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There is something very wrong with the system
of values in a society that has only derogatory terms
like nerd and geek for the intellectually curious and
academically serious.
5 A geek, according to Webster’s New World
Dictionary, is a street performer who shocks the
public by biting off heads of live chickens. It is a
telling fact about our language and our culture that
someone dedicated to pursuit of knowledge is
10 compared to a freak biting the head off a live chicken.
Even at a prestigious academic institution like
Harvard, anti-intellectualism is rampant: Many
students are ashamed to admit, even to their friends,
how much they study. Although most students try
15 to keep up their grades, there is a minority of
undergraduates for whom pursuing knowledge is
the top priority during their years at Harvard. Nerds
are ostracized while athletes are idolized.
The same thing happens in U.S. elementary and
20 high schools. Children who prefer to read books
rather than play football, prefer to build model
airplanes rather than get wasted at parties with their
classmates, become social outcasts. Ostracized for
their intelligence and refusal to conform to society’s
25 anti-intellectual values, many are deprived of a
chance to learn adequate social skills and acquire
good communication tools.
Enough is enough.
Nerds and geeks must stop being ashamed of
30 who they are. It is high time to face the persecutors
who haunt the bright kid with thick glasses from
kindergarten to the grave. For America’s sake,
the anti-intellectual values that pervade our society
must be fought.
35 There are very few countries in the world where
anti-intellectualism runs as high in popular culture as
it does in the U.S. In most industrialized nations, not
least of all our economic rivals in East Asia, a kid
who studies hard is lauded and held up as an example
40 to other students.
In many parts of the world, university
professorships are the most prestigious and materially
rewarding positions. But not in America, where
average professional ballplayers are much more
45 respected and better paid than faculty members
of the best universities.
How can a country where typical parents are
ashamed of their daughter studying mathematics
instead of going dancing, or of their son reading
Weber* 50 while his friends play baseball, be expected to
compete in the technology race with Japan or remain
a leading political and cultural force in Europe?
How long can America remain a world-class power
if we constantly emphasize social skills and physical
55 prowess over academic achievement and intellectual
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