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Step 1: Decide what form your NFT is going to be. Decide what form of NFT you are going to create.
The most established form is a piece of artwork as a picture, video, or GIF. There are very few limits to what you could make into an NFT with the rise of tokenisation
Step 2: Choose your NFT marketplace.
There is a range of NFT marketplaces that will allow you to mint and sell your NFTs. Some of the biggest examples include KnownOrigin, OpenSea, and Rarible.
Step 3: Decide how rare you will make your NFT (Scarcity)
through the use of NFTs, we can use the Blockchain ledger to prove the authenticity and the scarcity of creative work. The ledger stores a unique key for each piece of art and stores information about the total amount of NFTs that have been minted.

When deciding on the rarity of your NFT, you need to consider whether you want to create a one-off piece of art or multiple NFTs as a set of collectibles. Both have their benefits and negatives, and both can end up being insanely valuable.
For example, there are 10,000 CryptoPunks available, but all are unique. They create a members-only feel for people who purchase them.
Step 4: What Blockchain will you use to mint your NFT?

Ethereum is the most widely adopted blockchain when it comes to launching NFT projects. The blockchain is also supported by the large majority of marketplaces.
the large downside of using Ethereum for your NFT collection is the potential for huge transaction fees. When Gas fees are high, it can cost users hundreds or even thousands to mint a popular NFT, often to the point where the Gas used for the transaction is more than the price of the NFT

There are other Blockchains that have NFT capabilities such as Cardano, Solana, Polygon, etc. These don’t include gas prices and only charge a small transaction fee. However, there is a slight trade-off as these Blockchains are often not compatible with as many marketplaces and are less well known to users.
Step 5: Create your Collection and Mint your NFT

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. An NFT is a piece of data stored on the blockchain that guarantees something is unique and irreplaceable.
What can you turn into an NFT? Basically anything, It is most famous for representing collectible cards, pictures, GIFs, and videos but an NFT could also be real estate.

The creators get a portion of the sale price every time these apes change hands. Considering the floor price now is around 40 ETH (around $137,000)

If you’d like to create a single NFT then you can go directly to the “Create” option in OpenSea.
To begin with, you need to visit OpenSea and connect your crypto wallet. Under the “My Profile” section, represented by your profile icon, select the section called my collections. Once you are in you can select create a new NFT collection. You can give your collection a name, logo, banner, and description. At this stage, there is also an option to add links to your social media accounts and website. The more information you can add to your listing the better understanding collectors can get about your project and any community surrounding it. When you create your collection, you can also select which cryptocurrency you would like users to be able to pay in as well as ETH. The final stage in the process is to add the actual NFTs to the collection.
To do this visit your collection click “Add Item”. On the mint page, there are some really important details that we don’t want to miss. Using OpenSea you can add extra data to your NFTs with specific traits that they contain. This allows your community to compare different NFTs in your collection and distinguish rarity.
KnownOrigin is a digital art marketplace based on the Ethereum blockchain. Their marketplace is similar to an art gallery. You list your art and they take a small royalty fee when sold, The platform has both a Primary Marketplace (where users buy directly from the artist) and a Secondary Marketplace (where users buy from other collectors who are re-selling art). One thing to consider with KnownOrigin is that you have to apply to be able to mint art on the platform. This ensures that the platform is filled with high-quality and authentic digital art.

OpenSea is a cross-chain NFT marketplace that uses the Ethereum, Polygon, and Klaytn blockchains. It’s, without doubt, the biggest NFT Marketplace. With the OpenSea platform, you have the options to sell your NFT via a fixed price, an English auction (the highest bid wins), or a Dutch auction (the price falls until it’s matched.) Buyers pay the gas fees when purchasing fixed-price items. Sellers pay the gas when accepting offers. But all first-time sellers have to pay a one-time fee of two transaction costs.

Rarible is a community-owned NFT marketplace. Similar to OpenSea, the platform is an all-rounder. What differentiates them from other platforms is their governance token named $RARI. The Rarible team has issued about 40,000 of these a week which are split 50/50 between buyers and sellers on the platform. The governance token provides you with the opportunity to influence decisions on the Rarible platform.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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