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☼ ; Greetings, welcome to the Blox-ton Hotels Bxr! My name is Alyssa, how may I help you today?
☼ ; Keep in mind the limit is III. The menu is on the right if needed. ;)

☼ ; Fascinating choice(s)! Please give me a second as I prepare your delicious order.

☼ ; I am on cool down period. Please wait IO seconds to get your next item.

☼ ; Would you like cheese on your nachos?

☼ ; | I am back with your order! please press ACCEPT if the order is correct, and press deny if the order is incorrect.

Training guide

☼ ; Greetings. I am Alyssa your trainer for this session. Good luck!

☼ ; My assistant for this session will be:

Before we start, I would like to remind you that you are allowed to have safe-chat in Ahwa and it doesn’t affect your chances to be promoted to Staff Assistant at all.
Please be now fully attentive as I will be going over essential information.

[1] This training will consist of 3 portions: Orders, Trivia and Simulation.

[2] You will need [ ] points out of 7 to pass. If you don’t reach the minimum, you will fail.

[3] I suggest you do not go AFK during this session. If it’s unavoidable, notify me.

[4] If you go AFK without my authorization, you will be removed from the server.

[5] If you have difficulties making an order, you can always check the Recipes Guide on your tablets.

[6] You are expected to use grammar in all the Ahwa games. If you decide to not abide by this rule, you will get demoted.

[7] Professionalism isn’t only an obligation as a staff member, here at Ahwa, but is also the key to have a successful career.

My assistant will be doing the first 2 orders and I’ll be doing the third one.

Thank you for your attention. We will now do the first portion of this training.
Welcome to the orders portion.

Please give me your undivided attention as I go through the rules of serving.

My assistant will do the first 2 orders and I will do the third one.

Please note that orders will get progressively more difficult.

If you are on a computer, press “h” on your keyboard to access the “hand-to” tool.

Make sure you have your item in hand when you do it.

If you’re on mobile, press the “hand-to” button.

Please hand me the order once I tell you to do it. If you give it before I do, you won’t receive the point.

The limit of orders for a Guest+ is 3.

For MR+, it is 5.

HR+ can order an unlimited amount of items.

Please also note that you can’t serve the same customer more than once within 5 minutes.

You have 3 minutes to make an order. If you exceed the time limit, you will not get the point.

If you don’t know how to make an order, have a look at the Recipes Guide on your tablets.

Orders are stated only once in training, which is why I suggest screenshotting them.

My assistant will now do the first 2 orders.

Greetings. May I get a Chocolate Cupcake, please?

Greetings, a Strawberry Milkshake with a Cookie.

Greetings, a Kiwi Juice with a Vanilla Milkshake and a Chocolate Cookie.

Greetings, a Strawberry Milkshake with a Cookie.

Unfortunately, the order is incorrect. You will not get the point, but you will receive a PM explaining how to do the order.

This is correct. Good work.

Amazing. If you gave the correct order, you have been awarded a point.

Welcome to the Trivia part.

Please listen carefully while I give you crucial information.

The questions that will be asked will involve Ahwa.

Always answer in the PM I sent you. If you say it out loud, you won’t be getting the point.

However, if you cannot answer the PM, whisper to me in chat.

I cannot send the PM twice, unless it's tagged or you did not receive it.

Ensure to double check your answer before sending the PM back to me, as you only have one chance.

At this moment, you are required to stay silent in order for me to see your username properly.

[1] Do we give warnings to trolls?

[2] Correct the following sentence: ahwah is da best group cuz the comunity is amamazingz!!

If you did not receive the PM, notify me immediately.

Amazing. We will now move on to the next portion.

Trolling Simulation

Welcome to the Trolling Simulation.

As a staff member at Ahwa, you will need to deal with trolls, and you need to be prepared.

Please note that we don’t give warnings, here at Ahwa.

Instead, ask to stop once and, if they continue, call an MR/HR and take a step back.

In this training, we will be role-playing, meaning that you won’t be calling an MR/HR for real.

Instead, say “-Calls MR/HR-“.

Any questions before we begin?

Jump when you have your greeting ready.

Fantastic! We will now move onto the Exploiter Simulation.

Exploiter Simulation

Please pay attention to what I will be stating.

Exploiters are users who possess unallowed commands in order to make disturbances.

If you ever see an exploiter, get proof. I suggest doing a video, as it is more efficient than a screenshot.

I suggest uploading the video to YouTube and to send the link to an HR.

Exploiters, by-passers, trash talkers, major spammers and raiders don’t get asked to stop, they are to be reported right away.

In this training, we will be role-playing, meaning that you won’t be calling an HR for real.

Instead, say “-Records-” and “-Sends to an HR”.

Any questions before my assistant begins?

My assistant will now begin.


Thank you for attending; we are now at the conclusion of this session.

Congratulations, you have passed! Please follow me to the brown line.

Unfortunately, you haven’t met the requirements to pass. Although, you may try again in the next Training Session.


Congratulations on passing once again.

Any interrogations before you get dismissed?

Alright, have a good one!

interviews awha

Greetings, please follow me to my office.

I am (your name), your interviewer for today’s session.

Please use grammar, punctuation and conventions while answering.

You have up to two grammar mistakes. On the third one, you will fail and be dismissed.

I will be asking you 5 questions; you will have one minute to answer each question.

If you surpass the time limit, you will be declared as AFK and removed from the server.

If you are discovered copy and pasting, you will automatically fail this interview.

Do you have any interrogations before we start?

Okay, I will now be asking you 5 questions. Good luck.


1. How did you find Ahwa?
2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
3. Describe yourself in a few sentences.
4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how good is your grammar?
5. Are you willing to be active and dedicated to your job?

Pass: From my vision, you have successfully passed this interview.

I will now get the host to check your answers.

Fail: Unfortunately, you have failed your interview due to [reason(s)]. Although, you can always try in another Interview Session!

Any questions before I dismiss you?

Information for Trainee

Please provide me your full attention as I will be going over some information for the rank: Trainee.

As a Trainee, you cannot work at the café, nor go into the kitchen.

To be able to do so, you will need to become a Junior Barista.

You can obtain this rank by passing a training.

Do you have any questions before I dismiss you?
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Regards; Team

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