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44. Practice opposites

Playing the opposites game is an educational exercise for toddlers. You say “in,” they say, “out.” You say, “on,” they say, “off.”

45. Set up outdoor gym class

Obstacle course, anyone?

53. Make your own board game

Is your family up to the challenge of creating your own board game? Use the DIY board game instructions.

55. Interview each other

Interviewing is an important skill. You and your child can start interviewing each other face-to-face by asking each other questions and taking notes. If your child shows interest, they can take it to another level by calling a grandparent or family member and interviewing them over the phone.

63.Try origami

Might as well hone our origami skills, right? Learn how to make dozens of origamis: dinosaurs, swans, frogs, and more.


2. Mother May I
In Mother May I, the Mother stands with her back turned and grants or denies requests to move forward. This game works best with kids too young to realize the inherent unfairness of this game. Mother may have her back turned, but she probably knows everyone by voice. Therefore, she really decides who is going to win. If Mother is an adult and the kids are little, it can be a fun game to practice counting. Another option is to purchase the “Mother May I” Thumball® to add an element of chance to the game.

14. Ghosts in the Graveyard
This game has a lot of different rule variations. It was a favorite in my neighborhood growing up. Whoever was the ghost would hide while the rest of the children counted from 1 o’clock to midnight. The kids would then link arms and walk around the house chanting “Star light, star bright, hope I see a ghost tonight” until the ghost popped out. At that point, it is a straight game of tag. The ghost has to try to tag someone before they make it back to safety. The first person tagged or the last to safety is the next ghost.

13. Capture the Flag
This classic outdoor game is best for a larger group of kids. Kids divide into two teams and attempt to capture each other’s flags without being caught on the other team’s territory. Any of these outdoor games should be able to be played with items you can find around the house, but if you want easy access, MindWare has created a Outdoor Classics box that includes flags, a metal can, beanbags and other simple items to facilitate old-fashioned outdoor games. Boys Life Magazine made this cute short video explaining the rules:

17. Michelangelo’s Madhouse
I’ve heard this silly game called by other names. Whoever is Michelangelo takes each of the other players by the hands and spins around with them several times before letting them go. Each player than freezes as they land. This part doesn’t really effect the outcome of the game, so kids can “fall” as silly as they want. After each statue is set, Michelangelo walks through his madhouse trying to get the other players to laugh without touching them. The first to giggle (or if you prefer, the last) is the next Michelangelo.

18. Mother Says
Mother says is a bit like Mother May I. However, instead of each player asking permission to move. Mother will say something like, “Mother Says each child wearing red may take 2 steps toward me”. Or “Mother says each child with brown hair may take two steps back.” Just like with Mother May I, you can still see how Mother can cheat for her friends here, but its a little more fair than the original game.

32. Snake Bite or Helicopter
This game was recommended by my 7-year-old son as Snake Bite and my 11-year-old daughter as Helicopter. One person stands in the center and spins the jump rope around on the ground. The players have to jump the rope as it comes around. If the rope hits you, you are out. The last person standing is the next helicopter (or snake).

33. Water Jumping
This game is a bit like the game above, except the it person isn’t trying to get the others out. Instead they spin the rope while each of the others jumps five times with a cup of water. Whoever has the most water at the end of their five jumps wins.

36. Tug of War
For Tug of War, you’ll need two or more kids. Teams stand an equal distance from the center line and try to pull the other team across the line. This game can be dangerous and supervision is advised.

37. Limbo
With three players, kids can play limbo with a taut jump rope or a broom. Each round the rope goes a little lower until the player falls while trying to go under. A variation for bigger kids is to play on skates. Just be careful not to clothesline anyone.

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