heating pads or other devices. Shiatsu massage therapists are fully clothed. Shiatsu massage therapist is clothed and will operate the massage table like he or she was performing deep tissue massages. The Shiatsu massage session could take between 60 and 90 minutes. This will make it more relaxing for both the mother as well as the unborn baby.
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