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Harmful Effects of Drug abuse
Drug abuse can affect not only from oneself, also by abusing the substances can affect also to
your family, to your school, to the community where you live.
Below are the Effects of drug use and abuse on your family, school, and community.
A. Harmful effects of Drug Use and Abuse on Family
• Pain in the Family
• Broken and unhappy family ties
• Ignored duties and responsibilities
• Financial problems
• Expensive treatment and rehabilitation
B. Harmful Effects of Drug Use and Abuse on School
• Poor academic performance
• High percentage of Absences and tardiness
• Multiple incidence of school fights/trouble
• Don’t have any achievements in school
• Disrespectful to School Authorities and Policies
C. Harmful Effects of Drug Use and Abuse in the Community
• High incidence of crime
• High incidence of accidents
• Affected economy due to low manpower production
• Loss of government funds due to drug-related operations, treatment and

How will you explain the health, socio-cultural, psychological, legal, and economic
dimensions to substance use and abuse?
1. Health - because of drug abuse the health will be at stake, and it’s because of the rampant
abused of drugs. The physical aspect of an individual will function abnormally.
2. Socio-cultural – drug has its big contribution with the change of an individual values to the
society. The common characteristics in the community will become uncommon. The norms,
custom, attitude, respect, and etc. are being vanished.
3. Psychological – psychology is the study of behaviour of person. It generally meant to
describe the emotional and mental process that is associated with the development of
human brain. Thru drug abuse the normal process of the human system will be change.
Because drugs are chemical substance that can alter the mind and body.
4. Legal – it is against the law to possess, make, use, import, or sell drugs. Penalties for
violating various aspects of the law, will become hunted by the authority.
5. Economic – substance of abuse is taking a major toll on in terms of costs and productivity.
It will affect economy due to low manpower production.

Prevention and Control of Substance use and Abuse

There are various and healthy ways to get rid of drugs. These range from simple
immersion to hobbies like interactive and board games, sports, and joining clubs of interest.
Prevention is the best way for people like you to avoid the use and abuse of drugs. People
should understand the different protective factors and risk factors. Protective factors should be
enhanced while risk factors should be avoided and dropped for good. You should learn decision-

making skills and resistance skills in order to be able to refuse temptations and offers from
known drug users.
The following are protective factors you need to fight drug use and abuse:
Loving and caring family
Involvement in sports
Positive outlook in life
Positive self-image
Caring and supportive friends
A sense of worthiness and achievement
Always having the right attitude
Ability to cope with stress and depression
Having responsible adult role models
Active participation in sports or recreation
Participation in school clubs and activities
Consultation with responsible adults like parents, teachers, counselors regarding
problems, concerns and queries in life
Development of talents and skills
The following activities will
strengthen your decision-making

skills. Skills


Step 1: Describe the situation
you are in.

Describe the situation you are in. You can
better describe by writing it on a piece of
paper. You can say it out loud several times.

Step 2: List possible actions for
the situation.

List down all possible actions. Don’t worry
about listing the not-so-good ones. You can
eliminate them afterwards. You can also say
out loud all possible actions. Think over them
several times.

Step 3: Share your list with
responsible adults.

Share your list of possible actions with a
responsible adult. Make sure that this person
has not been associated with known drug
users. His/her decisions should be credible.

Step 4: Carefully evaluate all
possible actions.

Carefully evaluate all possible actions. Ask
yourself if the actions will protect and
promote healthy results, protect safety of self
and of other people, respect and does not
violate laws and policies, follow guidelines of
home, school and community. Lastly, ask if
the actions will show your good image and

Step 5: Choose which action is most
responsible and suitable.

After questioning and evaluating all actions,
choose the most responsible and suitable
action for the situation.

Step 6: Act responsibly and

Do the action responsibly and intelligently.
Don’t stop evaluating the action.

Resistance Skills
Use the following steps to practice resistance skills in saying “NO” to drugs.
Step 1: What is the problem?
Say what is wrong. Say “that is wrong,” or “drugs are bad,” or “that is prohibited,” or

“Drugs are against the law and school rules.”

Step 2: What could happen?
Ask the following:
Could anyone be harmed if I do it (including you)? How?
Could it get you into trouble? What trouble?
Would it make you feel bad if you do it?
What are the ways of saying NO!
Choose any of the following
Say No!” “No I’m not interested” or simply say “No”
Change the topic. Say “I’m going to the park, you can come with me.” or “Would you
like to see a movie with me?”
Change the topic. Say “I’m going to the park, you can come with me.” or “Would you
like to see a movie with me?”
Tell the truth. Say “I hate drugs, it destroys dreams,” or “Drugs make you become sad
and unhappy,” or “I’m too young to die.”
Joke about it. Say “My parents are good at smelling, I won’t get past them,” or “Are
you really ready to die? I’m not!”
Give reasons. “I don’t do drugs, it’s bad for the health,” or “I have a training today, I
need clean air to get going,” or “Let’s play basketball, beat me!”
to happen to me or to you!”
Walk away if you can’t change your friend’s mind.
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