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So Blaire and Elizabeth came from a secret company that tests on children, they kidnap children and amputate on their body parts to make them suitable for murdering people on their hit list. And so Blaire and Elizabeth, two sisters were kidnapped one day and their family was murdered right before their eyes and they were brought to a facility, they were seperated immediately, Elizabeth on one side of the facility and Blaire on the other side. Blaire immediately had her memories taken away and they started amputating her body parts, they enhanced her hearing, made her stronger, and they replaced her eyes with high tech eyes that can see every little movement they also made her body parts more flexible so she can jump around on high buildings easily. But not only that, they took away her emotions, this is one of the most important things as if they want them to kill, they can not hesitate or the whole company will be found out. Meanwhile on Elizabeth's side of the facility, they were taking blood from
her everyday to find a cure for their patients in case they got found out from the cops, and so if they were found out from the cops and they stuck themselves with a needle and inserted the cure into their body, everything would dissinegrate the special metal that they used to amputate them all over their body's, and then a few minutes after the cure entered their body, they died and their body dissinegrated into ashes. Well that was what they wanted anyways, because the police were starting to catch onto them and they had to make it quickly, and so they used older children and took them and started testing cures on them. Elizabeths blood quickly started to turn white and they were onto something, they had figured out how to dissinegrate the false body parts and they were very close to figuring out how to kill them directly after. That night, Elizabeth had saw a vent and its screws were loose so she spent 30 minutes tugging at it until it finally gave out. She gathered other kids and she searched throughout the whole facility for her sister until she found her. The room she was in was covered in scratches and her sister was sitting in the fetal position in the darkest corner of her room. Elizabeth grabbed her and they quickly went through the vents and found the exit. They escaped and finally saw the starry night sky after 2 years. But once they got out, the children they brought along with them we're very insane and so they ran off on their own but they soon died, but Elizabeth and Blaire now Crow, were lucky because they had found an old abandoned house in the forest and they stayed there for the night. They later began to live there and named the forest and the house "Ryoku Forest" after their mom who had studied in Japan for 4 years and had said after she came back that it was her favorite phrase. Blaire had become insane and Elizabeth slightly insane because of everything that happened to them at such a young age. And so, whenever Crow was called Blaire she went crazy, it reminded her of her happy life before she was kidnapped and she got frequent images of her parents dying but she never remembered the whole thing, she was made to believe the company that kidnapped her were good and so she had two different personalities, most of the time the good personality where she was kind, shy, and somewhat happy (as she is still recovering her emotions) was. But when she was reminded of what happened to her in the past..the bad personality came out and she was ferocious, mean, and hurtful towards others. She also apparently saw the demons of the children who had died, and they seemed to be watching her all the time. While Elizabeth had terrible nightmares of the man who had kidnapped her and her sister, they appeared to be deformed with flowers seeping out of their faces and their arms draping onto the ground with long black claws. Everyday Elizabeth desperately tried to find a nondeadly cure for Crow, she had to give her a medicine that would keep her somewhat sane, she had to take it twice daily and if she didn't then all hell would break loose. And so now they live in a forest, in a humble house unbothered by the company. But if they even dare to speak their name, they will find them. And so whenever they talk about it they say {Redacted}. And nobody knows the company's name but them.
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