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Cleo Annie
Cleo Annie my be homeless but shes not hopeless..

Today was the day when I skip school secretly... "Mom.." I hollered "I don't want to go to school"
"Sweetie," said my mom while grabbing her card box purse, "you must go Cleo" I drugged my backpack near my little brother, Albert. "Albert i'm skipping school today"."You are?" "yes" i said. "MOM,CLEO IS..." I covered his mouth before he said a word. "Yes Albert"said mom. I glared at Albert until he got scared. "Nothing mom" Albert said frightened. "Kids go on the school bus, then go to the snack bus and here is some money okay?"
We both nodded.

When we got on the school bus I sat next to my best friend Alison while Albert sat next to his best friend to.
"Hey!" said Alison, "Hey!" I said. "So whats your plan for skipping school today,Cleo?". "Um,to say i'm sick." Alison rolled here eyes and said "Okay." "I guess you'll miss art class." "ART CLASS?" i said confused and excited. "Yep" Alison said. "OH WHATEVER I'M GOING!!!" Everyone in the bus stared at me,blushed and sat down all nervous.

At class I sat in the front and Alison sits in the back, Mr. Hayes put Alison there since we talk to much.
I raised my hand and said "Mr. Hayes, when are we going to art class?" I looked at Alison, she looked like she lied to me because she was squinting her eyebrows. "Art class?" said Mr. Hayes "We don't have art class."
All the kids started laughing at me, I put my head down.

"I'm SO sorry Cleo," said Alison at lunch "Yeah right." I said stressed. "I'ts just you miss out a lot" "yeah ya right"
i said crossing my arms. "You know you crush right?" said Alison "yeah, why?" i said very very confused.
Before Alison said a word some lunch guy said "Okay throw you food children" I said to myself "I couldn't eat with Alison on my plate."

At recess Alison told me hoe Jackie hugged her (F.Y.I Jackie is my crush) I knew Jackie didn't hug her, she hugged him! After school we only got 2 dollars so we bot 2 packs of m&ms at the snack bar. "Cleo" said Albert "What annoying little brother of mine." i said. "Where do we wait for mama?" "Um I don't know" I was very worried.

At 6:00 pm mom arrived, "Hey y'all" she said "How y'all think I look." "Fine" I said, but i lied, her hair was all frizzy, her pants were torn at the bottom, her shirt had stains. "Okay go to sleep kids" said mom while licking her fingers. "Where?" me and Albert said. Mom pointed under a tree with an old picnic blanket under it. "Right there" she said jumping to make sure we saw.

We went to sleep...the next day i washed my face at the restroom of Target. We didn't get to buy a things since we had no money. I wore the same darn thing.At school some girl in Albert's class was passing out cookies to only people in her class.Albert got 3 while others got 2 or 1. I sat next to Albert "want these 2?" he said "yeah it's better the food my brings." Jackie walked on the bus sitting alone. "Go sit next to your crush I wont budge."
said Albert. "thanks" i said, he nodded.

I sat next to him "Hey!" he said. "Hey! Want a cookie" I said trying not to spit crumbs in his eyeball. "Sure!" he said. When he ate half of the cookie he said "Want to be history partners Cleo?" "Yes!" i said so happy.
Later Alison came in all Fancy like she was going to prom, I think, how would I know what prom looks like i'm only in 5th grade. "Um, see you later Cleo." I waved all confused. He hugged Alison!!! Alison looked at me like saying "I TOLD YOU SO CLEO" They both sat in the back seat talking.

In history it's just always me Jackie and Alison, why? Because we are in advanced history. Jackie had to pick so he picked Alison. I tapped his shoulder and said "Aren't we supposed to be partners?" "Oh" said Jackie "Not Advanced History, just History." I sighed.

When we were done with boring school mom came home early all clean. "MOM WHY DID YOU STEAL CLOTHES" screeched Albert "I didn't" said mom all happy. Me and Albert squinted our eyebrows "eh?" i said.
I got a lottery ticket and won $400 dollars children!!!" "Oh MY GOSH!!" me and Albert said with SO much joy.
She held out bran new clothes. We jumped up and down constantly. "But not enough to buy a house."
Me and Albert looked at each other and sighed.

At night we slept in a shed that was never used, we decorated it for our home. At morning mama said "Ya'll meet here when ya'll done with school"
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