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girl gets chosen to participate in some dangerous competition
her "costar" has a crush on her and he tells the interviewer
she panics and lashes out, holding a knife to his throat and threatening him, shaking
she hides in her room and stares at the ceiling
she avoids him for a week while working for the competition
it's physically and mentally strenuous
he catches her sweating, staring at her reflection exhaustedly
she sees him and asks what he wants
he says that they're in it together and he just wants to be friends
she scoffs and says "friends" as if it could never happen and they settle for acquaintances
she says very little, he fills in the blanks
they have to go to the challenge and kill some people
they make it out alive
however, they can't go back to the life they used to have
it's a very sheltered life they lead now
it's just the two of them in an apartment with no electronics (only a tv with 3 movies available)
it's only them
after a week he wakes up at 2 and goes to get a glass of milk and finds her sitting at the kitchen counter alone
she's rewatching the same movie for the 14th time
"you're awake"
"you are too"
"but it's 2 in the morning. why are you awake"
"because I couldn't fall asleep"
he goes to get milk but reconsiders and grabs some ice cream
asks her why she's really awake
she admits that she has nightmares and so she sleeps as little as possible
she hasn't slept more than an hour at a time since the competition ended
he admits to having nightmares too but he still tries to sleep
they have different ways of surviving
she softens to him
they watch a movie together
when it's over she apologizes for lashing out when he announced his crush and for every lash out after
he smiles and forgives her
she asks if the crush is gone
he smirks and doesn't reply
he sees her cutting her hair
asks why she's doing it
she replies sarcastically
immediately apologizes for lashing out
he shakes his head and brings over a cup of her favourite tea
they share a smile
he asks her about the significance of her jewelry which she wears all the time
she reveals that she has many mental illnesses - ODC, anxiety, depression, and now insomnia
she probably also has PTSD from the competition
he reaches out to cover her hand with his own
another day she tells him that she's going crazy
she can't do anything that she used to love doing - no music, no contact with others, no writing, no organizing
he arranges for someone to bring her an iPod and a nice set of notebooks and pens
shes about to go on a walk through the building since she can't actually go out
he tells her not to go outside
they fall asleep on the same bed
she wakes up after a half-hour, shaking and sweating from her nightmare
he comforts her
he thinks she's starting to trust him but she eliminates that hope
she gets a letter saying that her first love was killed in the war
she collapses
he catches her and gives her medical attention
he asks who he was and if he was an old boyfriend
she shakes her head - they were never together but she loved him and would have sacrificed herself for him
he looks a little sad and gets up to get her a cold glass of water
a week later he comes back from working out and finds her crying in the bed
he comforts her and she is really thankful for him
they hug and fall asleep *cute*
a week later she goes to sleep and lasts an hour before awaking from a nightmare
he's not there - he's sitting on the window seat
she goes and sits next to him and asks what's on his mind
he shrugs and says something about the moonlight
she rolls her eyes
he sighs and kisses her
she pulls away wide-eyed "oh"
she recoils within herself and runs out of the room
she lies on the couch to rewatch a movie
they avoid each other for a couple of days
one day she's writing and she sees him walk out of the room in a huff
she hears a commotion downstairs
he tried to leave the apartment building and was attacked by the security guards
they shoot him in the chest
she screams and fights to get to him
she goes on the ambulance with him
she argues with the nurse, she's there to fight for his life if he can't
he wakes up after 4 days
she's been "sleeping" on the chair next to him and she hasn't left his side
she almost screams of joy when he wakes up and she kisses him
he tells her not to because it's just out of gratitude
she shakes her head and kisses him, she apologizes for running away last time
he smiles happily and kisses her again

"This is like walking on barbed wire"
"goddammit I spilled pickle juice all over myself"
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