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Source A agrees with the statement that Hitler rose to power only because of the circumstances. Source A shows a graph of the relationship between unemployment in Germany and the seats won in the Reichstag by the Nazi Party, from 1928 to 1933. The number of seats won by the Nazi party increased tremendously when the number of unemployed people rose greatly as well. This tells me that as the number of unemployed increases, more of them were looking for a new leader in hopes of handling the economic situation which led to mass unemployment, and therefore chose to vote for the Nazi party in hopes of getting back into the workforce. This made Hitler more well known with greater influence to the people and greater power. Cross referencing with my contextual knowledge, during the rule of the Weimar government, Germans were facing high unemployment due to the Weimar government continuous changes and breaking up, as well as not being able to pass laws easily. As a result, they were seen as weak by the German people, and they wanted a leader who would be better leading the Germans that could help bring back the economy and bring about more changes in the society. Therefore, the Germans started to support the Nazi party which started Hitler's rise in popularity amongst the people. Since source A corroborates with my contextual knowledge, it agrees with the statement.

Source B agrees with the statement that Hitler rose to power only because of the circumstances. Source B shows a poster saying ‘We want work and bread. Elect Hitler’. This tells me that the people Germany were facing unemployment and as a result are struggling to afford necessities such as food. Therefore, the Nazi party appealed to the Germans in their election poster promising to help solve this problem so that they can get jobs and make ends meet. Since the Germans were desperate due to high unemployment, they resulted to trusting that Hitler would be able to improve their lives by leading them from the Nazi party and supported the Nazi party, allowing Hitler to gain more influence and rise to power.

Source D disagrees with the statement that Hitler rose to power only because of the circumstances. Source D states "Nazis were the only party
able to break terror with terror." and "I saw the complete failure of the middle-class parties to deal with the economic crisis. Only the Nazis offered hope." This tells me that the Germans were convinced that with Hitler's way of leading in the Nazi party, he would be able to stop the communists who were viewed as the enemies by the Germans, as well as solve the economic crisis which middle class parties were not able to handle effectively. Therefore, Hitler's extremist ways in leading were another reason why Hitler rose to power as he was able to prove that his party was not weak and that gained the support of many Germans.

Source E disagrees with the statement that Hitler rose to power only because of the circumstances. Source E states "Hitler pointed out the economic and social horrors the German people had to endure at the hands of the corrupt Weimar traitors." and " Who among the poverty-stricken people would shut their ears to these promises, as it became clearer every day that all else had failed?" This tells me that

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