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Archiwum Historii Mówionej - Halina Żelaska
1. Brust H, Orzechowski S, Fettke J., Steup M. (2013) Starch synthesizing reactions and paths: in vitro and in vivo studies. Orawetz T., Malinova I., Orzechowski S., Fettke J., 2016 Reduction of the plastidial phosphorylase in potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Feluś M., Orzechowski S. (2006) Identification and partly purification a novel homologue of glucan, water dikinase (GWD) from Solanum tuberosum L. 41st Meeting of the Polish Biochemical Society Białystok September Acta Biochem. Orzechowski S., Grabowska A., Sitnicka D., Simińska J., Feluś M., Dudkiewicz M., Fudali S., Sobczak M. (2013) Analysis of the expression, subcellular and tissue localisation of glucan, water dikinase (GWD3) in Solanum tuberosum L.: A bioinformatics approach for the comparative analysis of two α-glucan, water dikinases (GWDs) from Solanum tuberosum L. Acta Physiol. Trela Z., Burdach Z., Siemieniuk A., Przestalski S., Karcz W. 2015. Effect of trimethyltin chloride on slow vacuolar (SV) channels in vacuoles from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproots. Burdach Z., Kurtyka R., Siemieniuk A., Karcz W. 2014. Role of chloride ions in the promotion of auxin-induced growth of maize coleoptiles. Trela Z., Burdach Z., Przestalski S., Karcz W. 2012. Effect of trimethyllead chloride on slowly activating (SV) channels in red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproots.

Karcz W., Walkach Z. 2002. A comparison of the IAA and 4-Cl-IAA on growth, proton secretion and membrane potential in maize coleoptile segments. Karcz W., Walkach Z. 2007. Effect of temperature on growth, proton extrusion and membrane potential in maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptile segments. 2004. Effects on growth, productivity and biomass quality of Miscanthus × giganteus of soils contaminated with heavy metals. Pietrosiuk A., Furmanowa M., Skopińska-Różewska E., Sommer E., Skurzak H., Bany J. (2004). tutaj of acetylshikonin isolated from Lithospermum canescens roots on tumor-induced cutaneous angiogenesis. Pietrosiuk A., Sykłowska-Baranek K., Wiedenfeld H., Wolinowska R., Furmanowa M., Jaroszyk E. (2006). The shikonin derivatives and pyrrolizidine alkaloids in hairy root cultures of Lithospermum canescens (Michx.) Lehm. Gryszczyńska A., Krajewska-Patan A., Dreger M., Buchwald W., Pietrosiuk A., Zych M., Karasiewicz M., Bogacz A., Kujawski R., Furmanowa M., Czerny B., Mielcarek S., Gazda P., Mrozikiewicz P.M. Piękoś-Mirkowska H., Kalemba A., Korzeniak J., Krause R., Mitka J., Szypuła W. 2008. Dzwonek piłkowany Campanula serrata (Kit.) Hendrych. Sykłowska-Baranek K., Pietrosiuk A., Dłuska H., Furmanowa M. (2004). wypracowanie of Lithospermum canescens (Michx.) Lehm. Pietrosiuk A., Skopińska-Różewska E., Furmanowa M., Wiedenfeld H., Sommer E., Sokolnicka I., Rogala E., Radomska-Leśniewska D., Bany J., Malinowski M. (2004). Immunomodulatory effect of shikonin derivatives isolated from Lithospermum canescens on cellular and humoral immunity in Balb/c mice.

Olędzka H., Gajdzis-Kuls D., Gąska A., Stefańska K., Bogdanowicz A., Mistrzak P., Olszowska O. (2009). Paclitaxel and cephalomannine in in vitro cultures of Taxus cuspidata Sieb. Kabata-Pendias A., Motowicka-Terelak T., Piotrowska M., Terelak H., Witek T. 1993. Ocena stopnia zanieczyszczenia gleb i roślin metalami trudnymi i siarką. Skorupińska-Tudek K., Pytelewska A., Zelman-Femiak M., Mikoszewski J., Olszowska O., Gajdzis-Kuls D., Urbanska N., Syklowska-Baranek K., Hertel J., Chojnacki T., Swiezewska E. (2007). In vitro plant tissue cultures accumulate polyisoprenoid alcohols. Exposito O., Syklowska-Baranek K., Moyano E., Onrubia M., Bonfill M., Palazon J., Cusido R. M. (2010). Metabolic responses of Taxus media transformed cell cultures to the addition of methyl jasmonate. Grech-Baran M., Pietrosiuk A. (2010). Arglabina - lakton seskwiterpenowy o właściwościach przeciwnowotworowych Biul. Szypuła W., Kiss A.K., Pietrosiuk A., Świst M., Danikiewicz W., Olszowska O. 2011. Determination of huperzine A in Huperzia selago plants from wild population and obtained in in vitro culture by high-performance liquid chromagraphy using a chaotropic mobile phase.

2007. Trace Elements from Soil to Human. 2. Łazicka K., Orzechowski S. (2010) The characteristics of the chosen mycotoxins and their toxic influence on the human and animal metabolism. Antonkiewicz J., Jasiewicz Cz., Koncewicz-Baran M., Sendor R. 2016. Nickel bioaccumulation by the chosen plant species. 2011. The role of two Spartina species in phytostabilization and bioaccumulation of Co, Cr, and Ni in the Tinto-Odiel estuary (SW Spain). Budziszewska J., Szypuła W. 2010. Influence of site conditions on the diversity of endophytic fungi of clubmoss species Huperzia selago (L.). Budziszewska J., Szypuła W., Wilk M., Wrzosek M. 2011. Paraconiothyrium babiogorense sp. Szypuła W. Olszowska O., Furmanowa M. 2006. In vitro culture of Lycopodiaceae (club mosses). Majewska., Hoser G., Furmanowa M., Urbańska N., Pietrosiuk A., Zobel A., Kuras M. (2006). Antiproliterative and antimitotic effect, S phase accumulation and induction of apoptosis and necrosis after treatment of extract from Rhodiola rosea rhizomes on HL-60 cells.

Sykłowska-Baranek K., Pietrosiuk A., Kokoszka A., Furmanowa M. (2009). Enhancement of taxane production in hairy root culture of Taxus x media var. Sykłowska-Baranek K., Furmanowa M. (2005). Taxane production in suspension culture of Taxus x media var. Śliwińska A., Olszowska O., Furmanowa M., Nosov A. (2008). of Polyscias filicifolia by secondary somatic embryogenesis. Orzechowski S. (2008) Starch metabolism in leaves. Orzechowski S., Dudkiewicz M. (2010) Complex of starch related proteins in potato tuber. Macewicz J., Orzechowski S., Dobrzyńska U., Haebel S. (2006) Is quantity of protein in barley forms determined by proteins localized in the subaleurone layer? Acta Physiol. Zea mays L. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. Wrocław 13-16 wrzesień Acta Biochm. Karczewska A., Lewinska K., Gałka B. 2013. Arsenic extractability and uptake by velvetgrass Holcus lanatus and ryegrass Lolium perenne in variously treated soils polluted by tailing spills. Algreen M., Trapp S., Rein A. 2014. Phytoscreening and phytoextraction of heavy metals at Danish polluted sites using willow and poplar trees.

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