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((Poilitcal Animials AU, Steve is a senator from Mass. He and TJ met at a party about 5 months back, and they hit it off right away, started casually dating, hanging out a lot and doing stuff together, they've kissed a few times and almost had sex but TJ had to leave. Set about three years after Sean and the suicide attempt. Steve knows about the suicide, but not about Sean. TJ has been avoiding Steve because he's scarred of falling in love again/making the same mistake he did with Sean, even though Steve is single and kinda out (he doesn't hide the fact he's bi, it but hasn't made a public statement about it.) [sorry for the long explanation or if you haven't seen/don't like PA.] ))
Hey, whats up? Is everything okay? You haven't returned any of my calls or texts for the last couple weeks... SR

((Political Animals AU, TJ and Steve is a friend from the first boarding school TJ went to))
Steve pulled his phone out of his pocket after a long few minutes of final debate as he waited for his plane. He swallowed thickly and typed in the phone number he, by some miraculous stroke of luck, managed to obtain. He pressed call and placed it to his ear, hoping against hope that his friend, if he could still call him that, who he'd been out of touch with since...well basically since they left boarding school. They'd exchanged letters for a few months to maybe a year but then for some reason they fell out of contact. He chewed on his lower lip as the ringing tone kept playing until it went to voice mail. A soft smile curling onto his lips when he heard TJ's voice telling him to leave a message and maybe he'd get back to you. When he heard the beep he took a deep breath and forced himself to speak, "Hey, TJ. It's Steve, from boarding school-not that you'd remember me, I'm not all that memorable- but case you do...I was wondering if you'd like to meet up and get some drinks or something, catch up maybe. I'm gonna be in DC all week so uh..yeah..if you hear this and you happen to remember me and wanna catch up or something, call'd be nice to see you again," he was quiet for a moment before speaking again, "So..yeah.," he said and hung up, switching it off and shoving it into his pocket before boarding his plain and getting seated. In a few hours he'd be in DC, and hopefully when he landed or at at some point before had to leave he'd get a call or text from TJ.

((Modern College au Steve's body ref: -if you don't want to click the link: he'not as muscly and built as in the movies- roughly the same hight as Bucky. Up until last night they'd never officially met before.))
Steve's head was pounding as he came to. He winced and groaned, feeling like utter shit and vaguely sore. His mouth was dry and his stomach uneasy, and why the hell did his bed feel different? It wasn't until he sat up, squinting against the light that seeped in through the curtains, to look around that he realized he wasn't in his dorm and that there was an arm around his waist. He looked down at it confused, he stared for a long while as he struggled to recall the events of last night. After a while remembered that Tony had dragged him to the bar and by the time he'd gotten a little buzzed Natasha and one of her buddies from her Russian course showed up. He looked over at the person next to him, he blinked a few times to clear his vision before he realized it was the friend Natasha had brought with her. James..? Was that his name? After another few moments of painful thought he concluded that yes, his name was James, but he preferred being called something else, but he couldn't remember what it was. He sighed and slumped back against the wall, looking down at the man, remembering vaguely that after a little more to drink they were getting along great and drinking even more. He was gorgeous and looked so damn peaceful and carefree. Steve smiled softly and carefully brushed some hair out of the brunet's face. His smile dropped and he swallowed, realizing he had a math class with this guy, and this guy was the really hot guy that he'd been crushing on since the beginning of the semester. He blanched and a sudden wave of nausea swept over him. He thanked god James apparently had the same dorm layout he did and bolted to the bathroom, barley making it to the toilet before his stomach emptied itself, the pain in his head and the soreness throughout his body spiking with the effort of it.

((College AU, Natasha and Tony introduced them at a party the night before. They ended up going back to Bucky's dorm and sleeping together. Bucky left a note on the night stand for Steve, his number written in the bottom corner.))
Hey, sorry about not being there when you wake up. I would have loved to stay and cuddle or whatever, but my boss called me in. There's some left over breakfast in the fridge and aspirin is in the bathroom cabinet incase you have a hangover. You looked peaceful and I didn't have the heart to wake you, plus you seem like a decent guy. I work at Kyle's Coffee just off campus. If you come by, I'll buy you a cup. -Bucky
P.S. I'm sorry about all the marks, I guess we got a bit carried away, but I assure you, I'm just as marked up. If you call Tasha, I'm sure she'd be cool with covering up the ones on your neck, if you want. If anything's missing I'm comin after you, Steve, and who knows, you might enjoy it. Hope you have an amazing day and aren't too sore. Text me maybe?

((Modern College au Steve's body ref: - same hight as Bucky. Up until last night they'd never officially met before. Replies don't have to match length.))
Steve's head was pounding as he struggled to recall the event of last night. He winced and groaned, feeling like utter shit and vaguely sore, but some how in a good way. His mouth was dry and he felt like downing a full glass of water, and why the hell did his bed feel different? It wasn't until he sat up, rubbed and opened his eyes to look around that he realized he wasn't in his dorm and that there was an arm around his waist. He looked down at it confused then remembered that Tony had dragged him to a party at his place and made him down drink after drink and by the time Natasha and one of her buddies from her Russian course showed up- who he also shared a class with, he realized as they were introduced- he was already tipsy and it was barley seven. In fact it was the same guy he'd been crushing on since the beginning of the semester. He remembered blushing, excusing himself and running to the bathroom, emptying his stomach. He'd tried to leave but Tony stopped him, took him up stairs, got him cleaned up, gave him some water, and convinced him to stay. At around nine thirty Natasha's friend had found him again and handed him a beer, binding him by social contract to stay. They talked awkwardly for a little while and then after a few more drinks, Steve loosened up and at some point the four of them - Steve, Tony, Natasha and her friend- had started doing shots, and that's as far into the night as he remembered at the moment.
He groaned, rubbing his head and looked over at the person next to him, realizing it was the friend Natasha had brought and introduced him to after his eyes focussed. James..? Was that his name? Yeah James, but he preferred being called something else, but he couldn't remember what it was. He sighed and slumped back against the wall, looking down at the man, vaguely remembering they'd talked and laughed for hours. He was gorgeous and looked so damn peaceful and carefree, sprawled out, chest down on the bed. Steve smiled softly and carefully brushed some hair out of the brunet's face. He frowned though, remembering part of the reason he'd been so against talking to James. He was always flirting with various girls, and he was fairly certain he wasn't one who wanted a committed relationship and concluded this was just a one night stand. He sat there for a few minutes before he finally, carefully slipped out from under the brunet's arm, doing his best to not disturb him as he moved to the edge of the bed to grab his boxers from the ground so he could get up and go to the bathroom, deciding that if Bucky was still asleep when he got back, he'd leave a note and leave. He had to go to work at four anyway, and he had other things he had to do before that. As he slipped his underwear on he froze- feeling the other start to stir and hearing him groan.

((Modern College au Steve's body ref: -not as muscly and built as in the movies- same hight as Bucky. Up until last night they'd never officially met before.))
Steve's head was pounding as he struggled to recall the event of last night. He winced and groaned, feeling like utter shit and vaguely sore, but some how in a good way. His mouth was dry and he felt like downing a full glass of water, and why the hell did his bed feel different? It wasn't until he sat up, rubbed and opened his eyes to look around that he realized he wasn't in his dorm and that there was an arm around his waist. He looked down at it confused then remembered that Tony had dragged him to the bar and by the time he'd gotten a little buzzed Natasha and one of her buddies from her Russian course showed up. He looked over at the person next to him and realized it was the friend Natasha had brought and introduced him to. James..? Was that his name, yeah James, but he preferred being called something else, but he couldn't remember what it was. He sighed and slumped back against the wall, looking down at the man, remembering vaguely that after a little more to drink they were getting along great and drank even more. He was gorgeous and looked so damn peaceful and carefree. Steve smiled softly and carefully brushed some hair out of the brunet's face. His smile dropped and he swallowed, realizing he had a math class with this guy, and this guy was the really hot guy that he'd been crushing on since the beginning of the semester. His face went bright red and he bit his lip. He sucked in a deep breath and carefully removed James's arm from his waist and slipped to the edge of the bed, trying his best not to disturb him as he moved to pick up his boxers.

((Modern College au Steve's body ref: -not as muscly and built as in the movies- same hight as Bucky. Up until last night they'd never officially met before.))
Steve's head was pounding as he struggled to recall the event of last night. He winced and groaned, feeling like utter shit and vaguely sore, but some how in a good way. His mouth was dry and he felt like downing a full glass of water, and why the hell did his bed feel different? It wasn't until he sat up, rubbed and opened his eyes to look around that he realized he wasn't in his dorm and that there was an arm around his waist. He looked down at it confused then remembered that Tony had dragged him to the bar and by the time he'd gotten a little buzzed Natasha and one of her buddies from her Russian course showed up. He looked over at the person next to him and realized it was the friend Natasha had brought and introduced him to. James..? Was that his name, yeah James, but he preferred being called something else. He sighed and slumped back against the wall, looking down at the man. He was gorgeous and looked so damn peaceful and carefree. Steve smiled softly and carefully brushed some hair out of the brunet's face. His smile dropped and he swallowed, realizing he had a math class with this guy, and this guy was the really hot guy that he'd been crushing on since the beginning of the semester. His face went bright red and he bit his lip. He sucked in a deep breath and carefully removed James's arm from his waist and slipped to the edge of the bed, trying his best not to disturb him as he moved and picked up his boxers from the ground to slip on.
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