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Hey guys Mack here from gone for nowhere and now that you've seen how we built out our very modest home in our 2008 tacoma. I think now it's time to give you a tour. If you have not seen that build, you can head to our channel and check out the video. It'S pretty awesome, it's cuz, we did it but anyways. Let'S take a look alright, starting with our sleeping quarters here in the back, we have a bed platform and on top of it, we have a thin layer of cork to protect the mattress topper, which is a 4 inch memory foam and we cut it down to Size once we knew what the dimensions were of our bed and then on top of that, we've been using a go, Rumble blanket, which has been amazing in just about every weather condition. We'Ve come in contact with, and then over here is of course, it's gon na. Be really and here's other part of our kitchen, so our stove typically lives next to the bed, because it's easily accessible normally it's way easier than that, it's great because it's there we can pull it out when we need it when we're done, gets lit right back Into place, I'm not gon na put it away for this video. I probably won't be very successful uh over on this side, we keep our chairs table and broom. I pretty much sweep back here and every day, because trucks are kind of dusty. So back here we have camp chair, one jump, rope, reckon camp chair and our table, and we like having these again at close access because we use them every single day. When we set up camp below our bed. We have two full-length rolling drawers that pretty much has everything that we own and in this first drawer we have a little bit of cooking supplies. My clothes, Owens clothes and office supplies. We really like these latches, because it's really easy to see from afar, if they're, locked or not or in the closed position, and they also have the ability to lock in the event we ever felt like we needed to and in this drawer. This is pretty much our kitchen, it's best when it's full, so things don't shift around, but we have lots of kitchen supplies and then more office supplies in the back of this drawer, [ Music ], we're really lucky that the inside of our camper shell came felted Because we used it as a way of attaching our curtains to the roof, we sewed velcro strips into them, so that they are able to be velcro to the roof at all times, but at night we're able to then unfold them and put them in the closed Position we also have velcro bug nets that go over our side, vent windows, just in the event that we happen to be staying in a place that is buggy and it seems like in the summer that's pretty much everywhere. Our felted roof is also the home to our ever-growing patch collection, which is really nice, because we get to look at it every night in an effort to use every square inch of our space in Lando. We wanted to build a small shelf that went over the driver side wheel well that eventually became the home to books and other small toiletries that we use on a day-to-day basis. Last but not least, we wanted to be able to use the space behind the wheel wells closest to the cab and the way to do that under our bed. out side in aspen have a small hatch that lifts away, so we could store things below the bed on the other side, we have boots and other things that we don't use as often because it's kind of hard to get to the whole reason why we were able to Make life on the road work full-time in a toyota tacoma from a space standpoint is all because of how much space we have for storage on the roof, and a lot of that is thanks to our Yakima box up on the roof. It has all of our gear in it for all of our many recreational activities, and in front of that we have our two max tracks, which are just in the event that we ever get stuck and trust me. It happens on the other side of the roof. We have our two yakima step, dog, locking crossbars, which are home to our three surfboards. A lot of people ask how we organized the inside of our cab, because it's another great area of opportunity for storing things. It'S not a lot, so this tour will be quick behind the passenger side. We have a humless deep cycle, lithium battery and solar panel. This thing is great because it can charge our laptop up to eight times cell phones, camera all that good stuff, and then we have seven gallons of fresh water that we fill up whenever we get the opportunity and our toiletries here on the driver side of the Truck this is our pantry over here we have a produce basket because we actually keep all of our produce out of our 45 quart Yeti cooler, which is below it just because water and ice and fresh produce don't really mix well. So, underneath we have our Yeti cooler and in front of it is our trash cam, which normally has a lid which we have seemingly lost recently and our dirty clothes bag. Now that you've seen the inside of our build now, you know this is what we've been living in for the last six months. We thought it would be kind of a cool idea to talk about our personal experiences and what we think about this whole setup. Now that we've got some experience with it, and the first thing that really comes to mind is how great and accessible this option is. It is a very low upfront cost to build. A lot of people already have trucks and, if you're wanting to kind of take a stab at being a weekend warrior going out for a month or indefinitely, it's a great way to get moving right now for not a whole lot of money and just start banking. Those experiences and maybe learn what you want from here or learn if it's even what you want to be doing, but it's accessible. The other thing that's great about it is that it's really minimalistic. It allows you to take the focus off of your belongings and on to your experiences and the things that are happening around you. This is also a very stealthy option if you find that you tend to circulate in cities or you need to be crashing at Walmart's or in quiet neighborhoods. This option is amazing. No one ever knew that we were staying in this truck, even people that we are camping next to when they realize that we actually sleep in there. People tended to be pretty impressed as far as the overall design is concerned. I don't know that. There'S a whole lot that we would change. We actually really enjoyed it. We found the drawers to be really functional. The bed was really comfortable, so no real complaints there. I think that the only thing that we would add if we were gon na be doing this is a more of a long-term setup. We would probably add an awning off the back just because the one large downside to this particular setup is the, but the weather is bad, you're kind of out of luck, because your living room, your living space, is all outside in this setup. So if the weather's not treating you right, life can be a little rough. So that's everything as far as our Tacoma built-in Lando is concerned. We would love to know your thoughts. You can add them into the comments below. If you were interested in the build, you can head to our channel to check that out. Otherwise, thanks for joining us hit that subscribe button and we'll see you down the road you [, Music, ],

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