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As we move from the Baroque to the Classical Era in music history, two things happen. One, the texture of much of the music changes from a predominance of Polyphonic music in the Barque to a preponderance of Homophonic in the Classical Era. Now that you know what the difference is, you should be able to pick out the texture changes in this week’s listening. The other major change is the introduction and development of the Sonata Form. As you have by now figured out, there is a great amount of flexibility to this form, which allows the composer freedom to create within the form. Most of the pieces on this week’s list will be in Sonata Form, including the first movements of Mozart’s Symphony No. 40, Beethoven’s Symphony no.3 and 5, the Haydn Quartet, the Beethoven Violin Concerto, and the Mozart piano concertos.
Since these are longer works, I will ask you to listen to at least two. There are two re-creations in this week’s listening that I think you will particularly enjoy. The Beethoven Symphony #3 (Eroica), is featured in a historic recreation of its first performance with Beethoven conducting. You get a good sense of how revolutionary his sound was in 1804. The Mozart Requiem is from the movie Amadeus, and depicts Mozart’s contemporary, Antonio Salieri, helping Mozart write part of the Requiem on his death bed. While not entirely accurate, it does give a glimpse into Mozart’s genius - his ability to hear an entire new piece in his head, and then break it down into individual parts.
If you listen to the Haydn “Lark” Quartet you will hear a great example of Homophonic music. If you listen then to the Beethoven String Quartet, OP. 59. No.3, you will hear what Beethoven can do with Polyphonic style. It’s a fugue, just like Bach, but it goes to some very dark places!
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