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Word of God

2 Timothy 3:16-17
A) All Scripture given by inspiration = God-breathed; the Bible is from God
B) Profitable -> useful
C) Useful for our doctrine, for every good work, reproof = rebuke = a harsher correction, and correction

Hebrews 4:12-13
A) Bible = double-edged sword
B) Swords cut or pierce, doesn't feel good to be cut
C) There are times we need to be cut, like when sin is in our lives
D) The Bible cuts the sin out of our lives, to help us grow

2 Peter 1:20-21
A) Above all = knowing this first = first priority
B) No private interpretation...not opinion, not thought, not personal truths...just Scripture.
C) Only one interpretation of the Word-what's inspired by God.
D) The prophets and people are the pencils, God is the writer
E) Grasping at truth by building our own Bible-that's adding meaning where there might not have been

John 8:30-32
A) Crowds of believers are following Jesus, they want to hear him and see his miracles
B) Abide by His Word...hold fast, bring close His teachings
C) Listening to one part of the Word and ignoring the rest, that's not abiding by the Word
D) To be one of Jesus' disciples, we must hold to the Word, the whole Word
E) Just believing in God alone isn't enough, our actions have to match our beliefs
F) Hold to the teachings, then we'll understand the truth, and the truth will set us free from the lies around us, the bondage of sin
G) Sincerity doesn't equal truth

Matthew 15:1-9
A) Jesus reprimands the Pharisees for not following the tenets they claim to uphold
B) They harped on their rules rather than God's commandments
C) Jesus rebukes them, calling them hypocrites
D) Instead of leading people to God by example, they led people to their way of living
E) That happens today, as "Not my Jesus" or "I don't follow that"
*Bookshelf Challenge: Everything you've ever heard, read, been taught, followed about God. Put it on the shelf. Read God's Word and compare what's on the shelf to what you've got. If it works, keep it; otherwise throw it in the fire.

Acts 17:10-12
A) Berean Jews were ready to receive the Word and fact-checked him
B) Fact-check everyone when it comes to the Bible; us, preachers, etc!
C) Read and study the Bible every day

1 Timothy 4:16
A) Without watching life and doctrine, we can't save ourselves and those around us
B) What's more important? Trick question-we need both. With perfect belief but a life of sin, we can't be saved. With an awesome life but no knowledge of the Word, we can't help anyone else.
C) We need both, and we have to persevere in them, since trials and storms will come

James 1:22-25
A) Bible = mirror
B) Shows us our spiritual reflection
C) Looking at the Bible, seeing our sin, and continuing on: being a spiritual slob
D) Not enough to just read, but apply it to our lives so the Scriptures are reflected in our lives
E) Change like this, and we'll have freedom via self-discipline
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