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A short First Event:
General Crule Arrives on stage, giving his spiel. Feral orks recently have a warboss, however they seem to be enlisting themselves to the pdf of an agriculture world with
hostile xenos problem; the warboss of this operation Cap'n Dappa is that he has been purpose-groomed, trained and watched incredibly carefully by the ordos xenos, he is
essential in our efforts to war the Tyranids, and we are to ensure his safety posthaste!

Landing on planet, we find it to be a very cold planet and orks attack a small wave of xenos. pushing up to the front they find An NPC: Cap'n Dappa.

cap'n dappa has a pac hat on his head and would weild a bolter he somehow aquired; if asked he located the item upon the corpse of a commisar.

the objective here at this point is to ensure the orks haven't planted spores; and if they have. remove them. (they have, ways to remove em: Fire, get the admech to deal with
it, dig em out with a shovel and then shoot it)

Leaving the planet, the crew wave goodbye to cap'n dappa. as a small plan is enacted: A solution to the ork spore problem has been discovered and is to be used on the remnants
cap'n dappas crew left. this is done by ascending the tower bit by bit and planting a device at the very top; fighting feral orks/scavenger crews all the way to the top before
extraction and return to the ship

Debrief as necessary.
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Regards; Team

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