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Why am I so emotional omg I just want to be happy for once it's so hard being depress all the time n I hate overthinking because that just mess up my entire day. I really wish people cared about me just how much I cared about them, I just feel like they're not giving me the same love I give them n its literally so annoying & sometimes it even makes me sad because I always been there for people more than myself & it really makes me feel like I waste my time n energy with people because think about all the stuff I could have done but nah I was worrying about people that use to talk about me behind my back n try to fight me for no reason and I feel like I'm not meant for friends or relationships because I'm too emotional for them n I feel like since I'm so depress they wouldn't want to talk to me anymore because who wants to talk to someone that's always depressed . At this point I just want a soulmate that cares about me/check up on me/send me paragraphs or even send me Goodmorning n Goodnight texts/tell me how much they love me randomly/randomly text or call me/make me feel special and etc. At this point I really just want to give up because I feel like I'm never going to have a soulmate because nobody like me for me. To be honest I really just want to focus on myself n get my education because I really feel like this dating stuff is not for me & another reason is because I'm too young n I don't really know how to love someone else yet n then I feel like you have to love yourself first before you love someone else. I just really want my 2022 to be successful/abundant/free/happy/new beginnings & new life/a lot of good luck and etc. I want to become a new person I'm tired of feeling like a lazy/unproductive/non successful girl I just want to show people & mostly myself that I can be successful/rich/happy/living life/achieve my goals/n live my dream life that I always dreamed of having. I have some really good feelings about 2022 I feel like this is going to be my year & this will be the year that I will have a glow up/become rich & successful/become more healthier & have a small waist/live my dream life/achieving all the goals I wanted to achieve/become a better version of myself and a lot of other good things. This year I want to manifest to move to California/get a house/go viral/become a billionaire/get a pet bird/become healthier/become intelligent/get notice by celebrities/become successful/get a new phone/get a vlog camera/have a youtube channel/a peaceful life/learn how to cook and drive and have a successful business. I love myself and I want to continue loving myself and becoming a better be honest I'm just going to focus on myself all this year because if I keep spending my time on other people that's just me wasting my time & for real these people are not worth my time, I'm for real so happy to be me because I feel like if I was anybody else I would go miserable, I really just like how chill n peaceful I am/I like how I don't need to hang around people or have friends to be happy...I'm already happy being by myself it's really so relaxing/how kind I am/how I can untangle necklaces, find stuff, & fix things/randomly buy people things n surprise them with it/how I cheer people up/brighten up their day/ I always have positive energy n good vibes/I'm always smiling n laughing/if you can see I love a lot of stuff about me & now that I wrote that stuff I love myself even more . But that's all I have to talk about today, love yall :) <3
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