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-Before 26. Maybe add an incredulous line from Sam: “A dinosaur?”
-27. Instead of “T-rex,” let’s just keep it a generic “dinosaur”
-After 29. Following briefings, we usually include a quick repeatable “launch” sequence of S&K taking off – I’ve attached another script for reference. You can just copy and paste the “launch” sequence (action after line 25) into your script!
-Before 30. Then, we they arrive, let’s have RON announce their arrival: “Now arriving at destination biome: North American Wetlands.”
-36. Let’s include a bit more of a physical description: “It was big and green… and it snapped it’s jaws…(etc.)” or similar!
-Around 48. This scene feels like it could use a bit more tension. Maybe S&K, without realizing it, stumble right into the middle of all the gators? They worry that they might be in danger, trying to slip away unnoticed… until the gator explains that they’re mostly active at night, etc. We could also revisit the physical description above: “Big, green, reptiles – this could be our ‘dinosaur’!” (or better!)
-After 59. Sam’s fall could be sillier. Maybe he falls into a bunch of leaves/vegetation, then gets a bunch of them stuck to his head like a funny hairdo? Or better – let’s just make a gag of it!
-72. Think we could establish the danger a bit more: “It’s coming right for us… and it’s snapping like crazy!” (or similar)

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