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6 Tracy Aviary - The Tracy Aviary has been around in since 1938 when work out plans created due to charitable act by banker Russell Lord Tracy as he donated his private bird collection to Salt Lake City. Located just south of downtown Salt Lake City, this aviary a fabulous vacation hot spots. It is home to than 500 birds from 150 species and you'll get the chance to encounter them up close and person. This should be on any bird lover's short connected with vacation attractions.

8 Busch Gardens Africa - Tampa Bay - Busch Gardens offers a little bit of everything for everyone old and young as well as includes something for the bird and parrot devotees. They have (8) themed parks one particular of those is the Bird Garden which has have over 500 birds from inside of world which guarantees you'll see something of interest. So whether it's a show at the Bird Gardens Theatre, a stroll through Lory Landing or a walk through the Aviary, you will something to satisfy your inner bird enthusiast.

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