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clay tried his hardest at having a private life, but being an actor often times didn't let that happen. he couldn't get mad at it because he chose this life. he chose to be an actor, which in return he chose what comes with it. he was in a romance movie that all the critics were loving and there was a huge fanbase with it. this was also his first big movie. the night of his movie premiere was when his girlfriend went into labor a month early and he missed it. what he didn't know was that night that as suppose to be an amazing night turned into the last time he saw his girlfriend. the celebrity news sites and such put his baby news out into the open, but no one knew about his girlfriend and the mother of his baby was gone. he was able to grieve that with his family and his girlfriend's family. the doctor and his family forced him to go to therapy and he was suggested a meeting at the hospital so that's where he went. the first time he went too many of the single parents knew who he was so he stopped. he kept trying different times. he had one more option left. it also happen to be the one jezebel went to after work. the meeting was a great place for resources, way to vent, way to feel not alone, among other things. he walked into the meeting room early to talk to the instructor. eventually it was time for the meeting and single parents were coming in , but there wasn't that many because it was late. there was a seat open next to him. it was about time to start the meeting and the instructor was about to start when the door opened and in came a woman in a waitress uniform.

isaac had been going to therapy since he was five years old. that was when he lost his mother and almost his life. fortunately he came out okay with just a scar on his chest. his dad being a doctor never allowed isaac to stop therapy because it was for the best of his mental health and he could his son's mental health seriously. isaac has gone to different therapists, but when he started college he went to a new therapist closer to the campus. for his second year of college he decided to go somewhere else and transfer which meant a new therapist. he started seeing this therapist who was a woman the summer before he started his second year. this therapist did things a little differently. she had many clients who lost family members so once a week she would have a group meeting where others could share and not feel alone. that's where isaac met carmen. he thought she was beautiful, but he could see she was just as broken as him. they often talked before the meeting started while hanging out at the food table. they didn't talk other than that. flash forward a couple months and he was finally moved in to his dorm which he shared with a random person. the guy seemed cool, but not someone he would hang out with on purpose. they just didn't have same interests or anything is all. all he had in his backpack was a notebook and a pen. the first week of classes felt like a joke to him and he was prepared to do anything serious. he walked into the building where one of his classes was. it took him a few minutes to find the room number, but he found it. he walked in and sat at a table and passed the time by scrolling on social media. for some reason he looked up when someone was walking in and there he saw her. he saw the girl he'd been talking to before therapy meetings once a week for the past month and a half. it was strange to him that he saw her in a different setting. "hey. it's carmen right?" he seemed a little unsure when he asked the question.
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