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High Blood Pressure Treatments Auckland

"High Blood Pressure Treatments Auckland (HBP or HTN), also known as hypertension, is a long-term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated. High blood pressure usually has no symptoms and many people do not know they have it until complications such as heart attack, stroke, heart failure, vision problems such as retinopathy or bleeding in the brain occur.Blood pressure readings that are consistently high over time can damage your body and lead to life threatening illnesses. For example, studies show that most people with HBP have stiff arteries, which increases their risk for a heart attack.Treating high blood pressure before getting complications may prevent them from occurring at all. If your reading is higher than 180/110 mmHg or you are already diagnosed with complications caused by hypertension, contact your doctor immediately!

Bypass surgery, or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) as it is formally called, is an invasive procedure performed to restore blood flow and oxygen to the heart. It can be used to treat a number of cardiac conditions that reduce blood flow within the arteries leading into and out of the heart. It involves removing a healthy section of vein from elsewhere in the Bypass Surgery Auckland it as a replacement for one or more blocked coronary arteries. Arteries are vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from your heart and to your entire body. When arterial blockages restrict or completely obstruct blood flow to any part of your body, you begin to feel pain known as angina . Most commonly this occurs across the chest, in the neck, jaw or arm. If left untreated this pain can be potentially fatal when it leads to a heart attack.

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Heart Disease Treatment Auckland

Quit smoking If you smoke, then the best thing that you can do for yourself is quit smoking. Smoking makes your blood vessels stiffer which increases your risk of developing coronary artery disease. Additionally, smokers are twice as likely to develop Heart Disease Treatment Auckland than non-smokers. Smokers also have a higher risk of congestive heart failure than nonsmoker because they retain less oxygen in their red blood cells since the carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke binds with hemoglobin which results in less oxygen being delivered to tissues around the body. Exercise Regularly The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise, 75 minutes per week of vigorous exercise, or an equivalent combination of both. If you can't commit to this much exercise time, don't despair.

"I have bad circulation, and I'm not talking about my hands or feet. This is either because of genetics (my maternal grandmother had Blood Circulation Treatment Auckland, or the fact that I always wear super tight jeans year-round (I like how they make me feel like a rock star). The truth is though, although you might enjoy it if your man can't get his mitts off you, having poor blood flow throughout the body really isn't that great for us!It helps reduce stress. When we're stressed out our entire bodies tense up, including our muscles which cramp up and restrict blood flow to certain areas. By relaxing these muscles through stretching or self-massage, we can reduce this stress and improve the flow of blood.·It helps fight cellulite! Believe it or not, cellulite is actually caused by poor circulation (the less blood that flows through a certain area, the more acky-looking it'll be). So if you want to reduce your cellulite naturally, work on improving the circulation in these troubled areas.


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