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Categorical Variables

One of the main ways for working with categorical variables is using 0, 1 encodings. In this technique, you create a new column for every level of the categorical variable. The advantages of this approach include:

The ability to have differing influences of each level on the response.
You do not impose a rank of the categories.
The ability to interpret the results more easily than other encodings.

The disadvantages of this approach are that you introduce a large number of effects into your model. If you have a large number of categorical variables or categorical variables with a large number of levels, but not a large sample size, you might not be able to estimate the impact of each of these variables on your response variable. There are some rules of thumb that suggest 10 data points for each variable you add to your model. That is 10 rows for each column. This is a reasonable lower bound, but the larger your sample (assuming it is representative), the better.

Let's try out adding dummy variables for the categorical variables into the model. We will compare to see the improvement over the original model only using quantitative variables.
Run the two cells below to get started.

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, mean_squared_error

import test3 as t

import seaborn as sns

%matplotlib inline

df = pd.read_csv('./survey_results_public.csv')


#Only use quant variables and drop any rows with missing values

num_vars = df[['Salary', 'CareerSatisfaction', 'HoursPerWeek', 'JobSatisfaction', 'StackOverflowSatisfaction']]

#Drop the rows with missing salaries

drop_sal_df = num_vars.dropna(subset=['Salary'], axis=0)

# Mean function

fill_mean = lambda col: col.fillna(col.mean())

# Fill the mean

fill_df = drop_sal_df.apply(fill_mean, axis=0)

#Split into explanatory and response variables

X = fill_df[['CareerSatisfaction', 'HoursPerWeek', 'JobSatisfaction', 'StackOverflowSatisfaction']]

y = fill_df['Salary']

#Split into train and test

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = .30, random_state=42)

lm_model = LinearRegression(normalize=True) # Instantiate, y_train) #Fit

#Predict and score the model

y_test_preds = lm_model.predict(X_test)

"The r-squared score for the model using only quantitative variables was {} on {} values.".format(r2_score(y_test, y_test_preds), len(y_test))

Question 1

1. Use the df dataframe. Identify the columns that are categorical in nature. How many of the columns are considered categorical? Use the reference here if you get stuck.

cat_df = # Subset to a dataframe only holding the categorical columns

# Print how many categorical columns are in the dataframe - should be 147


# Test your dataframe matches the solution


Question 2

2. Use cat_df and the cells below to fill in the dictionary below the correct value for each statement.

# Cell for your work here

# Cell for your work here

# Cell for your work here

# Provide the key as an `integer` that answers the question

cat_df_dict = {'the number of columns with no missing values': #int here,

'the number of columns with more than half of the column missing': #int here,

'the number of columns with more than 75% of the column missing': #int here


# Check your dictionary results


Question 3

3. For each of the categorical variables, we now need to create dummy columns. However, as we saw above, there are a lot of missing values in the current set of categorical columns. So, you might be wondering, what happens when you dummy a column that has missing values.

The documentation for creating dummy variables in pandas is available here, but we can also just put this to practice to see what happens.

First, run the cell below to create a dataset that you will use before moving to the full stackoverflow data.

After you have created dummy_var_df, use the additional cells to fill in the sol_3_dict with the correct variables that match each key.

dummy_var_df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'a', np.nan, 'b', np.nan],

'col2': [1, np.nan, 3, np.nan, 5, 6, 7, 8]



pd.get_dummies(dummy_var_df['col1'])# Use this cell to write whatever code you need.

a = 1

b = 2

c = 3

d = 'col1'

e = 'col2'

f = 'the rows with NaNs are dropped by default'

g = 'the NaNs are always encoded as 0'

sol_3_dict = {'Which column should you create a dummy variable for?': #Letter here,

'When you use the default settings for creating dummy variables, how many are created?': #Letter here,

'What happens with the nan values?': #Letter here


# Check your dictionary against the solution


Question 4

4. Notice, you can also use get_dummies to encode NaN values as their own dummy coded column using the dummy_na argument. Often these NaN values are also informative, but you are not capturing them by leaving them as 0 in every column of your model.

Create a new encoding for col1 of dummy_var_df that provides dummy columns not only for each level, but also for the missing values below. Store the 3 resulting dummy columns in dummy_cols_df and check your solution against ours.

dummy_cols_df = #Create the three dummy columns for dummy_var_df

# Look at your result


# Check against the solution


Question 5

5. We could use either of the above to begin creating an X matrix that would (potentially) allow us to predict better than just the numeric columns we have been using thus far.

First, complete the create_dummy_df. Follow the instructions in the document string to assist as necessary.

#Create a copy of the dataframe

cat_df_copy = cat_df.copy()

#Pull a list of the column names of the categorical variables

cat_cols_lst = cat_df.columns

def create_dummy_df(df, cat_cols, dummy_na):



df - pandas dataframe with categorical variables you want to dummy

cat_cols - list of strings that are associated with names of the categorical columns

dummy_na - Bool holding whether you want to dummy NA vals of categorical columns or not


df - a new dataframe that has the following characteristics:

1. contains all columns that were not specified as categorical

2. removes all the original columns in cat_cols

3. dummy columns for each of the categorical columns in cat_cols

4. if dummy_na is True - it also contains dummy columns for the NaN values

5. Use a prefix of the column name with an underscore (_) for separating


return df

df_new = create_dummy_df(df, cat_cols_lst, dummy_na=False) #Use your newly created function

# Show shape to assure it has a shape of (5009, 11938)


Question 6

6. Use the document string below to complete the function. Then test your function against the solution.

def clean_fit_linear_mod(df, response_col, cat_cols, dummy_na, test_size=.3, rand_state=42):



df - a dataframe holding all the variables of interest

response_col - a string holding the name of the column

cat_cols - list of strings that are associated with names of the categorical columns

dummy_na - Bool holding whether you want to dummy NA vals of categorical columns or not

test_size - a float between [0,1] about what proportion of data should be in the test dataset

rand_state - an int that is provided as the random state for splitting the data into training and test


test_score - float - r2 score on the test data

train_score - float - r2 score on the test data

lm_model - model object from sklearn

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test - output from sklearn train test split used for optimal model

Your function should:

1. Drop the rows with missing response values

2. Drop columns with NaN for all the values

3. Use create_dummy_df to dummy categorical columns

4. Fill the mean of the column for any missing values

5. Split your data into an X matrix and a response vector y

6. Create training and test sets of data

7. Instantiate a LinearRegression model with normalized data

8. Fit your model to the training data

9. Predict the response for the training data and the test data

10. Obtain an rsquared value for both the training and test data


return test_score, train_score, lm_model, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

#Test your function with the above dataset

test_score, train_score, lm_model, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = clean_fit_linear_mod(df_new, 'Salary', cat_cols_lst, dummy_na=False)

#Print training and testing score

print("The rsquared on the training data was {}. The rsquared on the test data was {}.".format(train_score, test_score))

Notice how much higher the rsquared value is on the training data than it is on the test data - why do you think that is?
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