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Type of Being: Variable (Demigod - Higher Dimensional)
Name: Totaro Tozaki
Alias: ToTo
Age: 18 (Physically)
Appearance: Totaro himself takes the appearance of 6-foot tall young man, having wavy brown hair that he usually keeps unbrushed and unkempt. His eyes are a sparkly orange. His pupils tend to change shape for unknown reasons, most regularly in the forms of crosses or diamonds. He has slightly tanned skin. His regular clothing choice consists of a black Duster/Longcoat hybrid, orange markings running along the arms and coattails. He wears an orange and white undershirt. He also wears fingerless gloves.
Body Type: Slim-Fit Humanoid
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
**Personality-Based Powers**
Totaro has a vast array of powers at his beck and call, but they are locked behind multiple personalities that inhabit his body. Totaro suffers from DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder), having multiple personalities that are all vastly distinct from each other. Because of this, each of his personalities takes one of his powers for their own, leaving Totaro usually powerless. Currently, he has 7 personalities he's able to freely access, with an 8th one that he himself cannot feel, but the other personalities claim to exist.
*[1]*Robur: Robur is the personality designated as 1st, whether this means that he was the first personality created within Totaro's head is unknown. Robur is the distinct strongman-Esque personality within the collective. He acts as a big brother figure to Totaro, although he isn't opposed to fighting for control of Totaro's body.

Robur's form shift turns Totaro's rather scrawny appearance into a copper-skinned, muscular figure with long flowing black hair. He has very strongly defined features, his eyes glowing a shining gold. He wears a headband around his forehead, a crystal sat within the center of it. He doesn't wear any clothing to cover his chest, revealing red markings that converge on his pectorals. He wears a long loincloth around his waist. His gauntlets are large and metallic, many bolts implanted within them, though he keeps Totaro's gloves.

Robur has an exceeding amount of strength and endurance, the ladder of which seems to have no upper limit. He is able to punch the air with so much force sonic booms are generated from the sheer power behind them. His punching also carries extra weight, literally. When he punches an object, he can choose for them to be weighed down. This has a few limitations, as he can't make an object infinitely heavy or it'd be heavier than the universe and cause a universal crunch.

*[2]*Semis: Semis is the personality designated as 2nd within the collective. His overall personality is that of an excitable young child, although this is usually portrayed as his destructive tendencies. He doesn't seem to have a familial connection with Totaro, but he speaks with him as if they are equal.

Semis' form shift divides Totaro's body into half, one side gaining a burning red texture while the other becomes a crystal-like navy blue. His eyes become one solid color and are more angular, being turned into large green triangles that shine brightly. His head points outwards, one side resembling flaming hair while the other resembles a star-pattern mohawk. The split that divides the two halves seems to be made of some unknown cosmo metal.

Semis' two halves possess distinct abilities. The burning red side can produce flames that can scorch entire areas with ease, even manipulating and shaping the flames into things such as tornadoes and weapons. The blue half is able to create below zero-degree beams of energy, freezing over anything that stands in his path. The blue half is able to be shaped and changed, forming weapons straight from his hand. A variety of effects can be produced by combining the effects of both sides, such as a hail of meteors or a powerful gust of steam.

*[3]*Polyphagus: Polyphagus is the 3rd personality within the collective. He is by far the laziest personality, almost never stressing over when control comes to him. He's always mentioned as 'eating' food, although since Polyphagus is a mental construct within Totaro's mind it is unknown what he's actually consuming. He's laidback and chill.

Polyphagus form shift is that of a large, golem-like body with a cream exterior and large red arms. Polyphagus is a bit on the chubbier side. His helmet/head possesses no mouth, although his eyebrows and mustache are made from some form of metal. Polyphagus' most notable feature is the giant gaping mouth that sits on his chest and stomach, lined with sharp rows of metallic teeth and two long intertwined tongues. Besides this, he wears wristbands and what appear to be pants, although upon closer inspection they're just markings meant to resemble clothing.

Polyphagus mouth is able to create a large suction of air that can take in objects, even uprooting the strongest trees or structures in one mighty inhale. Once an object reaches his mouth, he easily shreds them before swallowing them. Upon ingesting, Polyphagus will take on the traits of whatever he has eaten. For example, if he eats a steel object then his body will take on a steel texture with similar properties to the original metal. This ability stretches onto individuals as well, although Totaro usually prohibits Polyphagus from doing it, as it "leaves a bad taste in my mouth." Polyphagus also can dig himself into the ground, leaving only his mouth visible and lures prey to himself.

*[4]*Potenia: Potentia is the 4th personality within the collective, also being the only female personality. She outwardly appears to be kind but is actually manipulative, usually tricking others into giving her command of the collective. She seems to have a form of respect for Robur and Sixer, though.

Potenia's form shift is that of a blue female humanoid wrapped in a silk cloak. She has long blue hair that seems to be made of thread, the same thread is seen at various points on her body. She has an almost perfect hourglass figure. Despite having no mouth, she is able to speak.

Potentia is a powerful hydrokinetic, being able to conjure, control and dissipate large amounts of liquid without much effort. Despite this, she mainly uses her ability to bend blood, turning individuals into her puppets that bend to her will. This seems to be more than just controlling their bodies, as a mental effect is seen upon targets of Potentia's ability. Going back to her main power, she can launch powerful blasts of water at scalding hot temperatures or icy cool ones. She is also able to change her own body into a liquid or semi-solid, depending on the task at hand. Her favorite and most brutal technique is draining all the moisture from a person's body.

*[5]*Spatium: Spatium is the 6th personality within the collective. He is very impatient and is the rowdiest out of the group, being most vocal when he wants control of the body. He is slightly rude and even impulsive when addressing any other being within the collective, even Totaro himself.

Spatium form shift turns him into a literal speed demon. His skin is a charcoal black with four red markings on his shoulders and lower chest. His head resembles a goat of sorts, with four horns lining his head. Two large ones in front and two smaller ones at the back, almost forming into a crown shape. His eyes are small and crimson red but are surrounded by large star-like patterns. Spatium, in general, has a slim appearance. The red marks appear around its waist, pointing down and wrapping around the legs. Spatium's feet are hooved, glowing red with heat that leaves marks wherever he walks.

Spatium's main ability is his speed, which makes him a literal Speed Demon. Spatium is able to run at hellish speeds, able to completely control his acceleration and deceleration power. Whenever Spatium runs, his horns begin to glow and build-up kinetic energy. Spatium is able to release the kinetic energy by ramming into opponents, dispersing it into their bodies. Once Spatium locks eyes with someone, he is able to locate them no matter where they go and will proceed to run them down.

*[6]*Sixer: Sixer unironically is the 6th personality within the collective. He is a calm, smooth talker with a western accent and womanizing tendencies. He respects Totaro in the fact that it is Totaro's body, but when he's in possession he won't hold back on anything he's doing.

Sixer's form shift is that of a mechanized cowboy, his clothing being prominently brown with shades of orange mixed into the design. Sixer's face is a mass of moving metal plates that mimic emotion very well, although no matter how they move his eyes are always visible. They are a bright gold color, with targets being his pupils. He has markings going down his cheeks, resembling gun barrels. He wears a rather large hat, almost never removing it. He doesn't wear boots, but his feet are designed to look like them. On the back of his heels are miniature sawblades. Notably, he has six fingers on each arm.

Sixer's main ability is that of complete probability control, allowing him to manipulate the circumstances and eventual outcomes of events. He can adjust a certain individual's luck, either making them incredibly lucky or depressingly unlucky. He can also alter his own luck, making him nearly untouchable if he wants. But the main way he utilizes this is through his six-shot revolver, which is decorated with ancient golden runes. This is his main form of attack. It can fire six powerful shots, which are infused with rotational energy. Once they pierce an opponent's armor or skin, the opponent will begin to spin uncontrollably as the bullet ravages them. He uses his probability control to alter the chances of his bullets missing, so he's always dead on. According to Sixer himself, he could get someone from "Forty-five dimensions away".

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