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Dear Students, You are required to do the following homework during this break from school. Compile this work on loose sheets neatly for the submission once school reopens. Deadline for this weekly task is 20th March,2020 A TALE OF TWO CITIES
Q: Read the following chapters from book 2 and 3. Mark in important lines and look up the meanings of unfamiliar words from dictionary. • BOOK 2: Chap 20-24 • BOOK3: Chap 1-6
1. What is the problem that Darney thinks that Carton has?
2. How does Lucie respond to Darney ‘s comment about Carton’s problem? What does it tell you about the difference between Lucie and Darney’s character?
3. Why do you think Charles Dickens has described the mob as ‘a whirl pool of boiling waters’, ‘a raging sea’ and a ‘howling universe of passion and contention’.?
4. From chap 21-23, What do you think is the role of the Defarges in the revolution?
5. Who is Foulon and what is the fate that he meets?
WORK BOOK • UNIT 4 The Feast Q5 • UNIT 5: Other Lives Q6, Q8, Q9
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Regards; Team

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