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1. The law is black and white on our side. There should not even be that discussion about this. It is a law drafted by the parliment, in fact several laws backing it up.

2. When we have filed lawsuits in the lower courts, they have succeeded in interfering with by involving a higher court judge even though the law does not allow other courts to interefere with on going cases regardless if it is a higher or lower court. It is not permitted by law.
3. The judge of the High Court gave us a date of decision and time. An hour earlier, she is changing the time so that it is physically impossible for our attorneys to attend to hear her decision. The other side's lawyers learned about it well in advance, in addition, we found out by them and not even from the judge.
4. The judge has taken a very long time to write gorunds of judgments when we appealed and has also additional evidence and done own researach on behalf of the the opponents, which was not brought up in the court proceedings. Giving us no chance to address them. They are are not only irrelevant but she also supported their unfounded hearsay without any proof whatsoever.
5. The was appealed to court of appeal and we were still not given any proper judgement that is consistent with the law. It was appealed again to federal court and they granted leave, it took the 3 court of appeal judges several reminders and over 6 months to write a judgement, which surprised even the federal court.
6. The case has now been granted leave to federal court and instead of the requirement of 5 federal court judges hearing the case, it has been reduced to 3 without any explanation. My lawyer refuses to share the correspondence and I found out by coincidence today, he did not inform me earlier.
7. We have filed other cases, were the high court judges has been in our line, issued inter parte injunction and very strong grounds in our favor. Date of hearing our lawyer had decided with the opponent to postpone the case. Later, the judge is being changed to another one, again, no explanation to why. This judge has postponed hearings and been on MC for around 2 years now.
8. I filed another personal suit regarding defamation and conspiracy, same judge as above gets appointed for the high court case, and started with his MC leaves and postponements again.

On top of all this, there has been several court proceedings (over 7-8) in the tribunal and sessions court, high court that has been dismissed either without explanation at all or very vague or unreasonable explanations.

There are clear flaws in all the proceedings and the above only explains a very small part of what we have been going through. Although we insist that the law is clear and self explanatory, we are only looking for justice because after several years and several hundreds of thousands in legal fees and millions in losses we are still standing here as question marks, us including many other lawyers.
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