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Scene One
(Empty workdesk by a window, from the back)
Character moves in to frame and sits down at the desk with a cup of coffee. slides the chair in and picks up a pencil

(Close up of the desk)
He draws a line on the paper in front of him and erases it, draws again and erases it again. He's not sure what he's about to draw (intercut with confused eyes of the character) He presses the pencil down so hard that the tip breaks (back to the eyes) *visual gasp* (back to desk close up) he picks up the keys besides the paper

(Back to the desk shot)
He gets up and walks out of frame

(Close up of a cars ignition)
Puts the key in and turns to start the car

(Mid shot through the wind shield to reveal the characters whole face for the first time)
He has frizzy hair and a 5'O clock shadow, and has a frustrated expression on his face. As the car starts the headlight shines at the camera.

(Shot of the rear wheel of the car)
Wheel slowly rolls out of frame

(I'm not sure about framing and camera after this)
He's driving through the streets not looking at anything in particular, lights reflect on his windshield and roll on by slowly. (intercut to shifting hand) goes from 2nd 3rd gear Reflections move slightly faster as the engine sound creeps up. (cut to shifting hand again) 3rd to 4th

(A long shot of a lane merging onto a highway)
The car merges on to an almost empty highway, (Windscreen shot) There's a slight smile on the character's face, very subtle
A comic book like sequence of foot levers, shifter and the road through the windshield going through a couple of turns

(Close up of the eyes)
His pupils start to dialate slightly there's a light now falling on his face which get brighter and brighter and then fade out to white

(Long shot of the character floating in a void)
Light streaks pass by Him. His eyes are closed and he is smiling as the camera cuts in to a mid and then a close up

(Camera looks down to see the city beneath our floating character)
He starts falling slowly accelerating, still smiling.

(Super long shot of something bright falling in the night sky)
POV widens to show a car parked on a hill over-looking this bright falling object. Our character is sitting on top of the car.

(Cut to the eye closeup again)
The falling objects trail is reflected in his pupil. He takes a deep breath and closes his eye
And opens again but this time there is no reflection in them instead a soft warm light has creeped on to his face

(Cut to the closeup of his desk with the paper in front of him filled with the imagery that he witnessed so far)
(Cut back to his face)
A content expression but there are bags under his eyes. He's so tired that he dozes of and falls out of frame with his chair
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Regards; Team

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