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The Love Bible (Guys Edition)
Created by : Patrick Mazara (@issarealist on sc)

"May these lessons be applied to your everyday life, and help you find what you seek in the game of love."

Priorities and Time Management
Now, before I give you the sauce on how to pull females and keep them, I have to remind you of one thing. No female wants a man who has nothing going on for themselves. Therefore, the first step homies is to PRIORITIZE YOUR LIFE. Whether you're chasing the bag, or trying to go pro, or doing YouTube, continue to better yourself! By doing this not only will you be leading yourself to a better life but it'll show females that "oh if he can take care of himself, he can take care of me!". Now along with this you have to keep in mind that everybody wants somebody don't confuse it for a need. Fellas if you are not ready for a relationships don't get yourself hurt or hurt whoever comes your way. You're not only messing the game up for everyone else, but for yourself as well my brotha. Know your intentions and move based off of them.

Applying Pressure/Effort
"Effort is attractive." We've always heard this saying and why? Because it's true! However the #1 step to applying pressure is not being afraid to! Every one of us has believed a woman was too good for us or "out of your league" but if you believe that you've already lost. Never think that because a woman is attractive physically that you instantly have no chance. Effort is attractive and by showing that you're willing to step up and display interest you've already won because you were confident and no woman dislikes a confident man. Now once you've followed these steps you have to keep applying pressure. Reassurance is an actual thing and many women appreciate it, and believe me.. if you don't reassure her, there are plenty of other guys who will. As Oliver (elite.oliver on tiktok) said, "Just because you got her doesn't mean the game has stopped, you gotta continue to win." So keep appreciating her, supporting her and having her best interest at heart and you will in return gain a wife.

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -Walter Gretzky

DM Advice
My advice for approaching a female is short and simple.
Respect her : If you go asking for nudes you already fucked up.
Be yourself : If she doesn't like your personality then she wasn't the one for you.
Try to set plans : Social media can only keep a person interested for so long. set plans and let her experience your vibes and see if she likes your energy, if she does then go from there. Don't set plans on the first time you text her though, she will most likely bullshit you, so give her time to become more interested in you.

Self Worth
My kings, you must remember to KNOW YOUR WORTH. I know she might be bad but if you fein, you are simping my guy, and that gets you nowhere. You must remember if you treat her like a celebrity, she's gonna treat you like a fan. If you show good energy and it is not reciprocated do not be afraid to communicate that. You gain nothing by keeping your mouth shut and putting up without someone who doesn't even care as much as you. Wait for her to text you back for once, or to make plans, or to facetime you. If she doesn't do things like that while you are every day she's not matching your energy and you need to leave. Now I get that is a hard step but it's so much better my kings to be alone than to have someone and feel alone. If she's not the one for you, then get back to the bag and give it time, a relationship will find you when it's ready.

"Communication is key." We've heard plenty of times and again it's because it is true. If you can't communicate with your shawty you are taking a L. How are you gonna see each others side if you never explain your emotions and reasoning behind your actions? Along with this fellas you must be able to comprehend what she is saying. If you apologize then actually do wtf you said you were gonna change! Don't have her looking dumb because then when you lose her you'll feel the same damn way. If you need time, tell her that! Don't have money or are going through things? TELL HER THAT! At the end of the day if you communicate your problems and she doesn't respect that or she leaves because of it then you have your answer... she was not the one chief.

I had to make a whole chapter for this because this one is major my friends. Pride.... Please do not let your pride mess up a good thing. If you guys argue be the man and apologize for your part. Do not yell, you gain nothing. Remain calm and apologize on your behalf, and if she apologizes as well then you are set and all will be well. Being able to disagree and bounce back is a necessity and in a relationship will get you far.

Have you ever wondered why females want you when you're not available? It is because you are desired. When you are messing with a female it shows other females that you are desired and you have something to offer, this causes curiosity which is why they want you when you're not available, but my brothers the pain of losing a wife because of a hoe is a pain you will always regret experiencing and I pray you never fall victim to temptation. Stay faithful, and appreciate yours! Someone who loves you for you will always be better than someone who wants you because you are wanted.

One thing we tend to forget is chemistry exist. Yeah she thinks you're cute and you think she's bad but bro do you even know her birthday? Get to know shawty and actually appreciate her. Don't rush it, just go with the flow, let shit progress naturally. Not only will this confirm that both sides wanted it to happen, but she won't feel pressured and she'll have time to actually appreciate you. By doing so you get a best friend and girlfriend in one so why not? Take your time and value her, try to understand how she needs to be loved and appreciated, be there for her mentally before you try to get something from her physically because when she feels you mentally the intimacy will be way better(next chapter). When a female is truly down for you she will do everything in her power to make you happy. However, just because she treats you like a king doesn't mean she's not still a queen. Keep applying that pressure, let her know she's appreciated!

If you are truly feeling a female give this chapter time, there is no rush on sex. If she's not down respect it and if it comes to it, ask for consent before doing the act. As a horny ass dude ik what y'all are feeling trust me, but let her fall in love with you mentally and she'll make love to you like no other (as i said in the previous chapter). Your first time with a female is also your tryouts so put it down! If you gotta beat before the link do what you gotta do! Also, stay strapped (whether or not on the first date I am still unsure) and again, ask for consent! Also, when you do have sex, or get nudes, or whatever it is, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. She's your whole girlfriend my guy, don't be disrespecting her privacy just because you wanna show out in front of the guys. It's not worth it, because not only are you possibly telling one of yo boys that will try and fw her when y'all break up that she's a freak but you're exposing her verbally and would she really want that?

The "Love" Bible (Guys Edition) Part 2
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