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New Age, Is This The Potential A single World Faith?
This New Age church has more than 20 million enthusiastic customers in the United States who adore their new age leaders.

These new age leaders or "preachers" do not say that they are servants of, nor the voice of a bogus God or faith. Notwithstanding they are in fact performing that specific provider to their "Gods". Some new age practitioners may not even know that they imagine in or serve a fake doctrine or faith. These new age clergymen and priestesses are deceiving tens of millions into rejecting God's term and the bible and are embracing, instead, a convoluted theology that is straight from Satan and Hell. It is the exact same information that Satan employed to deceive Adam and Eve into rejecting God at the Backyard of Eden the authentic sin at the cradle of civilization.

Regrettably, the non secular concept that all new age leaders are preaching in this so called New Age Motion is entirely void of God and the Holy bible. New Age principles are centered on the present day day strategy to almost everything. They preach a truly feel good message this sort of as: "just take care of everybody as you would like to be dealt with and you are on the path to turn into like God". They preach great messages this kind of as: "We are Gods, because God is in us, and god is just about everywhere".

To new age cultists there is no this kind of thing as sin, repentance, commandments, servitude, repercussions nor hell. Of training course to us real Christians, new age is all fantasy designed to release unbelievers from obtaining to rely on or to be accountable to God. They think about in their minds: Why should I be dependent on God, Why not be like God and therefore bypass Jesus?

But then when a disaster strikes, these same new age "unbelievers" are the initial to cry out "unfair", and to blame God for these disasters. In their self righteous minds, they nonetheless continue to be perplexed, resentful, indignant, and troubled over why there are so several disasters, and crisis in this planet, and all close to them! They are discouraged and angry that they are not able to quit nor avert these disasters from happening. They dislike sensation completely powerless, helpless and they deeply resent their incapability to perform God and to prevent all disasters and affliction upon the inhabitants of earth.

New age store contemplating is genuinely aged age pondering. It all started out with the principle of evolution - which "preaches" that we all evolved from a lower form of daily life like baboons, guerrillas, tadpoles and monkeys!

This evolution nonsense fits correct into Satan's ultimate scheme - to deny us from the glorious reality, that we are all developed in God's image, and that we are not evolved from inferior stuff. In Genesis, God informed us that we have been developed in his possess impression - but NOT THAT WE ARE GOD!!! You see, Lucifer (who once was the most glorious of angels and illuminated God's throne) was solid out of heaven, and grew to become Satan when he was corrupted in his spirit and made the decision that he needed to be higher than God himself! He needed to be seated previously mentioned God himself. And this is what all new age believers want whether they want to admit it or not!

God developed us to depict him (not Satan) on this earth. We are not here to stay in selfish enjoyment in a self serving method nor to glorify ourselves as new age preachers want us to believe. We are below to serve God in the course of our limited span of life on earth. We provide him by symbolizing God, his phrase and the salvation message during the time that he grants us on this earth! This is all opposite to the new age falsehood, which is that we are in this earth to glorify ourselves, as if we are all person Gods! Once again, it is the same falsehood and delusion that Satan fed to Adam and Eve in the first sin, at the extremely starting of civilization.

New age practitioners do not think in hell nor in a judgement working day - since "they are Gods". Once again, this is all the exact same type of poison that Satan, disguised as a serpent, fed to Adam and Eve. The forbidden fruit (the deception and the lie) that he fed them, creating them to sin and eternally individual themselves from God, is the same fake doctrine that the modern day day new age believers are embracing today.

The essence of the New Age Motion is pantheism - the pagan perception that God is in every thing and as a result everything is God. This perception stands in direct opposition to the biblical teaching that God exists individual and apart from His generation. A corollary of pantheism is the perception that guy is God and consequently the crucial to religious enlightenment and salvation is to identify one's divinity and release it to attain Christ-consciousness. It would seem like new age embraces any faith as long as it is not bible dependent or dependent on Jesus.

Most if not all new age believers, falsely think that there are a lot of approaches to God. To them, Jesus is not the only way, so certainly his dying on the cross and the trinity and the bible is not the faith that they actually embrace. they can contact by themselves Christians if they would like, but they are anti-Jesus, anti-Christians and anti-Christs in practice and in reality.

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