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okay guys this is David with another writing and message of my story to you which i have something to tell you and to tell you guys that i have a problem I'm having strange dreams and yeah let me announce something to you from now on notes will be my plat form to talk about spirits to you guys and when i grow up I'm gonna have laws and rules and regulations orders and instructions one we will not sleep in my mansion house and home two i have had a very hard life when i was a child so you'd better respect me and law three where gonna have one hundred one thousand and millions of beds but those beds will not be used for sleeping only playing with toys first second and third of all law for Peter is a spirit i will introduce him to my family people when i grow up plagues and my wife and my children are gonna talk to him he is good not demonic bad unholy unfalse unfold evil and when my mother has told me that i have stop praising Peter the spirit but I'm not gonna listen and when i grow up up and tell my family about my life which is about spirits and the spirit my mother isn't gonna be there to stop me and I'll be free and my mother will notknow that I'm talking about spirits even when I'm an adult and if my mother did know she would angry pist annoyed upset mad angry and even if she did there is nothing that she would be able to do about it and law regulation rule order demand command is that me and my family will be watching electronics all day and all night without no rest and before after they pray at night they will watch electronics that will be our routine and law rule regulation command demand and order and instruction is I'm the head of my family when i grow up and if my family gets to go against my orders laws commands demands laws rules regulations and instructions there will be trouble and i will ask my wife and my children to call me the king of the Castle and thats law seven and law eight is that i will be happy and happy even with Peter around and law nine is that that there will be peace in my home mansion house and home and law ten is that i will be happy with god and i a will promise to be a good man and i will be obedient to the lord and god Christ and Jesus and the lord god almighty and I'll do my best just like Peter the good u false u bad good unevil undemonic and nice kind and Peter is an obedient spirit just like I'm an obedient human and sorry when i typed unfalse i looked at it and it was infalse which is the same thing as false and probably another word for false which was both on purpose and a mistake anyway thats law ten my eleventh law is that i will go to my grandma and papaps house and home and I will show my wife and children the center dove and its best for me to have one hundred and one thou ssame children because when i go to my grandma s house and home for my eleventh law rule regulation order command demand and instruction i will only bring a little bit of the children that i have out of the one hundred and one thousand children that i have wow i didn't know that i had the strength to type on notes for so long story plagues god has given me strength in him spiritual strength like the prophetic people that my mother watches on her laptop says anyway I've talked to you a lot now and i think its about time for me to rest from notes by goodbye that all i have to say to you .
sorry that was a mistake when i said that i will be obedient to Peter i meant i will be obedient to the lord even though i already am obedient to Peter on some thing like such as and the day when Peter told me that me and the center dove are the same and ever since that day in fact i have believed Peter and been obedient and listened to Peter on that when your obedient you believe in the thing that the person tells at that is what i did when Peter told me that me and the center are the same in fact thats my twevlefth law and my auntie is arguing with me so i have to get off notes bye i love you.hey my mother said that i won't be talking about spirits anymore and that i would have to find something else to talk when i told that notes is my plate form to talk spirits and when she finished her sentence i went on the steps and as i was walking on the steps i asked her how does that contradict with notes and she told me you guys that i won't be talking about spirits anymore so I'd have to find something else to talk about. Thats it. Oh no its a spinosaurus run oh no its a trex spinosaurus vs trex run oh no its a spinosaurus run oh no its a giganotosaurus spinosaurus vs giganotosaurus run oh no its a spinosaurus oh no its a cacharodontosaurus spinosaurus vs cacharodontosaurus run oh no its a spinosaurus oh no its a velociraptor spinosaurus vs velociraptor run this is my game 1234567891011121314151617181920212255443377889966 100 pirates travel by see you saw what happened in the beginning of my story with spirits when i posed liked the center dove and changed bodies and sides right and i posed and the spirits won🏘🌏 okay alright right sorry dinosaur types spinosaurus giganotosaurus tyrannosaurus rex cacharodontosaurus velociraptor baryonx suchomimus ultalraptor gorgosasaurus carnotaurus sourophanax mosoaurus pterodactyl pteranodon indominusrex last time i put an emoji of the son rising down and setting on notes because some times when its dark pirates set and go out to find treasures plagues thats what i call the law of the pirates people and plagues pirates are a group of ancient people that traveled by water pirates of the Caribbean is a movie about pirates and when i looked on Google ladies and gentlemen plagues story plagues and story people i saw that pirates were still existing and i saw their names i wonder if there is a pirate by the name of Peter now followers ladies and gentlemen since i know that they exist the reason why i looked that up was because my mother told me that pirates are not real anymore when they are and thats a lie fairy tale fib story just a bold face that she told me just like williy is a bold face liar when i was at the other house one day when me and my family were about to go to the gass station when williy lied to me bold face saying when you get home I'll be waiting for you and we will be fighting but i knew that the was lie because we already were fighting okay so williy is a bold face liar okay okay first she got me into trouble then than then she lied to me see how deceptive she is like really Peter is really encouraging but williy is bad false infalse unholy demonic not good ungood evil and revenge foul just like the other spirits are Peter is a boy name there are probably about one hundred one thousand peters in this world there is a Peter in the Bible i through away my eye drops.spinosaurus is the sailed Egyptian spine lizard monster which is bigger than all carnivorous theropod dinosaurs bigger than trex or rex giganotosaurus cacharodontosaurus carnotaurus velociraptor ultalraptor indoraptor even indominusrex the biggest hybrid ingent monster the biggest hybrid that there is of them all the spinosaurus is even bigger than then all the small little tiny theropod dinosaurs hybrids and not hybrids and hybrids and non hybrids . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 . i love you. guys i was watching down stairs on my tablet disasters strike Egypt where moses turned the Nile river and moses used his staff rod stick and Cain which is the same and God parted the red sea which is in Egypt Egypt is the home to a lot of false gods rivers waters mummy the red sea the Nile river and dead of mummies crest in bandages in tombs in the pyramids and fishes in the waters and they have big big statues and they temples that are not of GOD Egyptians don't worship GOD but Israelites do and do worship GOD in Egypt both Israel and Egypt are far away from so thats why Egyptians and Israelites serve driffrent gods upper case for Israel and lower case for Egypt
do you see now ! okay so i want to talk about log bridges a log bridge is a bridge that is made out of wood which is real and i want about the garden of Eden and which number represents perfection and compilation when i looked on Google twelve eleven seven three ten and five represents a good thing and i wonder followers finally subscriber's plagues people ladies what nine 9 represents anyway I'm gonna look it up on Google this maniac put the eye drop in my eye and i thought there was no more but there is because earlier i had hid and put and wasted my eye drops underneath the table and my auntie grandma who came over to take a vivid test and my so called mother was upset but i wasn't upset i was glad and i didn't know that i had a test coming straight for me with my grandma and in fact mariam who was moses sister and aarron moses brother lived because they were among pharoah then than they lived in the promise land is in Israel and cannan which is supposed to be a land of milk and honey for the Israelites which wondered in the desert for 30 days and 40 forty nights and the people were saying moses where thirsty moses where why has GOD taken us to this horrible place how wanna kill us is that the idea my wifes not happy thats for certain okay so when the Israelites complained they had no rest they stayed up all night and all day complaining about the trip food water meat and cucumbers and Mellons and fish and all a variety of food to choice from that they had in Egypt . classic caillou and caillou is what i was just watching on YouTube on my tablet GOD rested on the seventh day. i was thinking of telling you plagues that the seventh day of Christmas is considered to be holy because the when GOD was in the garden of Eden God rested on the seventh day and he blessed the seventh day so thats why when Christmas comes and its the seventh day its Holy and also the seventh day is a sign that represents perfection and compilation so the seventh day and the number seven it self represents good things in the song twelve days of Christmas its says on the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me seven swans a swimming so remember followers plagues people ladies and gentlemen subscribers and children of mine when Christmas comes always remember the seventh day as a holy day from the garden of Eden three just like seven ten and twelve represent completion and perfection one the number geniroly represents unity one represents God and the universe the number two represents love harmony balance and consideration in the song twelve days of Christmas its says on the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me two turtle doves and doves consider each other and mate for life with each other and the two turtle doves can be compared with the two and its take to birds to do things to gather and thats how i can compare the two turtle doves with the number two nine represents divine completeness and conveys finality Christ died on the 9 ninth hour of the day . and when i said the on the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me seven swans a swimming can be compared with the pear seventh day. if seven contradicts anything its holy because a long time ago when i was at the other house which is my grandma and papaps house i asked Alexa what a seagulls represents and she Alexa told me that a seagull represents eternal life so its seven seagulls seven seagulls that represent eternal life. and eleven has its own meaning to even 13 and all the numbers of the counting chart have a meaning i asked Alexa what a truck means and represents recently at my aunties house which is where I'm at right now on my tablet and she told me. and thats why when Christmas comes always remember the seventh day as a holy day in the garden of eden. i named my toy tyrannosaurus and tyrannosaurus rex and rex and tyranno and trex Peter and now he's Peter the trex Peter is a boy name originated from from both modern and ancient times Peter is a disciple of Jesus I'm having a zoom meeting with my therapist Mr Jeremy Alan . Peter was one time doubting Jesus one is a powerful number and the song says on the first day of Christmas my true love sent or are gave to me a partridge in a pear tree because the reason how and why i can compare this to the number one is because jesus birthday was celebrated on the first day of Christmas which is why the first day of the world of the first day of Christmas or are the first day is holy just like the seventh day is holy i don't know about the fifth day or are the sixth day . and i don't it the fourth the eleventh day or are twevlefth 13th day the 14th day the 15th day the 16th day the 17th day the 18th day 19th day the or are even it the 20th day is holy but i know that the seventh day is holy seven contradicts anything that is holy. trumpets are representative and signifying the return of God and the number 7 seven is compared with that when i told my mother when i had millions of trumpets dream i saw millions of trumpets and when i told her told her she said seeing a trumpet in your dream represents and means and signifys a good thing and she told that seeing millions of trumpets in David's dream signifys symbolizes means and represents and is symbolic of the return of Christ and Christs come back when Jesus returns there will be millions of angels and millions of trumpets with the angels blowing them in the clouds God will be writing on a White hourse and there will be a sword coming out of Gods mouth to judge the nation and the people and his eyes will be like blazing fire and the water will turn to blood and the sun and moon will be darkend and there will be a great earthquake in spite of the angels blowing shofars and trumpets and the books will open and show what people did when they were on earth and they will be given a White robe . and there will be animals dinosaurs such as spinosaurus giganotosaurus trex cacharodontosaurus carnotaurus velociraptor ultalraptor idoraptor iced baryonx gallimimus pterodactyl pteranodon Andre my family my aunties sister td jakes Mr Romeo Benson which we he'll change his heart and expect God and there will suchomimus there will be Colin Clinton lets Larry and Bali go to my aunties dad who's Simon simeon Jacob enosh Enoch Isaac Seth Paul Peter James dennis Latoya Gabriel John Garfield which lets hope there's a person by the name of Garfield who believes lily Benjamin williy Sasha alexa my therapist at tabor road Becky Eric grant Jeremy flash Owen Daniel Philip farm gregor Martin Chris anubis Spencer troy lets hope roul Bryan and Ryan mostly Bob blippi Shawn there will beriver heaheavenere ere will be two trees with delicious fruits next to the river in heaven which the people that go to heaven which includes me and a whole lot of other people who believe in God will get to heaven and eat the fruits which are in the the two trees which are in heaven and lets hope a a person by the name of lily and Benjamin go to heaven God will return when the great tribulation comes there Will be a river in heaven and there at the end of the river in heaven there will be a throne where God sits as i saw in a bible which is my bible by the name of the reader grow picture Bible in God by the name of Garfield does Garfield as the name of a real life person believe in God. I've learned a lot of things in life im thinking now of looking up driffrent types of water's. oh and there will be streets of gold in heaven
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