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Name: Fenrisúlfr (Fenrir) Hróðvitnisson

Alias: The Great Wolf, Lord of Wolves

Age: 819(not counting time in Asgard)

D.O.B: December

Birthplace: One of the Nine Realms, which realm is unknown

Race: Was a demi but then became a Lost Soul, but is no longer, he is only just now to be classified as what is known as a Fenrus Wolf, one of the first wolves ever to appear in the universe.

Blood Type: O-

Height: Human= 6 foot, 2 inches, Vulcan Wolf Form= 13 foot, 5 inches, Ragnarok's Beast Form= 34 foot, 8 inches

Weight: Human= 156lbs, Vulcan Wolf Form= 13.7 tonnes, Ragnarok's Beast Form= 29.8 tonnes

Eye Color: throughout his forms his eye's remain a strange and dangerous red.

Hair Color: Human= Mainly black with white and red highlights, Vulcan Wolf Form= Just lava and rocks nothing more nothing less, Ragnarok's Beast Form= Light brown like a Timber wolves

Skin Color: White with a slight tan

Body Type: Rather muscular and well kept

Scars, Tattoos, etc: Tattoo of two wolves surrounding one central wolf

Guild: Heaven's Tear

Guild Crest Color: Blood Red

Guild Crest Location: Right Bicep

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Relationship(s): N/A (don't even say anything about Hel)

Personality: Extremely intelligent and wise, he is careful and vary patient as well as kind and forgiving to all in all he has changed from what he was century's ago.

Backstory:The Norse pseudo-god Loki, who is by turns the friend and the enemy of the other gods, had three fearfully hideous and strong children with the giantess Angrboda (“She Who Bodes Anguish”). The first was the serpent Jormungand, and the second was the death-goddess Hel. The third was the wolf Fenrir.

The gods had terrible forebodings concerning the fate of these three beings. And they were absolutely correct. Jormungand would later kill the god Thor during Ragnarok, the downfall of the cosmos, an event which would be largely brought about by Hel’s refusal to release the radiant god Baldur from the underworld. During these cataclysmic events, Fenrir would devour Odin, the chief of the gods.

In order to keep these monsters at bay, they threw Jomungand into the ocean, where he encircled Midgard, the world of humankind. Hel they relegated to the underworld. Fenrir, however, inspired too much fear in them for them to let him out from under their watchful eyes, so they reared the pup themselves in their stronghold, Asgard. Only Tyr, the indefatigable upholder of law and honor, dared to approach Fenrir to feed him.

Fenrir grew at an alarming rate, however, and soon the gods decided that his stay in Asgard had to be temporary. Knowing well how much devastation he would cause if he were allowed to roam free, the gods attempted to bind him with various chains. They were able to gain the wolf’s consent by telling him that these fetters were tests of his strength, and clapping and cheering when, with each new chain they presented him, he broke free.

At last, the gods sent a messenger down to Svartalfheim, the realm of the dwarves. The dwarves, being the most skilled craftspeople in the cosmos, were able to forge a chain whose strength couldn’t be equaled; it was wrought from the sound of a cat’s footsteps, the beard of a woman, the roots of mountains, the breath of a fish, and the spittle of a bird – in other words, things which don’t exist, and against which it’s therefore futile to struggle. Gleipnir (“Open”) was its name.

When the gods presented Fenrir with the curiously light and supple Gleipnir, the wolf suspected trickery and refused to be bound with it unless one of the gods would lay his or her hand in his jaws as a pledge of good faith. None of the gods agreed, knowing that this would mean the loss of a hand and the breaking of an oath. At last, the brave Tyr, for the good of all life, volunteered to fulfill the wolf’s demand. And, sure enough, when Fenrir discovered that he was unable to escape from Gleipnir, he chomped off and swallowed Tyr’s hand.

The fettered beast was then transported to some suitably lonely and desolate place. The chain was tied to a boulder and a sword was placed in the wolf’s jaws to hold them open. As he howled wildly and ceaselessly, a foamy river called “Expectation” (Old Norse Ván) flowed from his drooling mouth. And there, in that sordid state, he remained – until Ragnarok.
S. S. J. F. SToday at 4:49 PM
After Fenrir was killed in Ragnarok his soul was split in two, whilst he walked the earth as a ghost, a human, someone in the billions held his other half, over two hundred years of searching and he found them, yes Them a family each holding a small piece of his soul but one, the father, held the whole, there Fenrir stayed waiting for the right time, for once the father was home alone Fenrir took his chance and made a deal with the man, saying he would give the man what was left of his power's in return the use of his own soul.

From then on Fenrir was bound to every man in that family until the family bonds cut, his latest Host had died when a guild known as the Grotesque Heart came down on top of him, therefore Fenrir's soul was released and Fenrir was finally whole, but he was limited now, not only was he short on energy but his power's had dwindled over the family's generations, he was weak now and only could Change from his Human and Wolf forms, it would be years before he could do anything beyond that, he has no real power anymore, and he is not impervious to pain either not like he used to be......

Weapons: N/A

Magic: Transformation

Second Origin: Locked
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