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Haunted Halloween
A long time a go there was a young man,and his name was Johnathan Black. The boys and girls from his old, high school would bully this young man, but he was mystery 'sly curios In staying in doors. People would think of him as the little boy who dose not, care about the nature from the earth. And mostly,when he goes to school they all star at him like he was new to that school. Johnathan or his family and old friends would of called him
John or josh what ever they puffer to call him or his normal name. And one day when john came home he got a very big crave to type a story oh but not a ordinary story, no a monster story. SO he started to type and in three days he finished his very firs book he called it the Haunted Halloween. So Josh published his first book when he was sixteen years old. Then he could not stop him self from writing a nuther and a nurther and then about when
he got to nineteen he could not believe his eyes and all of his senates they all came true. His books characters
from the books to the out side world in to are world. He had to write a nuther one with all of the characters
in the books the leader of the books Jeorje he was a gorilla and he freed all of the people from the books and burnt them books that they were freed from. The writer Johnathan Black learnt of this and locked the books
and there was only one key to unlock them but who would want to do that but there was a person who did
they canr't thoe. Jeorje he would give anything to do that and make a very haunted a scary a unbeatable
family. one Day there was a big shake and all of the books got nocked of the shelf and they broke open and
boom there all free. There was four teens lately going to his old school nothing had changed sense he left.
And they were walking around and they were trying to think of an idea for a biasness job to do.''What could
they do?'' They finely thought of one a cleaning community so they clean peoples houses for money. they got there first persons house to clean and they went to clean this mystery house and they found a secret place in the book self. They opened it and there was a locked up book and they opened it and nothing happened and
then one of the four kids looked and said you guys look and then jeorj was behind them. the kids took the stuff
and ran then he disapered and day after that he heard that they were having turbel with friends and school and projects. So the he helped them ad got lodes of there family members. so the names of the kids are Liv, shara, Max and AJ they came up with a plane to trap all of the characters it one hole book because the
found out jeorj's plane so they called Johnathan Black he was coming strait a way he needed lodes of things
they found what he needed and set him up to type and they brought him some time to type. And finely he was finished so they got all of the monsters from the book to one big place the little secret fair play ground
the two girls Liv and shara always go to and the jeorj leaded all of the monster to the ground that they were
at. And at that moment they opened the book and they diserperd and all of the damage got replaced
and the book got locked up and put away also Johnathan Black got to be a teacher at the four kids
and they lived happy and max got the perfect teacher.

Lexi Durling
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