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Social Studies Quiz Notes (Events in the Eastern Theater)

1) Southern coastal defenses were arranged by ___.

Robert E. Lee <<<

2) General McClellan's plan was to outflank the Confederates on the ___.
East Coast
Potomac River
outskirts of Richmond
(I don't know the answer but it is one of these three)

3) The Peninsular Campaign was fought on ___.

the peninsula between the York and James Rivers <<<

4) The ___ stopped Union Navy advances on the James River.

CSS Virginia <<<

5) In the ___ Battles, General Lee forced McClellan to withdraw from Richmond.

Seven Days' <<<

6) The first ironclads to fight a naval battle were the ___.

Monitor and the Virginia <<<

7) The most famous photographer of the Civil War was ___.

Mathew Brady <<<

8) After the Union failure at Richmond, the Confederates ___.
decided to surrender and stop fighting
offered General Pope a position on the Confederate general staff
lost a battle at Bull Run
attempted to invade the North
(Again. I do not know the answer and I have eliminated one of them)

9) The bloodiest single day in the Eastern Theater was ___.

the Battle of Antietam <<<

10) General Robert E. Lee was ___.

all of these <<<

11) The CSS Hunley ___.

sank the USS Housatonic <<<

12) Match the words with the definitions

interfered with; stood in the way of progress >>>>> hampered

a wooden ship covered with metal plates >>>>> ironclad

going around on the side to get past; a military maneuver >>>>> outflanking

the small parts left after an event or process >>>>> remnants

small or brief battles >>>>> Skirmishes

13) Match the names with the correct placement on the map,F2A,0,0,0,0,0/Assets/U9L3Q13.png

Richmond = D

Chesapeake Bay = C

Washington D.C. = A

Antietam = B

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