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Hells Angels Charter Los Santos

Hells Angels History

On March 17th 1948 the first Hells Angels Motorcycle Club was founded in the Fontana/San Bernardino area in the United States of America. About the same time, other clubs were formed in various places in the state of California, but none of these clubs were associated with Hells Angels nor with each other. Most of them do not exist today, but the Berdoo charter (San Bernadino) still do.

During the fifties more Hells Angels Charters came into existence. In the beginning the different charters had nothing to do with each other, but after some years they united and a regular criteria of admisson was laid down. From having been exclusively a Californian phenomenon, the club developed internationally in 1961. It happaned when the first charter outside California was adopted - strangely enough - as far away as Auckland, New Zealand. During the sixties Hells Angels spread out to the East Coast of the USA and later to the Midwest.

On July the 30 th 1969 the first European Hells Angels charter was accepted in London, England. Today there are more than 275 charters in Europe alone. At the end of the seventies, Australian clubs were admitted and in 1984, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil became the first South American charter. In 1993 Hells Angels came to the African cotinent with a charter in Johannesburg, South Africa. Eastern Europe got its own Hells Angels charter in the new millennium and since then many more countries have been granted the now famous winged Death Head.

The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club has spread its wings all over the World. From Alaska and Norway in the high North, to South Africa and Argentina in the southern hemisphere. All around the globe from the Caribbean Islands to Turkey, who became the FIRST MUSLIM COUNTRY TO JOIN THE CLUB IN

The admission of clubs from all over the globe caused changes in the structure of the Hells Angels. The small motorcycle club from Berdoo was now Mother Charter to the world's biggest motorcycle brotherhood, the HELLS ANGELS MOTORCYCLE CLUB WORLD. Today Hells Angels MC World has charters in
North America, central America, South America, Europe, Australia, Africa and
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements
*Prospects will pay 500.000$ cash entrance fee , and will deposite into groupbank 200.000$ cash per 1 week.
* You MUST not have applied for another group within 3 days.
* You MUST understand motorcycle culture.
* You MUST have at least 75 hours of playtime.
* You MUST be able to understand and speak English.
* We dont accept If you don't understanding MC Culture.
* You MUST NOT be in another group while applying and taking SS on your /stats
* Copying other people's application will result in an immediate Blacklist.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[s Real Information

Real Name: Adem

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Country: Turkish

Tell something about your Real Life(minimum of 40 words): Hello I'm Adem.I 16 years old.Im living in Turkey.I like football.My favourite football player is Cristiano Ronaldo.I am player of football club named Altay.I every week go parkour with my friends.I like computer game.My favourite computer game is MTA.I usually online in MTA.I like LS Turfing in MTA.I love MTA. I really enjoy playing games and I really enjoy playing online games so I can make some new friends and play with my old friends. ,my life isn't bad too much so i'm trying to make it more good.

In Game Information

In-game Name: Despe

Account Name: ademzide31

MTA Serial: AFBF9F53A5A360262A49E8FA7C36E392

SS of Stats:

SS of History (Scroll down):

Tell something about your CIT Life(minimum of 30 words): I started this game and server in 2018.After I opened a forum account and tryed join TSF but get denied.I didn't like a crim And I left from the server for a year.Im becoming civilian and I joined AvidaCompany.The other day I realized it was the wrong choice and I decided to go back to the criminal groups.
after we created a civillian group! C1 and we stay in this group for 1 mounth but im very bored and closed.Then I joined sam for funny and left.We created C1 again! but it's just a little shit and left. I joined TR but TR injust and I hating Turkish Members and I left from TR.I joined PiRu$ but im very bored.Then i joined GLA Vacation for 2 days.My friends creatived new group " Dark Brothers " and I joined , and my friends creatived new group again " HellHounds MC " but die :frowning: then i joined LV Groups but lv is boring.Now im very interested in mc groups and i want to new and " real " family.

About US

Why you wanna be an Angel ? : I want to maximize the joy that I get from CIT. I know that HellsAngels are active with many activities such as road trips and roleplays, it's the only group that still has the roleplay going.I want in HellsAngels because when I hang around with Angels i feel good

Why should we accept you? : cuz I'm active enough in the game and i'm being honest with everything.I'm friendly , I always follow orders from group leaders.I'm loyal and I respect everyone.I do not cause problems in the groups I joined.


I accept that I care about the Brotherhood whatever it is (Y/N) : Y

I agree to put Hells Angels in the center of my life (Y/N) : y

I never wanted to be an angel (Y/N) : N


I wrote that all only myself.Dont Copy ! All rights reserved by Hells Angels.
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Regards; Team

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