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I am undecided about if media violence increases aggression in certain types of people. My cousin who is 9 plays pretty aggressive video games which I think is crazy. He is only nine!! Afterwards he would always want to wrestle with me. I find it to be fun and entertaining but at the same time I wonder if him playing video games make him more aggressive and want to wrestle more. Like wise, I myself have played video games before and when I do play aggressive ones I find myself not aggressive afterwards and want to punch something. I also think it depends on the type of person you are also and your personality. If you get mad easily or if you don't get mad at all. Factors that could increase aggression could be personal problems you have yourself or anything really. When I get angry I have a tendency to build all my emotions inside of me and not talk to anymore and than when I can't handle it anymore I explode and go crazy...literally. There are many different ways aggression could trigger a person and sometimes you just can't help it. I know people who automatically tell what is wrong with them right away and are very nonaggressive towards anything. But at the same time, there are people (like me:)) who keep all there emotions inside of themselves and don't let them out until they can't take it anymore. What could be done is when playing video games you can have a time limit for children and make sure they obey it. Also, you could make sure that kids play the correct type of game. As in no T, M, or A ones. If they are old enough and know what games they are playing I think go for it. But realize what actions could be brought if playing the games to often.
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