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If all but one person in the group has had a turn to speak, the group should _____
repeat everything that was already said.
mock the person who has not spoken for being shy.
encourage the person who has not spoken to speak. *
move quickly to the next topic to stay on track.

Which of the following statements about gathering information for a speech is false?
It’s best to categorize your sources according to the type of information they provide.
Identifying trustworthy sources of information is a good idea.
You should begin with general research about your broader topic before researching your specific topic.
You do not need to do research if you are familiar with your topic. *

What can you learn from an elevation map?
distances between cities
population of different areas
temperature of different areas
height of geographical formations *

According to the graph, in what year were there two million farms?
1995 *

Paying close attention to what someone is saying and being able to repeat what was said is an example of _____
passive listening. *
active listening.

What percent of a teen’s time is spent sleeping?
29% *

Which of the following would be the most effective feedback to give in a peer review?
“The beginning of your paper is boring, so I didn’t finish reading it because I thought it was stupid.”
“The topic of your paper is clear and interesting in the beginning, but you might need to add more details to give your topic more clarity.”
“I liked your paper. It was fun to read.” *
“I didn’t understand what you were trying to say.”

What kind of listening involves listening for facts and details to understand the speaker’s message?
critical *

Which of the following is the best reason to assign roles in a group discussion?
so that the group can look for strengths and weaknesses in the ideas *
so that one person gets to be in charge of everything all the time
so that no one takes credit for all of the work that is completed
so that no one is left feeling as though he or she did all the work

During which stage of the listening process would you determine how well you understood a speech?
evaluation *
active involvement
taking notes

Pronouncing key words loudly for emphasis is _____ used in public speaking.
an example of rhetorical language
a prewriting strategy
a verbal strategy *
a nonverbal strategy


Look at the graph. How much more wheat is grown in Baker Plains than in Tyson Plateau?
1,000 bushels
500 bushels
1,500 bushels *
2,000 bushels

How would you fix the following steps to match the six-step process for preparing a speech?

1. Select an appropriate topic.
2. Limit your subject.
3. Determine the purpose of your speech.
4. Outline your speech.
5. Gather information for your speech.
6. Practice your speech.
switch steps 1 and 2
switch steps 5 and 6
switch steps 2 and 4 *
switch steps 4 and 5

What is the purpose of a peer review?
to learn listening skills
to help writers revise their drafts
to help writers learn their weaknesses *
to teach debating skills

Using gestures and facial expressions is _____ used in public speaking.
a verbal strategy
an example of rhetorical language
a brainstorming strategy
a nonverbal strategy *

What type of listening is most appropriate during a group discussion?

In group discussion, what is the best reason you should respect the opinions of others even if you do not agree with them?
because the teacher might give you a failing grade if you do not listen
because everyone should have a chance to speak
because it will improve your listening skills and understanding of other points of view *
because the facilitator will get angry with you if you do not pay attention

Which type of visual aid would you use to show the relationship of parts to one another and to the whole?
a bar graph
a map
a pie chart *
a line graph

For which of the following situations would you most likely use appreciative listening?
when someone is giving a speech
when someone is trying to sell you something
when someone is asking you for advice *
when someone is playing music

Which of the following guidelines would not be helpful when evaluating a speech?
Did the speaker use verbal strategies, nonverbal strategies, and rhetorical language to reinforce the information?
Did the speaker introduce the topic clearly?
Did the speaker support each main idea with appropriate details?
Did the speaker pick the topic, or was the topic assigned? *

Grade: 70%
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