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Disadvantages of Hiring Fresh Graduates:
As there is a flip side to everything, hiring fresh graduates have its own set of disadvantages too.
Fresh graduates are more like inexperienced people who can sometimes blow up the entire operation if not made them understood properly.
So proper handling is very much required for the fresh graduates than the experienced one, who require little or no nurture to work. Some of the reasons of failure are discussed below.
1. Their interest is fluctuating:
As they are new and young they prefer to keep experimenting with their job and work.
If they think they will perform better or do better in a different job or area or company their interest may shift to that.
If they get any good salary in a different organization, they won’t think twice before shifting to that place.
They would like to have a better job and would like to experiment with their jobs. They are not fixed or stable during their job which is not adaptable with the surroundings.
2. Their communication skills are bad:
As the fresh graduates are new in the industry, they won’t have a proper knowledge of diplomacy needed for any field.
Even if they are trained at that in their university they won’t be able to do it properly as having the knowledge and applying it is a different thing. They may have many problems at the starting.
If the employee is of rebellious nature then it will be more of a problem. As a junior, they should be humble to others.
Some understand that quite easily and some don’t. This results in cold mutiny within the industry.
3. They expect more in less:
They have very high expectations regarding their job and salary. They expect the employer to give them money as they expect.
They sure do work hard but they can’t be paid like an expert or professional in that field as they are just joining the organization.
If the employee works hard and is able to prove his talent then he can negotiate with the boss for a raise.
Without that, it’s not appropriate or correct to ask for anything without any prior reasons. If one is good and smart enough then he is sure to get raise for that.
4. Not fully professional:
As they are fresh people in the new field they are not that professional yet. They need to be trained and taken care of.
They need to tell at first, what to do and not to do. They are new so of-course, they are unknown about the environment or the rules of the office.
They must dress properly according to the rules and must not disobey their seniors. They are needed to be told a lot and lots of changes in them are yet to be made in them.
So it takes a lot of time and labor to train them to be fully professional and no industry wants that.
5. Compatibility problems:
The fresh graduates may have the compatibility issues at first. As they are in a new environment they need to adjust and know new people.
If the person is friendly then it won’t be much of a problem. But if the person is an introvert one then they will feel uncomfortable around other people and may complain a lot.
This will create a lot of problems between the employer and the employee. If they can’t adjust to the office then they would prefer to leave the job as they are not that consisted like the old ones.
Sometimes this can create communication barrier which can lead to bad impression.
6. Unacceptable behavior:
Sometimes fresh graduates tend to behave recklessly in the workplace. It is needed to understand that workplace is such a place where professionalism is worshiped.
They need to respect it and abide by it no matter whatever the situation might be .Fresh graduates needs to be humble all the time. Their rashness can cost them their job.
All they need to remember is that there are thousands of fresher job seekers available for the post, and they need to maintain their job in the office. So maintaining proper behavior in the workplace is very necessary.
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