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Your main task in this stage is to design and implement a plain/vanilla client-side simulator that acts as a simple job dispatcher. This version of client-side simulator shall fully implement the ds-sim simulation protocol as described in the Project description. Briefly, it connects the server-side simulator, receives jobs and schedule them all to the first one of largest* server type (e.g., ID 0 of large server type in ds-config1.xml); hence, the name of job dispatching policy is ‘allToLargest’. Appendix F in the Project description is a sample simulation log of stage 1 implementation; note that your log might be different if you schedule jobs (SCHD) without requesting resource information (RESC). Your client-side simulator should work for any simulation configuration. A sample client-side simulator (ds-client) provided in ds-sim.tar can be used as a reference implementation. In particular, when running the server with ‘-v brief’, your simulation logs should exactly** match those generated using the reference implementation.

* The largest server type is defined to be the one with the largest number of CPU cores.

** The format and the order of messages are of importance. For example, the order of 'JOBN', 'SCHD' and the actual execution of job. Job details, such as submission time, runtime and resource requirements should also match. If you run the server with ‘-v all’, ds-server might show log differently depending on how the client makes scheduling decisions.

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