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React native is an open source framework for making cross platform apps. It is based on react which makes it popular among JavaScript developers. To learn react native, it is recommended to go through the official React docs first in order to get a hang of how it works. Refer the front end docs for detailed information. After learning React, check out the React Native official docs. React Native Express is the best guide to learn React native with javascript.

The tutorials cover the essential skills required for making basic layouts and after going through it all, practice creating user interfaces as much as you can. Checkout design inspirations from Behance or Dribble and try imitating them in order to get a hang of using the various components. The api docs would come in handy for quick referencing stuff.
Once you are comfortable with creating layouts, try using external libraries to style your app. React is a wildly popular framework and hence has a lot of user created libraries to use from. Refer facebook8 app on how to structure you apps efficiently. React Native Navigation is something you’d use in about every app hence learn to use getting started. Check out how to implement api.

Flutter is a similar framework created by google for developing iOS and Android apps with the same code base. The flutter docs are amazing and can get you started up pretty quick. Try getting acquainted with Dart programming language before starting with flutter. Dart is similar to JavaScript and C and wouldn’t take much time to get up with. Once you are comfortable with dart, go through the flutter cookbooks and try creating UI implementations on your own. Everything in flutter is a widget and this it makes sense to get familiar with them before going forward, the widget of the day playlist on YouTube is an amazing resource to go through while working on flutter.

Flutter Google Codelabs is great for practising flutter code. Flutter in focus videos are also good for beginners.

After going through basic UI development, try creating a basic ToDO app with your framework. The todo app is like the hello world of mobile applications and uses several skills at the same time.

Once you have got your hands on on a particular UI framework, you’re ready to get on the back end. Just like websites, mobile apps also require server side scripting to be useful. Back end can be written with any language but in mobile apps, firebase is the most popular back end framework which has several features suited towards mobile development.

Firebase is offered by google and is free up to a certain limit after which a paid account is required. Nonetheless, it’s perfect for testing apps and presenting them in a hackathon or some competettion. Google has a great tutorial to getting started with firebase and firestone on YouTube. Integrating Fire with flutter is really simple as both of them are made by google. Check out this video. For integrating with rn, check this.

Start experimenting with firebase and your app by creating user management database apps ankd
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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