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Should You Rent Your Email List?
If you own or operate a business and have not been doing so, then you are certainly missing out on what is probably one of the most effective marketing tools available today. And that is email list renting. In a nutshell, renting an email list basically means to pay someone a third party a pre-determined amount for each email they send them. Of course email list renting can range significantly in cost with some agreeing to deliver up to ten emails each month. Others work out more like one email per week.

The cost is usually cheaper when dealing with individual emails rather than an entire email list. With the large volume that most people put out, it pays to rent email lists rather than trying to build up a customer base from scratch. The cost also becomes worthwhile when compared with traditional methods of list building. For example, when you consider the cost of purchasing leads, the time that must be spent on list building and the time that must be spent on follow up, you quickly see that renting is a more economical choice.

In addition to being more cost effective, renting email lists allows you to create customised offers to fit your specific needs. You can build opt-in email lists to only include people who opted in to receive information about your company or special offers. You can also opt-in email lists to only include people who have requested more information about your company. Many companies also use email list renting as a tool for driving their sales. They may rent email lists to businesses that are not generating much business, yet still want to be included in future marketing efforts.

The advantages of email list renting far outweigh the disadvantages. For example, there is no cost involved in putting together an email list which you will later turn around and sell for a profit. There is also no ongoing cost such as maintaining and paying for addresses and other contact information. However, there are some disadvantages as well:

The first disadvantage of email list renting is that it may not work for you. If you are serious about making money through offline direct marketing, then a combination of buying and renting email lists is essential. If you are not sure how much you need to invest, it may be best to focus on one strategy at a time. This will allow you to test which strategy works the best. Instead of spending all your time and money on different strategies, you should focus on one and gradually expand it until it produces results.

The second disadvantage is that email list renting requires a great deal of work. It is not as simple as just throwing together an email list and hoping that people will sign up for it. Renting lists is not like dropping off flyers at a doorstep. It requires careful planning, targeted communications, and many more resources that you may not currently have. Some entrepreneurs who are new to online marketing may find it difficult to focus on these tasks without losing the profit they hope to make from online advertising.

Finally, there are significant disadvantages that can be ignored if you are starting out. Most of the advantages of email list renting are overshadowed by the fact that you will be paying money for addresses, personal information, and other details. The privacy of these individuals may not be as protected as you want, and you could end up paying more for the privilege. frescodata can be a big disadvantage in the long run, especially if you are involved in joint ventures or other types of internet marketing activities. As with any money-making endeavor, you should always consider whether it is worth the investment.

This short article has briefly discussed the advantages and disadvantages of email list renting. As you can see, there are some clear benefits and some major disadvantages. Now that you know how to avoid the pitfall of 'joint ventures' and how to effectively handle your email list, you will probably wonder whether you should be using this strategy. If you have been thinking of venturing into email list building, then it might be time to try out aweber. It's free, it works, and it allows you to focus your energy on other important tasks.
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