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haileys such a loser shes an althe heartland theory:
1904:lecture, 1919:book, 1943 article=each was slightly changed or improved
geography and history land and sea bases powers
influenced hitler
geography of an area influenced society in it
technology also important
open area(easier to control) and physical barriers(harder to control)
all countries impact each other
world-island=africa, europe, asia
outer-island=Americas, brit isles, austroasia
control 1= control all outproduce pop and weapons
world-island= heartland and rimland (arabia, wrn, Europe, e asia, india)
heartland= no real acess to sea, arid and flat(promotes mvmt), industrialization TRAINS quick deliverytroops and materials, airplanes made easier for land troops to attack sea troops
rimland= SEA navy gives superior advantage can collect more resources
reevaluation-protected s and e by natural boundries, wrn part open-ern Europe commands heartland- easy access to invade, later used by hitler to take out soviet union, china could as well bc in rim and heart land advantage and ports allowed them to move around the world
Warning: no one can sit in isolation and let other countries to do whatever
rimland needed to stop heartland from taking over the seas around the world island and parts of the rimland- more conflict in mid east
Americas would work with wrn Europe to keep heartland in check able to stop any pwr changes
NATO-helped defeat and slow down spread of communism- created shatterbelt region
big influence on politics
emphasizes transportationcoholic
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